Isn't it time to start banning trolls who make reviewing just not worth it?

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
The only problem with banning trolls, is that they keep returning under different handles, (ie. Daniel). Possibly the best thing that can be done until the Mods. deal with the situation is just to ignore them, or alternately to block them. The reason trolls exist is to get a rise out of people. If nobody answers their stupid questions, or replies to their disrespectful overtones most likely they will either get bored and move along, or cross the line and be banned.

I for one am not willing to give up on this site at the moment, and will continue posting reviews when I see an SP, (though it has not been often lately), despite being mocked by those of lesser intelligence. Calm and cool always wins over loud and obnoxious. Every time.


My name is CP, and I`m a victim of the trolls.


It`s like some people really think you actually owe them something. My troll is really pissed that I took the ToFTT trophy home, well troll you can have the damn trophy back! gosh... And the $1000 the board gave me as a prize... hehe

One thing I`ve noticed, the more organized your writing style and the better the use of punctuations it appears the more trolls you can attract to a thread! I say ban proper punctuation and the problem will hopefully go away.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Very good case in point, I think ...

The best way to respond to a troll is NOT!! Responding to their asinine comments just feeds them - ignore them and they will lose interest and seek another activity such as a thread where they CAN start a flame war or possibly putting dog crap on a neighbors porch.

Use your ignore list liberally, if you stay out of the politics and sports sections, it won't have to be near as long.;)

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Its hard not to answer back when they twist what you wrote...but maybe thats the best way...take your time if you write a review and try to say everything ment to be said once and move on.


Aug 25, 2001
Andy Stitzer said:
Quick banning actions helps also. I am been on 2 much bigger boards than this one and the difference is like night and day. So busy that they had to shut down the search function permanently. No bullshit thread/post count building crap. Everyone is well behaved. If you ask a question, either on or off topic, you can generally get a real answer, with perhaps one silly answer for every serious one at worst, here its often 1 to 10 in the other direction unless it involves something tragic. If you break they rules, they crack down quick, and they have lots of rules, at least one board banned the discussion of religion and the middle east because it angrys up the blood and the arguments that result never solve anything. However it works well, international membership and all.
Its chaos here on terb, and it isn't working very well.
What are the names of the 2 escort review boards that have more than 86,000 members?
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
The "banning" part of my post was rhetorical. I actually think the only thing that will work is other posters going after trolls, basically telling them that reviewers don't have to review and creating a community response which supports people who actually take the time to review.

I review a fraction of the girls I see, like many here, and the more I review, the more I seem to take shit, because I find it outrageous that when I or other guys are TOFTT'ing that you would start getting demanding about certain things. It boggles the mind. Especially annoying when the guys who are shrieking don't seem to understand why you wouldn't be absolutely clear about what you got or can get.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Mao Tse Tongue said:
I review a fraction of the girls I see, like many here, and the more I review, the more I seem to take shit, because I find it outrageous that when I or other guys are TOFTT'ing that you would start getting demanding about certain things. It boggles the mind.
Yes it does.


May 27, 2005
Mao Tse Tongue said:
I review a fraction of the girls I see, like many here, and the more I review, the more I seem to take shit, because I find it outrageous that when I or other guys are TOFTT'ing that you would start getting demanding about certain things. It boggles the mind. Especially annoying when the guys who are shrieking don't seem to understand why you wouldn't be absolutely clear about what you got or can get.
Just PM me your reviews from now on


Sep 30, 2004
Sheriff's Office
Mao Tse Tongue said:
The "banning" part of my post was rhetorical. I actually think the only thing that will work is other posters going after trolls, basically telling them that reviewers don`t have to review and creating a community response which supports people who actually take the time to review.
That is the purpose of the "Sheriff`s Office."

crystalpalace said:
My name is CP, and I`m a victim of the trolls.

Sounds like a job for the Sheriff`s Office... let me take a look and I will get rid of your troll problem. :)


Jul 3, 2007
Mao Tse Tongue said:
The "banning" part of my post was rhetorical. I actually think the only thing that will work is other posters going after trolls, basically telling them that reviewers don't have to review and creating a community response which supports people who actually take the time to review.
Agreed. Like in Mao's thread on the Deconstructionist, when enough people jumped on those two punks, they disappeared. I really believe that for every punk comment on a review, there would at least be ten other members who are appreciative. But they don't jump in in defense of the reviewer. I still remember that time when VBB did a review of his adventures overseas and a few punks ridiculed it as useless and showoffs. I didn't jump in to piss on those punks. I am still feeling sorry for my inertia. And wonder at times whether that episode has anything to do with the long absence of VBB's reviews.


New member
Feb 15, 2004
Mao Tse Tongue said:
The "banning" part of my post was rhetorical. I actually think the only thing that will work is other posters going after trolls, basically telling them that reviewers don't have to review and creating a community response which supports people who actually take the time to review.

I review a fraction of the girls I see, like many here, and the more I review, the more I seem to take shit, because I find it outrageous that when I or other guys are TOFTT'ing that you would start getting demanding about certain things. It boggles the mind. Especially annoying when the guys who are shrieking don't seem to understand why you wouldn't be absolutely clear about what you got or can get.
You are right on Mao. there are a bunch of us out here that hobby occasionally, value the reviews as presented, and shake our heads at those chowderheads who criticize, condemn and complain about the content (or lack therof), writing stye, punctuation, or try to shine as some kind of paragon of virtue by being the first to cry "SHILL".

I will read what I want, and if I want more info, I may PM, or just go and find out for myself!!!! It's exciting and it's PART OF THE HOBBY!!

I also think that these wankers need to be quickly identified and then vilified by the rest of us----- maybe they'll go away

Mao, I feel for ya, but don't let those dumbfucks get to you.

Remember-- He who angers you, controls you.

Carry on men!!!


Aug 25, 2001
Andy Stitzer said:
Like Options menu said, I never said escort boards.
No kiddin'!!!!
Point being you can't compare apples to oranges!Community makeup would be entirely different!

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
TheShadow said:
No kiddin'!!!!
Point being you can't compare apples to oranges!Community makeup would be entirely different!
Not really.

Something Awful: A mixed group, mostly men, many lonely geeks.

Terb: A mixed group, mostly men, many lonely geeks.

There is a very large proportion of on-line communities that share those basic demographics. Indeed, I think I recognize some people from other places here.

Mind you, Terb has it's own culture, but that's hardly unique... Most place develop there own 'isms' even with roughly the same demographics.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Well you really can not compare other sites--like say Trip Advisor--with an escort review site cause not everybody dates escorts. You get a certian type of guys....

I might get some slack about this..but I believe theres the shy type, the bully type--won't kiss butt and can't give flowers even--The too much $$ to know what else to do and The weird types--dress me up like a baby, a women, etc and hopefully the "just wanna enjoy life and women" guys...which would be great if they only posted reviews.

We get the bullys on here as Trolls..

Theres also trolls who might have a $$$ involed, herself, her GF or Bf, the company owner--even their driver--fewer dates, less they need a driver.

Still say Terb is OK when you look at other sites.


Aug 25, 2001
The Options Menu said:
Not really.

Something Awful: A mixed group, mostly men, many lonely geeks.

Terb: A mixed group, mostly men, many lonely geeks.

There is a very large proportion of on-line communities that share those basic demographics. Indeed, I think I recognize some people from other places here.

Mind you, Terb has it's own culture, but that's hardly unique... Most place develop there own 'isms' even with roughly the same demographics.
Sorry,still disagree.
The underlying motivation for being a member here is not the same as elsewhere.Output on this board is based on a different type of input.

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
TheShadow said:
Sorry,still disagree.
The underlying motivation for being a member here is not the same as elsewhere.Output on this board is based on a different type of input.
Well yes, we're not here to discuss Anime-- There is undoubtedly a selection bias here, but the demographics aren't that unique. It's more of 'just a different subset drawn from the same pool' to a large extent. (And that's not to say that there aren't people who are Terb only.)

As all on-line communities are. The demographics here aren't that anomalous, as is illustrated by the simple fact that most online meta-norms apply here. One would think that other moderation techniques that were imported from 'the wild' could also apply here. (Not to say that that needs to be done.)
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