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ISO Boot Camp for women with eating problems.


New member
Jun 22, 2010
I have a dear female friend who has a difficult time saying no to food. Especially junk food. Eats for a lot of reasons that she cannot control. Wondering if anyone knows of any Boot Camp type programs specifically geared for women with this problem. Something in Southern Ontario or close by preferred. Thanks a bunch on this one!


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
It's not going to help her eating problem. The extra burning of food through boot camp will just allow her to eat more crap. She needs to clean out her pantry and fridge and replace it with veggies, fruits, lean meats, fish...
I think you need to do it for her and help her through it.


New member
Jun 22, 2010
It's not going to help her eating problem. The extra burning of food through boot camp will just allow her to eat more crap. She needs to clean out her pantry and fridge and replace it with veggies, fruits, lean meats, fish...
I think you need to do it for her and help her through it.
Thanks for your input. Makes a lot of sense but, as the old adage says, been there-done that! This woman is quite an enigma (aren't they all really?). She will go 3 or 4 months eating very healthy. Able to recite how many calories and how much fat any type of food has. Then, bingo: she's back to eating crap. She told me herself: I need someone to tell me what to do. She has joined various fitness institutions/clubs. About the only thing she hasn't tried is the boot camp approach. Hence, my posting. Help!


Independent Escort
Apr 11, 2010
From your description I'm not sure how extreme your friends eating problem is - exactly how healthy, then how crappy. But if she "eats for a lot of reasons that she cannot control" then going to a boot camp is not going to help her root problem any more than the other failed exercise programs have. She needs to seek professional help to resolve the "reasons she cannot control". Eating disorders have many different faces, while she may not fit the classic diagnosis of anorexia, bulimia or compulsive overeating, she may be one of the many who fit in the ED-NOS category - eating disorder not otherwise specified. Kind of a catch all term for people with eating disorders who are not outlined in the classic texts. Its a very real disorder. If its not too sensitive a subject (well anymore then telling your friends she's looking fat and needs a trip to bootcamp) then recommending a therapist/counsellor would be more helpful in my opinion. Good luck!


Durham's Best Kept Secret
Thanks for your input. Makes a lot of sense but, as the old adage says, been there-done that! This woman is quite an enigma (aren't they all really?). She will go 3 or 4 months eating very healthy. Able to recite how many calories and how much fat any type of food has. Then, bingo: she's back to eating crap. She told me herself: I need someone to tell me what to do. She has joined various fitness institutions/clubs. About the only thing she hasn't tried is the boot camp approach. Hence, my posting. Help!
I would be concerned about other factors creating this pattern of behaviour. Mental, enviromental, emotional etc. Look to see what those are. Where her motivation falls and why? What is going on at the 3-4 month mark that makes this happen.

I know a seasonal Bi-polar person who does this exact same thing. Manic phase=perfect health minus lots of binge drinking of course. Depressed phase=junk eating but no drinking. Very strange, but that is how she works.

So that is where I would start. Look for the reason why it stops.....
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