Italy bans "too thin" models


Jun 19, 2002
in your face
xxxstar said:
They should also ban overweight women from modeling. The law must be balance.
Its all based on preferences. IMHO they should ban sticks from modelling.

Don said:
Well, no ban is needed because the industry does not prefer overweight models in general.
The trend is moving back to shapier dames. BBW is my cherry pie.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Alexis696969 said:
well i thought modeling was discrimination ,silly me .....if your not tall enough ........if your not anerexic enough some think 18.5 is ridickulous .....try explaining to my niece she cant be a model because she doesnt have that 1% look of one thats discrimination ! Ive met enough boneracks that have been druggies ....that seems to becoming a fad these days too .....hope it changes too
Not to sound like I'm constantly jumping all over you or anything but have you ever watched any runway shows live? Or talked to anyone involved in the modelling industry?

While there are models that are tall, there are also models that are relatively short (5-5 5-6). Next time you see a show, look at the heels the girls are wearing, THAT is what makes em tall.

It is not that they aren't thin enough to become models, talk to any photographer/talent scout and they will tell you that it is whether or not they have "it". Take a look at Jennifer Aniston. She's not really that attractive when you break it down but she does have "it". They call "it" star quality. Has anyone seen some of the so-called super models lately? Remove the pro makeup and hair and I wouldn't even look twice at them on the street but look really closely, and they DO have "it".

I live in an area that is dominated by photographers and they (aw shucks it's tough I know) often have cattle calls. I've walked into my lobby a number of times to see a herd o' hotties and I could tell within 10 feet who was going to get the booking and who wasn't. It's not that they weren't attractive, some were totally doable, but as a model? hmmm no.....

BTW: remember trends are trends and the stick figure models of the 60's is long gone. (remember the first supermodel twiggy?) In the 50's they were more voluptuous, thin in the 60's, more shapely in the 80's and now they are going "fit".


Oct 19, 2005
tboy said:
Not to sound like I'm constantly jumping all over you or anything but have you ever watched any runway shows live? Or talked to anyone involved in the modelling industry?

While there are models that are tall, there are also models that are relatively short (5-5 5-6). Next time you see a show, look at the heels the girls are wearing, THAT is what makes em tall.

It is not that they aren't thin enough to become models, talk to any photographer/talent scout and they will tell you that it is whether or not they have "it". Take a look at Jennifer Aniston. She's not really that attractive when you break it down but she does have "it". They call "it" star quality. Has anyone seen some of the so-called super models lately? Remove the pro makeup and hair and I wouldn't even look twice at them on the street but look really closely, and they DO have "it".

I live in an area that is dominated by photographers and they (aw shucks it's tough I know) often have cattle calls. I've walked into my lobby a number of times to see a herd o' hotties and I could tell within 10 feet who was going to get the booking and who wasn't. It's not that they weren't attractive, some were totally doable, but as a model? hmmm no.....

BTW: remember trends are trends and the stick figure models of the 60's is long gone. (remember the first supermodel twiggy?) In the 50's they were more voluptuous, thin in the 60's, more shapely in the 80's and now they are going "fit".

I hear what your saying ,cause my step sister made it the big magazines and shes only 5'6 and she has made covers etc...heres the thing yes she makes a living but she is continuously stuck on a level that is never bigtime because of her height ...I suggested she goes into acting cause thats the only way she could move it up a notch ....yes shes naturally beautiful but she doesnt get most gigs because of height ....she only makes fashion shows that arent a biggy no matter how high her shoes are or how good she looks in swimwear or lingeree etc...nomatter how many magazines or covers she just doesnt make it on the level as the 5'10 chick .Yes she does ok ,and thats where it stays ,lots of hotties that are her height are always wishing they had that extra height to make it in the big leagues .They have to work harder to have an edge because its more common and easily replaced in a snap .


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
tboy said:
While there are models that are tall, there are also models that are relatively short (5-5 5-6). Next time you see a show, look at the heels the girls are wearing, THAT is what makes em tall.
There are models of that height but among the elite supermodels, it is rare to see models under 5'8". This is slowing changing partially as the modeling world is realizing the appeal of asian women (both to men around the world and to target the asian market). However height (long legs more than anything else) is still an advantage in the industry.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
Don said:
Somewhat... I do think there is a double standard for men at times. But my main beef has been a hard law made that seems to condemn people at some value with I think is nonsense. Like I said, 18.5 BMI is not something that the government should consider bannable. Some girls are naturally thin and now you have a government coming in and saying that they are abnormal and should be ashamed of themselves.

I agree...during my teenage years and early twenties I was VERY thin. Not because I tried to be - I was just naturally very skinny and I hated it. I was constantly trying to gain weight but to no avail. (That all changed when I hit 24 or so, lol). If you think overweight people are the only ones who are self-conscious about their bodies, think again. The ban could certainly make naturally skinny girls feel ashamed. That being said, something does have to be done about all the ones that are starving themselves to look like that - it's a tough call.


Mar 20, 2006
I have worked as a model and to get anywhere you do need to be tall and thin. Many agencies won't take anyone under 5'8". Maybe they will let you go in a mall show or take your mommy's money to make you a good portfolio but it is over after that except for some type of minor specialty modelling. To model clothing you must be tall and thin. I attended Sheridan which has a good fashion program. the fashion design students won't work with short modelling students (who only get in because they are related to someone) and the college usually won't take anyone under 5'8".

I too was one of those who was thin and not by choice and I was also self-conscious because people have no problem droning on about how thin one is and how they should eat more. I ate more then any of my friends and until i was 20 I had to just to maintain my bonerack status.

rick dickulous

hard cock, will cunnil
Jan 4, 2006
Did you ever suggest she go into porn?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Enduser: awwww poor wittle babeee, she had to take care of herself and only made $1000.00 a day? Didn't get to stay at the ritz? Hell, I know (myself included) that had/have to work a hell of a lot harder for a lot less money....Sorry, your friend doesn't get any sympathy from me.

As for so many models not making the "super model" status. Hell, that works in EVERY field. How many Bill Gates are there? How many Superstars in Sports? Look at any field and you will see that there are few and far between that make the really big bucks. To work in your chosen field and to be able to make a living at it, well that's something then isn't it?

I think too many artists, models, photographers pine away with delusions of grandeur thinking they will be the next big thing where truth be known, the competition is SO high in these fields they end up being mediocre at best.

As for legislatiing style and size of models, I should think (Brazil especially) should concentrate more on feeding their starving populace instead of worrying about models dying of dyslexia.....

As for being unhealthy due to trying to fit that "weight" limit, the way I look at it, every industry has health risks and demands that are trying on the body and mind. If you want to be a model, you have to be careful to maintain your body image, that's the peril with the fashion industry. It isn't that difficult to eat healthy and not gain weight.

I think the real problem with the fashion/model industry is the lifestyle and mental challenges more than anything. The fast and loose lifestyle causes more damage than keeping thin. Throw tons of cash at anyone and eventually it will damage their psyche....


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
rick dickulous said:
Did you ever suggest she go into porn?
Funny thing is that a lot of the super hot porn stars are girls who failed in the modeling or acting biz. Interesting to note that a lot of porn stars are also shorter, often 5'6" or less which makes me believe that it was their height that held them back 'cause otherwise they look absolutely perfect.
Don said:
Well, no ban is needed because the industry does not prefer overweight models in general.
True in general. But there is a niche for plus size models. Frederick & others are rushing to tap that market. Considering 20-30% (depend on which survey) Americans are over-weight.

She's one of the better known model, think her specialty is modelling jeans

Too thin or Obese - both extremes are dangerous.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
FatOne said:
But the fashion world is there for fags and chicks. It really doesn't matter what hetro males think. Unless it comes time to assign blame, then it is all our fault.
:D So true.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
MissCroft said:
I agree...during my teenage years and early twenties I was VERY thin. Not because I tried to be - I was just naturally very skinny and I hated it. I was constantly trying to gain weight but to no avail. (That all changed when I hit 24 or so, lol).
I naturally gain weight and I hate it. :D
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