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Islamic Terrorists strike Toronto


New member
Oct 22, 2004
ottawasub said:
I would urge you guys to check out the signs at the next anti-abortion or anti-same sex marriage rally. It seems like they want everybody to live under their religious beliefs. What`s the difference?

Btw, how come the bible-thumpers at all those anti-abortion or anti-SSM rallys never hold an anti-priests molesting little boys protest? Guess that means they support child abuse judging by the logic of some of the Einsteins here.
I will probably never know for sure whether someone at that anti-cartoon rally had such a sign or if it was just invented by one of our hate-crazed loonies. I really don't care because it doesn't matter anyway. One of the benefits of living in a society that is free and well educated is that we have absolutely no reason to be afraid of people expressing their views on signs or anywhere else. We are quite capable of recognizing nonsense when we see it. Anyone with half a brain who witnessed the protest and saw the sign would immediately dismiss such a message as just plain silly. There is nothing wrong with our intelligent majority seeing a few misguided extremists with stupid signs. These demonstrations make us aware of the opinions of all political groups. Some of them are valid and some are not.


Nov 25, 2005
I wonder if the French or British agree with your summation.

The notion of the death of France is not, by any means, an absurd notion. To the contrary: it is an increasingly plausible possibility - or a reality occurring right before our eyes, according to some. The presence of a huge and growing Muslim population in France has fundamentally altered the identity of the nation. Anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism have become endemic, as France chooses Islamicization and friendship with Arab dictators over friendship with America and Israel.

The reports that France helped Iraqi officials escape to Europe were not surprising, because France is now the European leader of the Arab world and of Arab interests.

In light of these circumstances, many would argue that France is no longer. . . .well, France.



Active member
Oct 12, 2005
There you go again..

revolution said:

There was an islamic protest in Toronto today outside of Queen's Park over the cartoons of the terrorist/pedofile/women beater muhammed. One of the protestors held up a sign that said “We’re never going to be totally free until Muslim law is the law of the world.”
Those bastards, those monsters! An entirely peaceful protest; what a devious trick they pulled, eh? What better proof could there be that every single muslim is a violent terrorist, bent on sapping our vital bodily essences? And how dare they suggest their religion should be universal across the globe! Good, upright, God-fearing Christians never did that! We never send missionaries to their countries, we just wait for them to figure out out that Jesus is the way, all on their own; without any help or intervention from us! I mean, it's not like we ever invaded the Holy Land or anything, is it? At least not recently. (Not counting Iraq, or Afghanistan, or the troops in Saudi Arabia; that's different!)
And no Christian I've ever met would dare suggest that Jesus is the only way; the bible is clear that salvation is purely a matter of personal taste and conscience.. honestly, now; how can these leftists portray good guys like us as bigoted jerks, now?



revolution said:

One of the protestors held up a sign that said “We’re never going to be totally free until Muslim law is the law of the world.”

Isn't that great? Islamic terrorists in our very own city are calling for our civilized western laws to be changed to islamic terrorist laws, where suicide bombings and beheadings will not only be legal, but encouraged. And where women will be treated worse than slaves and animals, and where men will be rewarded for beating their wives and daughters. It's a sad day for the civilized western world, and moreso our very own city of Toronto. :(
Its good that there was a protest in Toronto. Now CSIS or any other authority can take a good look and see who is in Canada. I'm sure they took picture of the guy who had the sign up and others there.


Nov 25, 2005
maxweber said:
Those bastards, those monsters! An entirely peaceful protest; what a devious trick they pulled, eh? What better proof could there be that every single muslim is a violent terrorist, bent on sapping our vital bodily essences? And how dare they suggest their religion should be universal across the globe! Good, upright, God-fearing Christians never did that! We never send missionaries to their countries, we just wait for them to figure out out that Jesus is the way, all on their own; without any help or intervention from us! I mean, it's not like we ever invaded the Holy Land or anything, is it? At least not recently. (Not counting Iraq, or Afghanistan, or the troops in Saudi Arabia; that's different!)
And no Christian I've ever met would dare suggest that Jesus is the only way; the bible is clear that salvation is purely a matter of personal taste and conscience.. honestly, now; how can these leftists portray good guys like us as bigoted jerks, now?


Postmodern, deconstructionist, epistemological nihilism, PING!
Last edited:


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Arcy after the last shit-spewing boob in your sig, I didn't think you could find anymore! Who are these guys? Are they really how you want us to think of you?


Oct 9, 2004
My tongue lives in a pussy
scroll99 said:
A+ marks to you ... Its people like you keeping hope for peace alive ...

by the way there was no sign of any such kind , I am 100% confirmed,
even in the CPP news says some person spoke the words to some reporter ...

It might be misreporting by some reporter or hatemonger or if it were actually said that I am sure whoever said was a real fanatic but was not representing the people there !
you're right...it wasn't a sign, it was a muslim with his turbin speaking to the entire crowd on a podium, and the entire crowd cheered, obviously supporting his views that Islamic law should overtake our secular Canadian laws. That's even worse than a sign.

http://www.pulse24.com/News/Top_Story/20060219-007/page.asp go there, and then click on the video, at the top left. These Islamic terrorist animals/women beaters are bringing their backwards, uncivilized, barbaric and savage way of life to our very own city. Disgusting.


New member
Oct 22, 2004
revolution said:
you're right...it wasn't a sign, it was a muslim with his turbin speaking to the entire crowd on a podium, and the entire crowd cheered, obviously supporting his views that Islamic law should overtake our secular Canadian laws. That's even worse than a sign.

http://www.pulse24.com/News/Top_Story/20060219-007/page.asp go there, and then click on the video, at the top left. These Islamic terrorist animals/women beaters are bringing their backwards, uncivilized, barbaric and savage way of life to our very own city. Disgusting.
Digusting is what happens when you open your mouth. The whole idea of a demonstration is for these groups to express their views. Why are you so threatened just because some clown thinks we should all be like him? He's just one voice out of 32 million. I'd much rather listen to him rambling on about his religious views than to see your pathetic ravings about "Islamic terrorist animals/women beaters" and "their backwards, uncivilized, barbaric and savage way of life". If you honestly believe all that shit, you should be locked up.


Nov 25, 2005
slowpoke said:
Digusting is what happens when you open your mouth. The whole idea of a demonstration is for these groups to express their views. Why are you so threatened just because some clown thinks we should all be like him? He`s just one voice out of 32 million. I`d much rather listen to him rambling on about his religious views than to see your pathetic ravings about "Islamic terrorist animals/women beaters" and "their backwards, uncivilized, barbaric and savage way of life". If you honestly believe all that shit, you should be locked up.
I guess you missed this thread:



Nov 25, 2005
revolution said:
you're right...it wasn't a sign, it was a muslim with his turbin speaking to the entire crowd on a podium, and the entire crowd cheered, obviously supporting his views that Islamic law should overtake our secular Canadian laws. That's even worse than a sign.

http://www.pulse24.com/News/Top_Story/20060219-007/page.asp go there, and then click on the video, at the top left. These Islamic terrorist animals/women beaters are bringing their backwards, uncivilized, barbaric and savage way of life to our very own city. Disgusting.
Ouch. I wonder how scroll99 is enjoying his shit sandwich?


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Voilence has No Religion

LAGOS, Nigeria - Christian mobs rampaged through a southern Nigerian city Tuesday, burning mosques and killing several people in an outbreak of anti-Muslim violence that followed deadly protests against caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad over the weekend.

Residents and witnesses in the southern, predominantly Christian city of Onitsha said several Muslims with origins in the north were beaten to death by mobs which also burned two mosques there.

"The mosque at the main market has been burnt and I've counted at least six dead bodies on the streets," Izzy Uzor, an Onitsha resident and businessman, told The Associated Press by telephone. "The whole town is in a frenzy and people are running in all directions."



Oct 9, 2004
My tongue lives in a pussy
arclighter said:
Ouch. I wonder how scroll99 is enjoying his shit sandwich?
I think him, and other islamic terrorist apologists AKA useful idiots, such as slowpoke, assoholic, and maxweber, just to name a few... enjoy helping the terrorists out, hoping that by sucking up to them they'd be spared. Now, the only 2 camps of terrorist apologists are the 'moderate' muslims out there, as well as the left-wing idiots, who'd rather submit to the terrorist/pedofile muhammed, and beat their wives and daughters, and follow the terrorist/women beating manual i.e. the koran, then to live in a free democratic society with secular civilized western laws. They do so in hopes that by sucking up to the terrorists, they'll be overlooked... but in the end, you just have to look at the fate of the left-wing western terrorist apologists who go over to Iraq or Gaza to hang out with their terrorist buddies, and who end up being beheaded, despite their overt support for these terrorists. At the end of the day, that's how the cookie crumbles, with their head on a plate, all in the name of allah and muhammed.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Shhhh : Be careful guys !

Problems like "Islamophobia" and barriers that prevent the disabled from going places will get more attention from the Ontario Human Rights Commission under major reforms this spring, says chief commissioner Barbara Hall.

Troubles faced by Muslims and the disabled are among the priorities, said Hall, a former mayor of Toronto.

"We certainly hear anecdotally many, many examples of Islamophobia," she said at a news conference. "We want to prevent things from happening."



New member
Oct 22, 2004
arclighter said:
No I didn`t miss your thread about esitmating support for terrorism. In your posted article, David Farrar points out that "A Pew survey in May 2005 of almost 18,000 people found the following levels of support for violence against civilian targets". He doesn`t provide a link or any details about this Pew survey so I have no way of knowing what the questions were, which Islamic countries were surveyed or when they were surveyed etc. In other words, we have only his word about a survey that might have happened or might have been twisted beyond recognition. Unless I know what the study was about and how it was done, I refuse to speculate.

Besides, Red kindly provided a link to a Jordanian study that provides all the details about their survey rationale and methodology. If I compare the results from Red`s survey to the results for the Jordanian portion of your mysterious Pew survey, there is a huge disparity. His is infinitely more convincing.


Nov 25, 2005
slowpoke said:
No I didn't miss your thread about esitmating support for terrorism. In your posted article, David Farrar points out that "A Pew survey in May 2005 of almost 18,000 people found the following levels of support for violence against civilian targets". He doesn't provide a link or any details about this Pew survey so I have no way of knowing what the questions were, which Islamic countries were surveyed or when they were surveyed etc. In other words, we have only his word about a survey that might have happened or might have been twisted beyond recognition. Unless I know what the study was about and how it was done, I refuse to speculate.

Besides, Red kindly provided a link to a Jordanian study that provides all the details about their survey rationale and methodology. If I compare the results from Red's survey to the results for the Jordanian portion of your mysterious Pew survey, there is a huge disparity. His is infinitely more convincing.
Wow, that was really difficult.


Looks like the neocons are right, extremism is going down post Afganistan and Iraq..

Ps That is why you don't journalists interpreting data for you.


New member
Oct 22, 2004
arclighter said:
Wow, that was really difficult.


Looks like the neocons are right, extremism is going down post Afganistan and Iraq..

Ps That is why you don't journalists interpreting data for you.
What was difficult?

PS. WTF are you talking about? I don't trust unknown journalists from unfamiliar special interest websites like that infoisrael site you linked to. And I also don't trust journalists who give us only their interpretations of surveys or studies without any of the details. And I don't trust you. Any questions?


Nov 25, 2005
slowpoke said:
What was difficult?

PS. WTF are you talking about? I don't trust unknown journalists from unfamiliar special interest websites like that infoisrael site you linked to. And I also don't trust journalists who give us only their interpretations of surveys or studies without any of the details. And I don't trust you. Any questions?
"He doesn't provide a link or any details about this Pew survey so I have no way of knowing what the questions were, which Islamic countries were surveyed or when they were surveyed etc. In other words, we have only his word about a survey that might have happened or might have been twisted beyond recognition. Unless I know what the study was about and how it was done, I refuse to speculate."

Understand yet?

Ps Here is the link again http://pewglobal.org/reports/display.php?ReportID=248
May 3, 2004
arclighter said:
"He doesn't provide a link or any details about this Pew survey so I have no way of knowing what the questions were, which Islamic countries were surveyed or when they were surveyed etc. In other words, we have only his word about a survey that might have happened or might have been twisted beyond recognition. Unless I know what the study was about and how it was done, I refuse to speculate."

Understand yet?

Ps Here is the link again http://pewglobal.org/reports/display.php?ReportID=248
It takes a man to admit he is wrong. I have seen no evidence of this from slowpoke.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
arclighter said:
As you wish.
Thank you for changing your sigpic, but who are all these people you so want us to meet?
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