Isn't it time to start banning trolls who make reviewing just not worth it?

Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
So I post a review:

I like to think it`s helpful, as simple and precise as can be. Then the troll SERDIVAN arrives to annoy me to no end. He`s joined by another troll who calls me "arrogant" for thinking that anyone would want a massage without a release, despite such threads getting thousands of page views and a loyal following. Never mind the fact that Daddy arrives to patiently explain to the trolls that the whole experience of getting a massage no matter what the place is happens to be a question of YMMV. I`ve gotten releases in places that were strictly no release, so I understand why it would be both damaging to a place and dishonest to say "releases are standard" in a review. The trolls don`t get this.

Honestly guys, I`m just one guy, nothing special, but I am seriously considering not reviewing again in the future. Who needs the fucking hassle? We`re letting the weeds overpower the flowers here, and I for one think it`s ruining the place.

I`ve been on TERB for seven years in various guises, and the first thing you learn here is to read between the lines and know what should get posted in a review and what shouldn`t. If you don`t know that and understand the reasons then you should STFU until you do. Use PM`s!

But the more you make it difficult for people who have more knowledge than you to post, the more you destroy the system and its results. Only the online world emboldens people to put rudeness ahead of deference to knowledge.

Anyone with me on this??


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
I think you need to relax a little Mao, you seem very uptight and edgy
(not just in that thread but others also).

Having said that Serdivan does come across as argumentative
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Esco! said:
I think you need to relax a little Mao, you seem very uptight and edgy
(not just in that thread but others also).

Having said that Serdivan does come across as argumentative
Maybe I'm edgy because of what I see as an increasingly unpleasant vibe on TERB, mostly because of the trolls. I remember when Fred used to explictly protect reviewers in threads by saying "hey, without reviewers, this board dries up." I've attacked reviewers who I thought were shills or agenda-pushing, but when you go after people who are genuinely providing information to the board, and the tone of acknowledgement is replaced by shrill hair-splitting, we're into something else. Of course, the vast majority of people are appreciative, many of them of them silently so, which is cool, but you also have an army of people who won't read, won't do the work, and then scream when they're not spoon fed.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Mao Tse Tongue said:
Maybe I'm edgy because of what I see as an increasingly unpleasant vibe on TERB, mostly because of the trolls. I remember when Fred used to explictly protect reviewers in threads by saying "hey, without reviewers, this board dries up." I've attacked reviewers who I thought were shills or agenda-pushing, but when you go after people who are genuinely providing information to the board, and the tone of acknowledgement is replaced by shrill hair-splitting, we're into something else. Of course, the vast majority of people are appreciative, many of them of them silently so, which is cool, but you also have an army of people who won't read, won't do the work, and then scream when they're not spoon fed.
I agree totally. Granted I do not post many reviews at this time, (hope to start shortly again), I have also found that many reviewers come under attack for many reasons. The most common one I am finding is for seeing an MP/SP the general consensus has a different taste in. Damn shame really. When I see an SP I usually post about it (unless there are already a ton of reviews and I have nothing to add), and I do this because of the help this board has given me. I have been flamed by both members and agencies. So be it. I really don't give a shit at this point. My reviews are 100% honest and accurate as I see them. One can also be assured that I have NEVER taken a 'freebie' or discount from an agency, either from goodwill or as a bargaining agent to post a good review. If anyone wants to flame me either for my tastes in SP's, or whether I get a happy ending or not... go ahead. It shows the complete lack of maturity of some members.

With all that being said, I think the mods. are going a good job. Yes I would like to see swift and severe action taken against the shit disturbers, but I also understand that everyone is entitled to an opinion, be it good or bad. There will be a time people cross the line and will be dealt with accordingly.

Just my opinion.


Nov 5, 2005
Mao Tse Tongue said:
Maybe I'm edgy because of what I see as an increasingly unpleasant vibe on TERB, mostly because of the trolls. I remember when Fred used to explictly protect reviewers in threads by saying "hey, without reviewers, this board dries up." I've attacked reviewers who I thought were shills or agenda-pushing, but when you go after people who are genuinely providing information to the board, and the tone of acknowledgement is replaced by shrill hair-splitting, we're into something else. Of course, the vast majority of people are appreciative, many of them of them silently so, which is cool, but you also have an army of people who won't read, won't do the work, and then scream when they're not spoon fed.
I agree wholeheartedly with Mao....and Mao there are a number of us who have made it clear in the aforementioned thread of our support of you and our frustration with the ugly vibe of some members that spoil the overall sense of cooperation that this board has when it works best..."don't let the bastards get you down"


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2002
I'm curious as to what the leech:reviewer ratio is on here. I'm sure it's pretty high, at any rate. I've been both. It depends on your financial situation (i.e. no money = stick with well reviewed SP/MPA's).

I'm all in favour of cracking down on people that needlessly criticize reviews. Especially those that don't contribute reviews to the board. Maybe we should call in York cops, since they know a thing or two about cracking down! :)

R the Man

Variety's the spice...
Oct 9, 2002
Somewhere in La La Land
I review, and I have also criticized reviews...the uninformative ones that look like shills (mostly first posters). I am most annoyed with vague reviews. Not the case with Mao.



The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
100% agree

Mao Tse Tongue said:
Maybe I'm edgy because of what I see as an increasingly unpleasant vibe on TERB, mostly because of the trolls. I remember when Fred used to explictly protect reviewers in threads by saying "hey, without reviewers, this board dries up." I've attacked reviewers who I thought were shills or agenda-pushing, but when you go after people who are genuinely providing information to the board, and the tone of acknowledgement is replaced by shrill hair-splitting, we're into something else. Of course, the vast majority of people are appreciative, many of them of them silently so, which is cool, but you also have an army of people who won't read, won't do the work, and then scream when they're not spoon fed.
There seems to be a small, relatively new cohort of posters who seem the think that the main purpose of a review or post is to set up a context for pointless internet arguments. These posts tend to be immature, tedious hair-splitting or designed to poke holes in original post just to elicit some response. I'm reminded of Milhouse on the Simpsons who says "Trouble is a form of attention!"

I post fairly rarely - I was more active, but when I saw that the my sense of humour and values weren't shared by the majority of the community, I slowed down. I try to just post now when I think I have something meaningful to add, after I've carefully read the pre-existing posts.

Mao, I know you're frustrated, and with 2800+ posts I'd be frustrated with some 100 poster needling you for no apparent reason.

Sometimes I wonder if these 'new' posters are existing members who have decided to create a new persona specifically to annoy the shit out of people without risking their 'main' handle...


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
Yes and no

Yes I am irritated by trolls who demand more information or cry shill when they are not familiar with the lady , the poster or the multitude of real giveaways on a shill . Perhaps their should be should be a defined criteria before you can play the shill card .

The no part comes in when I see reviewers trying to be so cute with their reviews that how they write the review becomes secondary to the review. TERB embodies the principle of free speech ( kind of , LOL) so members can write in the style of their choice. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't . When it doesn't work it only serves to piss people off because they took the time to read the post and find out an important or even the pivotal bit of information is hidden behind some vague word or phrase like " technically it's available" . Nothing personal Mao but you asked so I thought it only fair to use your example . Just answer the question , Yes , No , I don't know . Not everybody gets challenged on their reviews . If you aren't going to be clear then you run the risk of being challenged .

I would just like to encourage reviewers that have a need to put all that expensive English training to work end their reviews with a nice summary of :

Length of session,
Cost ,
( if you got above what was advertised then consider your
lucky and keep it to yourself )
Level of Satisfaction - Numbers or verbage according to your preference

I certainly would not want to discourage anybody's aspirations to emulate D.H. Lawrence , Henry Miller or Vatsayana but don't forget your primary mission is to impart information . It doesn't preclude you from telling us what a great fuck you are or your dick is as big as a Go train ( he never gets to Greece) but just cover off the important stuff while you do it .


New member
Aug 10, 2008
As a new member of these boards, I would like to publicly acknowledge the helpfulness of the advice Mao recently provided to me.

In reviewing the referenced post, perhaps Serdivan truly did not understand what Mao meant when he said that a release was "technically possible." Or perhaps Serdivan thought he would engage Mao in some friendly banter that Mao took offense to. Yes Mao, I can understand your sense of frustration but I think it would be unfortunate if you were to cease providing newcomers like myself with the benefit of your knowledge and advice. To do so would be analogous to an individual finding out that the monies he has been contributing to one of his favorite charities have mostly been going to pay the salaries of its top executives. What should this individual do? Stop contributing to all charities just because of one bad apple? Hopefully not.

Mao, you can't control the actions of others, you can only control the way you react. My advice is that if you find yourself becoming frustrated because the dialogue is going nowhere, you can chose to end it by politely saying something like, "I thought my response was clear. I'm sorry if you did not find it so. But there's really nothing more I can add." And then move on with your life. It has been my experience that you're not going to win every debate even if you are right.

Garden of Eden Ladies

#1 Gem Finder!
Supporting Member
Mao Tse Tongue said:
Maybe I'm edgy because of what I see as an increasingly unpleasant vibe on TERB, mostly because of the trolls. I remember when Fred used to explictly protect reviewers in threads by saying "hey, without reviewers, this board dries up." I've attacked reviewers who I thought were shills or agenda-pushing, but when you go after people who are genuinely providing information to the board, and the tone of acknowledgement is replaced by shrill hair-splitting, we're into something else. Of course, the vast majority of people are appreciative, many of them of them silently so, which is cool, but you also have an army of people who won't read, won't do the work, and then scream when they're not spoon fed.
I totally agree with you. Terb is nothing like it was back then. The vibe back then was totally different. There was a lot more positive and fun people. There was always people cracking jokes or doing funny stuff and the whole atmosphere was fun. Sometimes I wonder if Fred is taking a backseat recently with Terb and spending more time with his Lotto. A lot of the old members are banned or left and now a days members are always crying and complaining over this and that. Getting mad when links aren't posted, calling shill with no proof. Trying to split hairs over the smallest details and guys asking other guys to write reviews about new ladies so they can go see them. Thats so crazy.. and you always have to watch what you say because it might offend or upset an advertiser. There is also the constant rumors about Terb having no credibility because of a few mods.

I thought Terb for supposed to be a community and the purpose of this community was to help each other out and share information. Not to attack or criticize other members. I remember when reviewing ladies was about finding that rare hidden gem or about protecting the other members from disappointment. Even just to share their experiences. Members would be excited to TOFTT to report back about the findings. (seems like only the sheriff and his deputy are the only ones left) Back then people used to help each other out and nobody would consider a lady not worth seeing because she doesn't offer the whole alpabet of services. Now a days some people think your crazy if your looking for a lady who only provides CBJ and if your not a GFE escort you shouldn't be working.

I really think something needs to be seriously done to increase the amount of reviews and decrease the amount of trolls and people who don't contribute positively. If not then Terb will fall to the same fate as some the other review boards that are not as popular. Something needs to be done to attract more people to review and stop the trolls from doing so much damage. If only we could bring Homonger back.

I do have a few ideas on how to change things a little. I am just not sure if everyone will like it.



a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Nicole King said:
I do have a few ideas on how to change things a little. I am just not sure if everyone will like it.


Please, spill the beans Nicole, I for one would love to hear your ideas. Even if they are not implemented by Fred, perhaps we all might learn something.


Nov 8, 2005
I realize that Mao is a totally respected board member and reviewer:) . IMHO, to avoid all this controversy MTT should have just said that Kay does not provide a happy ending---lol. Case closed. Let's keep things simple!


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
I agree, frankly I have stopped posting reviews due to ass wipes like that. Some people think reviews are supposed to be penthouse forum and read them as jack off material with no intention of ever seeing an SP. I have no prob with that but just shaddap if a review does not meet your needs move on. All I need to know is, are the pics real, is the SP nice, and is service good....then it's either on TDL or not.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Mao Tse Tongue said:
I remember when Fred used to explictly protect reviewers in threads by saying "hey, without reviewers, this board dries up." [/B]
No longer the case, it's all about advertisers these days. Get used to it!:mad:


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Nice ...

thetree1 said:

Nice cat!
is not a word that comes immediately to mind, but certainly interesting. Is that what happens when you feed a regular cat after midnight and then expose it to water?:confused:

Garden of Eden Ladies

#1 Gem Finder!
Supporting Member
y2kmark said:
No longer the case, it's all about advertisers these days. Get used to it!:mad:
I have been an advertiser for over 7 years, and I can assure you that its not always about the advertiser. I only wish I could get some of the perks that you think we advertisers get. Terb is not controlled by the advertisers like some would like to believe.


Nicole King


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Nicole King said:
I only wish I could get some of the perks that you think we advertisers get. Terb is not controlled by the advertisers like some would like to believe.
Never said anything about perks, or advertizers "controlling" anything. But it is all about advertising money and number of website hits. Reviews aren't that relevant. Look at the Niagara section, reviews on half the SPs in the area are deleted routinely and hobbiests there can just go fuck themselves!:rolleyes:
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts