Issues Concerning Privacy


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Recently, I 've taken to seeing SP's at my residence (I live in an upscale building) as this is preferrable to shelling out additional $$$ for a hotel room.

I've taken great pains to request that the agency inform the ladies I see about my specific requests to maintain discretion at all times. I.e. asking them to wear casual clothing, giving me the "info slip" so that I may destroy it personally, entering/ exiting the premesis in a quiet manner etc.. I do this primarily to avoid attracting the attention of security and/or the neighbours. So far, it seems to be working well.

My question is, in the event that a lady is not as discrete as I would like (circumstances beyond my control) and suspicions as to my activities are aroused, could there be any negative reprocussions if the matter was brought to the attention of the property manager by another tenant or a guard, for instance?

Also, for those of you who also see ladies in your building, do you have similar concerns?? Are you conscientious about maintaining your privacy, or could you care less about what the neighbours think??

Your thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.


Miss Calgary
Aug 3, 2002
good question

Hi drlove,

As a gal who only goes out and knows all the smirky, shameless doormen in the city (not Toronto), I would like to post some of my thoughts on the subject:

1) No matter how you do it, the chances are, there's nothing more interesting for doormen to notice than what's going on with each tenant. Just one unfamiliar beauty visiting you once is a telltale sign.

2) As you know already, have her dressed just casual--or like one guy did, ask her to pretend to be a "delivery gal" (oh c'mon!!) Try good indies so that you can address your concerns for sure.

3) For added security, you might still want to alternate "in" and "out" evenly so that your activities are not so noticeable.

4) But hey drlove, don't be a timid slave to the security or management--it's your place you pay for!! You have the right to do whatever you want to. Unless ladies make enormous noise or you invite them waaaaay too late/early, you should be able to have fun ;)
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Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
True... however, I'm just worried that the lady herself may let something's happened to me before; such as saying something like "thanks for using the service" as she's walking out the door. Since there are often other tenants walking around in the hallways, I would not want them to overhear such a statement.

On a related note, I've even taken to making afternoon bookings on days like Sunday instead of Friday or Saturday night to lessen the chance of anyone suspecting.

Any other words of wisdom, anyone??
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