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Is it wrong to fuck with LL idiots????


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Fucking with someone just for fun is OK, but only if you know your environment well. It's one thing to get a rise out of a member who's constantly bickering with you. As Amanda pointed out, it can be potentially dangerous when you agitate someone you know nothing about. You have no idea how your "fun" may impact another provider, so perhaps fight temptation and avoid conflict. If you feel like having fun and shooting shit, just come to Terb.
Ya - Totally. She was bang on as well as the other person who spoke up to me.

I just like having fun but it is not fun if some truly gets hurt. That is not my ever intent.

But this is why I ask here. This is more of my online social space instead of FB or Twitter or Instagram.and with such a diverse crowd, you will always get a perspective you haven’t thought of which is what I was seeking.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
She said pissing guys off can have consequences for women who are survival sex workers and don’t have the same options as me.
Really? Lol.

So could the last lady the guy went on a date with that refused to kiss him. Is she coming down on those women?
So could the driver that cut off some guy going to work. Is she harping on bad drivers making things worse for survival sex workers?

This is like one restaurant accusing another one of making things worse for them simply because that restaurant has a better menu.
This is not your worry. Your business. Your choice.

This person is full of it. Stop listening to her. It sounds more like she is jealous of your situation, and your ability to not take shit, and is simply justifying that with these dumbass arguments.

John Wick

Baba Yaga
Oct 25, 2019
I'm going to be honest here, and it won't likely make me very popular, but whatever...

The original post is about time-wasting, look-at-me, attention seekers who get their thrills tagging SPs for fun. Your rant is about what PITA they are and you've labelled them idiots, and 'not smart'.

Yet, you portray yourself (often) as a strong, modern, successful and independent woman. Smart n' savvy business owner, big boss lady. Seasoned veteran of the escort world. Someone living their best life, large and in charge, completely unapologetically. Lack of strong opinions on virtually everything, big or small, is definitely not your problem. Willing to shit-talk and flame war anyone, anytime.

Then you post these kind of threads. The 'I have a problem I don't know how to handle, what should I do!?' type threads, or the 'I did something. Did I do the right thing!? Should I have done something else!?'

To me, these threads are no different behaviour than the time-wasting, look-at-me, attention seekers' behaviour you've described and derided in your OP.

If you really are as you portray yourself (as I've outlined above), why would you need to post these threads? Most of that ilk would just hitch up their lady balls into their big girl panties and handle their own shit. Particularly when their shit, as in this particular case, is pretty insignificant. But you don't. At least you pretend not to.

I suspect you are IRL probably very similar to your own typical online self-portrayal, and that these threads are also just attention seeking and self-promotional behaviour - just like those you are bashing in the OP. Doesn't excuse them, but doesn't make you any better.

Which is why many here find you to be fairly annoying. Yes, Yes - the ignore function is your friend. I know, and generally I don't respond to your posts.

Just posting this one for your own edification and self-reflection. It's why members like FFA and others tend to tackle you hard and fast whenever you pick up the ball to run. They see it too.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
@John Wick

You know - that was a well written and thought out response. I don’t agree with all of it obviously. I know why I post these threads and how they benefit me and there is nothing I can do to prove it to you, so you are fair in stating your opinion. You showed how you came to that conclusion, so I wouldn’t fault you for saying how you feel.

The part you are missing, I think, is I can be all of those things and still be human and make mistakes. The only difference is here, unlike most, I admit those. There are plenty of posts of my apologizing or getting corrected, this thread included. I fully admit it was wrong to do what I was doing in return in these messages. I see that now. I didn’t, so I asked. That is how I learn. That is generally how we all learn. I’m just strong enough to handle showing my mistakes in public.

I have always said, when presented right, as you and Amanda both did, I see it. And I am not to high on myself to admit, once I finally see it, even I question how I didn’t see it in the first place.

I will take in the rest of what you have said. As I said, some is off but some is worth looking at. I do want to ensure people are getting the proper impression of me. Not all people, see me as you do, but I think for those that do, it has more to do with misunderstanding based on not knowing me in person. But maybe I am wrong there too. Either way, I will take in your post and see what reflection I get from it.

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
Spot on comment. This gig can make a woman bitter if she lets it get to her, better to take a mental health day when one finds themselves feeling annoyed/aggressive from the daily grind.

Lol your weird friendship again.

I would say it isn't false what she says this time. I know it"s frustrating and we wish they would get it on the first time but they never will because there is no template in terms of how we want to be reached. Of course à lot of them are just girls/pimp/wot checking if you are busy... but also some of them are real clients with a real lack of social skills and some are indeed a little bit slower but is it really worth it for you to answer and insult them? I don't think so. It does piss them off tho and they will take it off on someone else aka the girl who has no choice. Maybe she will have a bad time indeed.

I feel like we want to be treated like professional and we fight every day to prove we can receive deposit and that we can be reliable, but NEVER in my life did I saw a professional in ANY fields posting text of her clients to laugh at them or to put them to blast. It defeat the purpose of the word professional.

When I feel like doing that, I take 2 days off.
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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
I think it is great that you can admit when you are wrong, or when you have a question. That said, my issues with you are that after you do so, you tend to get defensive with anyone who answers in a way you didn't want/expect. Those texts are an example of that in itself. Is shitting on someone's day really "fun" for you? Because most of those examples weren't really all that bad or uncommon.

@John Wick

You know - that was a well written and thought out response. I don’t agree with all of it obviously. I know why I post these threads and how they benefit me and there is nothing I can do to prove it to you, so you are fair in stating your opinion. You showed how you came to that conclusion, so I wouldn’t fault you for saying how you feel.

The part you are missing, I think, is I can be all of those things and still be human and make mistakes. The only difference is here, unlike most, I admit those. There are plenty of posts of my apologizing or getting corrected, this thread included. I fully admit it was wrong to do what I was doing in return in these messages. I see that now. I didn’t, so I asked. That is how I learn. That is generally how we all learn. I’m just strong enough to handle showing my mistakes in public.

I have always said, when presented right, as you and Amanda both did, I see it. And I am not to high on myself to admit, once I finally see it, even I question how I didn’t see it in the first place.

I will take in the rest of what you have said. As I said, some is off but some is worth looking at. I do want to ensure people are getting the proper impression of me. Not all people, see me as you do, but I think for those that do, it has more to do with misunderstanding based on not knowing me in person. But maybe I am wrong there too. Either way, I will take in your post and see what reflection I get from it.


Claudia Love

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
Bottom line all the negative bullshit of guys wasting time asking questions that are answered on our websites guys blowing up our phones guys jerking off listening to our voices or text or to our pics guys looking to be a bully and abusive towards us because they clearly cant get Any woman without paying price hagglers guys staying over our time slot ghosting us chronic appointment cancelers showing up to early prying into our personal life or even pushing our boundaries during sex. Are all part of the terrorortory you either be the victim to the game or you stand firm and be a warrior and stand your ground and be a strong woman and deal with shit. But to purposely play games with people IMO is bad karma. So nobody can tell you what to sure you'll figure it out. If you want my opinion I find this behaviour immature and a waste of ones own precious energy ask yourself what are you going to get out of it satisfaction ? or are you becoming jaded because of all the losers that we all deal with on a daily basis. Look how I deal with it is simple its like im picking apples there's bad ones good ones and damaged ones I only pick the good ones so it keeps me feeling sweet. the minute a guy is in left field I delete and if he is a rebel I block. there's plenty of great guys that know how to be professional articulate and respectful. the less time you give to the losers the happier you'll be I promise.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Spot on comment. This gig can make a woman bitter if she lets it get to her, better to take a mental health day when one finds themselves feeling annoyed/aggressive from the daily grind.
This is what I am starting to question? Do I have burn-out maybe. I’m not use to touring. I only started this year. I didn’t think it would happen this way but maybe…..

I don’t know but I do know now that it is more then just giving snide comments to people. It’s something deeper that I have to look at.

John Wick was right - I am a strong and independent woman and yet I was letting stupid shit make me do stupid shit, which makes no sense. I know for a fact I have written posts more then once to other escorts about ignoring these types of messages and yet here I am doing exactly what I say not to do.

So I’m thinking it might be burn out. I don’t know. I didn’t think it would show in this way. My usually “stress” symptoms don’t present like this.

But I will keep delving until I figure it out and correct it.

I think it is great that you can admit when you are wrong, or when you have a question. That said, my issues with you are that after you do so, you tend to get defensive with anyone who answers in a way you didn't want/expect. Those texts are an example of that in itself. Is shitting on someone's day really "fun" for you? Because most of those examples weren't really all that bad or uncommon.
See i wasn’t looking at it as shitting on someone’s day. I didn’t see I was getting irritated either and responding because of it.

I thought it was just funny quick “comeback” type texts. And therefore entertaining.

I didn’t see it as being irritated and then giving a vengeful response. It didn’t “feel” that way if that makes sense.

But that feeling was being masked and I see it now.

This is why I started the thread. I wanted to see if and where I was wrong. I need the hard perspective and thankfully, some of you took the time to respond in kind.


@Fun For All - it was a childish response. I apologize
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The Fox

Feeling Supersonic
Jun 4, 2004
Lol. I think it hilarious. Keep it up
This is what I am starting to question? Do I have burn-out maybe. I’m not use to touring. I only started this year. I didn’t think it would happen this way but maybe…..

I don’t know but I do know now that it is more then just giving snide comments to people. It’s something deeper that I have to look at.

John Wick was right - I am a strong and independent woman and yet I was letting stupid shit make me do stupid shit, which makes no sense. I know for a fact I have written posts more then once to other escorts about ignoring these types of messages and yet here I am doing exactly what I say not to do.

So I’m thinking it might be burn out. I don’t know. I didn’t think it would show in this way. My usually “stress” symptoms don’t present like this.

But I will keep delving until I figure it out and correct it.
Mate, you’re fine. You are just showing some personality and sense of humour. If I was at the receiving end of one of your responses after asking you dumb shit It would make me rethink my approach.

We don’t make inquiries to plumbers, doctors, shops asking dumb disrespectful shit. Why should your service be any different.

Josephine Grey

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2017
This is what I am starting to question? Do I have burn-out maybe. I’m not use to touring. I only started this year. I didn’t think it would happen this way but maybe…..

I don’t know but I do know now that it is more then just giving snide comments to people. It’s something deeper that I have to look at.

John Wick was right - I am a strong and independent woman and yet I was letting stupid shit make me do stupid shit, which makes no sense. I know for a fact I have written posts more then once to other escorts about ignoring these types of messages and yet here I am doing exactly what I say not to do.

So I’m thinking it might be burn out. I don’t know. I didn’t think it would show in this way. My usually “stress” symptoms don’t present like this.

But I will keep delving until I figure it out and correct it.

See i wasn’t looking at it as shitting on someone’s day. I didn’t see I was getting irritated either and responding because of it.

I thought it was just funny quick “comeback” type texts. And therefore entertaining.

I didn’t see it as being irritated and then giving a vengeful response. It didn’t “feel” that way if that makes sense.

But that feeling was being masked and I see it now.

This is why I started the thread. I wanted to see if and where I was wrong. I need the hard perspective and thankfully, some of you took the time to respond in kind.


@Fun For All - it was a childish response. I apologize
It's possible. When I start being a smart ass on the phone that's how I know.

We had a really rough 2 years, business is weird atm and clients are also burn out like us. Mental health has no price!
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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
You aren't a sex worker so you wouldn't understand this one. Angry clients are dangerous clients.

Really? Lol.

So could the last lady the guy went on a date with that refused to kiss him. Is she coming down on those women?
So could the driver that cut off some guy going to work. Is she harping on bad drivers making things worse for survival sex workers?

This is like one restaurant accusing another one of making things worse for them simply because that restaurant has a better menu.
This is not your worry. Your business. Your choice.

This person is full of it. Stop listening to her. It sounds more like she is jealous of your situation, and your ability to not take shit, and is simply justifying that with these dumbass arguments.
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21 Days Later

Active member
Oct 20, 2021
Fucking with someone just for fun is OK, but only if you know your environment well. It's one thing to get a rise out of a member who's constantly bickering with you. As Amanda pointed out, it can be potentially dangerous when you agitate someone you know nothing about. You have no idea how your "fun" may impact another provider, so perhaps fight temptation and avoid conflict.
Sure, some people who're seeking your services might be good men looking for good times, but there are those who are socially awkward. If you feel like having fun and shooting shit, just come to Terb.
I'll add to this poster because It's along the lines of my thoughts. People have no idea how when they interact with one specific person it can affect someone who was never involved in the initial interaction at all. The OP has no idea who's on the other end of the phone while fucking around with them what their mental health/phycological state is.
She could have triggered that person to go into their sleeping child's bedroom shortly after and use the child as a literal punching bag or abuse an animal.


A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
Go check out some of the threads in the classifieds sub-forum.

I think that will answer your question about why there are so many idiots using LL.

And yes we know, you've found "hidden gems" using LL. They're like that American/Canadian girlfriend that one guy we all know claims to have.
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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
I’m thankful I don’t have a job dealing with idiots. It’s best to try and remain professional but understandable to mock or get angry with them.
Find another outlet to get your kicks.
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The Fox

Feeling Supersonic
Jun 4, 2004
I'll add to this poster because It's along the lines of my thoughts. People have no idea how when they interact with one specific person it can affect someone who was never involved in the initial interaction at all. The OP has no idea who's on the other end of the phone while fucking around with them what their mental health/phycological state is.
She could have triggered that person to go into their sleeping child's bedroom shortly after and use the child as a literal punching bag or abuse an animal.
Oh fucking grow a pair. We are doing something illegal. Stop putting the burden of mental health on the SW. If you get triggered by stupid shit, don’t play on the gray.

The word triggered is soooo fucking annoying. Why don’t people control their own triggers and emotions instead of passing the blame. Wtf.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Fucking with someone just for fun is OK, but only if you know your environment well. It's one thing to get a rise out of a member who's constantly bickering with you. As Amanda pointed out, it can be potentially dangerous when you agitate someone you know nothing about. You have no idea how your "fun" may impact another provider, so perhaps fight temptation and avoid conflict.
Sure, some people who're seeking your services might be good men looking for good times, but there are those who are socially awkward. If you feel like having fun and shooting shit, just come to Terb.
I'll add to this poster because It's along the lines of my thoughts. People have no idea how when they interact with one specific person it can affect someone who was never involved in the initial interaction at all. The OP has no idea who's on the other end of the phone while fucking around with them what their mental health/phycological state is.
She could have triggered that person to go into their sleeping child's bedroom shortly after and use the child as a literal punching bag or abuse an animal.


back to the topic,

Jen, stop picking on dumbasses and no need to be so judgemental on LL folks!
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Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017

My first concern would be whether you may be putting yourself at risk by antagonizing guys who are obviously not very healthy and who have poor social skills. Most of these guys are probably harmless but some might be dangerous. The last thing you need is some loser getting obsessed and coming after you because you hurt his feelings with a mean text. I think you are best off to just block the number and don’t respond.

The Fox

Feeling Supersonic
Jun 4, 2004

My first concern would be whether you may be putting yourself at risk by antagonizing guys who are obviously not very healthy and who have poor social skills. Most of these guys are probably harmless but some might be dangerous. The last thing you need is some loser getting obsessed and coming after you because you hurt his feelings with a mean text. I think you are best off to just block the number and don’t respond.
Best advice all night. We’ve all seen those post office workers going mad with an AK47
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