Islamic Terrorists strike Toronto


Oct 9, 2004
My tongue lives in a pussy

There was an islamic protest in Toronto today outside of Queen's Park over the cartoons of the terrorist/pedofile/women beater muhammed. One of the protestors held up a sign that said “We’re never going to be totally free until Muslim law is the law of the world.”

Isn't that great? Islamic terrorists in our very own city are calling for our civilized western laws to be changed to islamic terrorist laws, where suicide bombings and beheadings will not only be legal, but encouraged. And where women will be treated worse than slaves and animals, and where men will be rewarded for beating their wives and daughters. It's a sad day for the civilized western world, and moreso our very own city of Toronto. :(


Nov 25, 2005
revolution said:

There was an islamic protest in Toronto today outside of Queen's Park over the cartoons of the terrorist/pedofile/women beater muhammed. One of the protestors held up a sign that said “We’re never going to be totally free until Muslim law is the law of the world.”

Isn't that great? Islamic terrorists in our very own city are calling for our civilized western laws to be changed to islamic terrorist laws, where suicide bombings and beheadings will not only be legal, but encouraged. And where women will be treated worse than slaves and animals, and where men will be rewarded for beating their wives and daughters. It's a sad day for the civilized western world, and moreso our very own city of Toronto. :(
Don't worry, according to DQ it is really about oil and money. [/sarc]


Nov 25, 2005
DonQuixote said:
Yup. But, you are only dealing with superficial issues
and can't comprehend that which is ordinary and obvious.


PS: I appreciate your compliment by referring to me.
Just be sure you spell my name correctly> :mad:
No problem Don.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
here is a more representative story with less Islamophobia

Toronto Star
Feb 19,2006

Muslim group urges end to protests

“I’m proud that we as Canadians stand together for justice,” said one of the speakers, Sheikh Suleman.

Rob Delaney, Liberal member of provincial parliament for Mississauga West, said he was supporting the protest — even though he’s not Muslim — because all Canadians should respect one another’s customs, practices and traditions.

“We as Canadians celebrate the differences that contribute to the vibrance and strength of our country,” Delaney told the crowd.

“We are not us and them, we are the same people, who practice many faiths or even no faith at all,” he said.

“Our dialogue with Canadians today comes back to the issue of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

While police said the protest was peaceful and without incident — as was another Saturday in downtown Vancouver — the Muslim Canadian Congress said the time had come for the demonstrations to stop, saying the were inflaming tensions around the world.

Congress spokesman Tarek Fatah said protests around the world are being used by Islamic extremists as motivation to spread violence.

“We understand the pain and the hurt of the Muslim community but I am urging Muslims around the world to understand the repercussions of their actions, that their pain has been usurped by Islamic extremists,” Fatah said.

Mr. Magic

Aug 10, 2003
revolution said:

There was an islamic protest in Toronto today outside of Queen's Park over the cartoons of the terrorist/pedofile/women beater muhammed. One of the protestors held up a sign that said “We’re never going to be totally free until Muslim law is the law of the world.”

Isn't that great? Islamic terrorists in our very own city are calling for our civilized western laws to be changed to islamic terrorist laws, where suicide bombings and beheadings will not only be legal, but encouraged. And where women will be treated worse than slaves and animals, and where men will be rewarded for beating their wives and daughters. It's a sad day for the civilized western world, and moreso our very own city of Toronto. :(

Let me be perfectly clear - OVER MY DEAD BODY.

Everyone needs to wake up, pick your sides and head the call.

Its time to call out these Islamist scumbags, and lay a beating on them in the west.

Wake up. Get your firearm licences, arm yourself, educate yourselves and get ready.



Mr. Magic

Aug 10, 2003
scroll99 said:
you must be forcefully recruited to the US Army and sent to Iraq :(
No thanks. I'm Canadian and as much as I love and respect the American brothers over in Iraq, they're there for the wrong reasons.

We have our own territory to protect here apparently with douche bags walking through our streets with sign talking of Muslim dominance

And protect it we will. Attitudes are shifting in Canada. Islam is revealing its true colours and people are waking up.

Mr. Magic

Aug 10, 2003
goodtime said:
Protect do not equal Terrorism. Folks, give peace a chance.
I ain't giving a chance to a group that esposes "we will only be free when Muslim law rules the land".

You might, but I won't. I asssure this will never be realized.



New member
Sep 10, 2001
Mr. Magic said:
Let me be perfectly clear - OVER MY DEAD BODY.

Everyone needs to wake up, pick your sides and head the call.

Its time to call out these Islamist scumbags, and lay a beating on them in the west.

Wake up. Get your firearm licences, arm yourself, educate yourselves and get ready.


The Marines are always looking for a few good men.


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
squawk, squawk!

mrpolarbear said:
The Marines are always looking for a few good men.
Like most hatemongers, very much including the Washington junta, Mr. Magic is a chickenhawk.



New member
Oct 22, 2004
Mr. Magic said:
No thanks. I'm Canadian and as much as I love and respect the American brothers over in Iraq, they're there for the wrong reasons.

We have our own territory to protect here apparently with douche bags walking through our streets with sign talking of Muslim dominance

And protect it we will. Attitudes are shifting in Canada. Islam is revealing its true colours and people are waking up.
And what are you suggesting that our response should be to these signs? If the protest is peaceful, wouldn't we be much better off to just let them express their religious views? Obviously the person waving that sign feels strongly that his religion is superior to all the others. Sounds pretty silly to me but he has the right to make an ass of himself as long as he does it peacefully. If you were at an anti-Islamic protest, your sign would, no doubt, be about how we should be taking drastic action against all Muslims. Equally silly but you also have the right express your views.

If we're going to start taking away the right to peaceful protest, we'd be taking away your rights as well as theirs so, bottom line, we'd all lose. BTW, we should be thankful that all of the anti-cartoon demonstrations in Canada have been peaceful. If you started cracking heads at any of those protests, you'd be the one starting the cycle of violence.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
The protest was peaceful, but did you LISTEN to what they had to say? Did you LISTEN to what they want out of their 'protest'? I will defend their right to protest and make speech. I disagree with their position and opinions. LISTEN to what they have to say. Those words could easily have come out of the KKK and the apologist on this site would have been up in arms. But 'peaceful' Muslims - hey it's OK. When one of these pychopathic murderous idiots bombs something in Toronto, let's see the excuse makers rise up to their defense. Bet the Muslims won't be out protesting that bombing.


Slightly Nuts
Sep 26, 2001
Muslims dominate? Hell they have had close to 1500 years to take over and they are not even close. They may be the fastest growing religion, but look who they get, the poor and uneducated. The fundamentalists in the religion will keep them in the dark ages for years to come.


New member
Aug 30, 2004
..whoever held up that sign was a fanatic. Just like you Revolution, are a fanatically ignorant rascist turd.Does it make you hate your life less by hating others ? Maybe you should take responsibility for where you are at in life and spend your time trying to improve it. Instead of coming on a chat room and trying to impress us with all your rascist garbage.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
assoholic said:
..whoever held up that sign was a fanatic. Just like you Revolution, are a fanatically ignorant rascist turd.Does it make you hate your life less by hating others ? Maybe you should take responsibility for where you are at in life and spend your time trying to improve it. Instead of coming on a chat room and trying to impress us with all your rascist garbage.
A+ marks to you ... Its people like you keeping hope for peace alive ...

by the way there was no sign of any such kind , I am 100% confirmed,
even in the CPP news says some person spoke the words to some reporter ...

It might be misreporting by some reporter or hatemonger or if it were actually said that I am sure whoever said was a real fanatic but was not representing the people there !


New member
Aug 30, 2004
..I appreciate the compliment, unfortunately there are alot of revolutions out there, young stupid losers who are easily manipulated by the govt.


New member
Mar 20, 2005
I would urge you guys to check out the signs at the next anti-abortion or anti-same sex marriage rally. It seems like they want everybody to live under their religious beliefs. What`s the difference?

Btw, how come the bible-thumpers at all those anti-abortion or anti-SSM rallys never hold an anti-priests molesting little boys protest? Guess that means they support child abuse judging by the logic of some of the Einsteins here.


Feb 29, 2004
ottawasub said:
I would urge you guys to check out the signs at the next anti-abortion or anti-same sex marriage rally. It seems like they want everybody to live under their religious beliefs. What`s the difference?

Btw, how come the bible-thumpers at all those anti-abortion or anti-SSM rallys never hold an anti-priests molesting little boys protest? Guess that means they support child abuse judging by the logic of some of the Einsteins here.
Hear hear.

Rama putri and Mr. Magic, I never thought I would have the NEED to say this because I thought everyone knew it: not all muslims are terrorists.

I have many muslim friends and I like them, they're decent folk if a little different. From what I've seen, sometimes they're a little preachy, but they're really eager to tell us all about Islam.

And yes, some muslims would like everyone else to be a muslim and try to make this happen... but there are just as many if not more who want nothing more that to buy a house, send kids to university, play with their grandkids and die of old age with their family and friends around them.

But yeah, I do get a little bit scared when signs like that pop up, but you have to understand that the reason most people come to this country is that it is that they LIKE this country and the way we do things here, and the rights we hold sacred.


Nov 25, 2005
ottawasub said:
I would urge you guys to check out the signs at the next anti-abortion or anti-same sex marriage rally. It seems like they want everybody to live under their religious beliefs. What`s the difference?

Btw, how come the bible-thumpers at all those anti-abortion or anti-SSM rallys never hold an anti-priests molesting little boys protest? Guess that means they support child abuse judging by the logic of some of the Einsteins here.
I have checked out the signs and I haven't seen one that calls for the replacement of our secular government with a theocratic one. Have you seen such signs?
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