Vaughan Spa

Is it possible....????


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Vato, I am sure if you looked around on the net you will find info on tantra. Personally I don't think it's something for your situation with this girl. Tantra, true tantra, brings about strong emotions and should be saved for some one you love, or at least someone who can appreciate the type of bond it can create without it causing emotional damage, to either of you. (This girl is obviously not someone you would want to fall in love with.) This girl is not old enough or mature enough to even grasp the concepts of it. Frankly, and I mean this in the nicest possible way, it appears you have been sucked into her game and that does not support the notion that you are prepared for the introspection it requires either. Be young, have fun, drink pepsi. Not much new stuff has been happening in tantra in the last few thousand years anyways. It'll still be there when you're really looking for something like that.

Instead of tantra, try this. Practice masturbating to the point just prior to climax and stopping, only to resume once the threat of ejaculation has passed and see how long you can hold off. If you do this repeatedly the length of time you can hold out will gradually increase. From there you can practice the same stopping and starting metheod during sex. Eventually you will be able to hold off indefinately.

Aldo, peanut butter, definately the peanut butter. You know what they say. Every bunny, loves some butter, sometimes.
(I know, I know, bad pun. Please don't kill me. )
Feb 24, 2002
in a bed
Heather said:
Instead of tantra, try this. Practice masturbating to the point just prior to climax and stopping, only to resume once the threat of ejaculation has passed and see how long you can hold off. If you do this repeatedly the length of time you can hold out will gradually increase. From there you can practice the same stopping and starting metheod during sex. Eventually you will be able to hold off indefinately.
Thats what I've been telling everyone in the Massage Forum. If you want to last longer in a session do the above. Not only does it make your massage session last longer but when you have sex you'll be able to give your SO/LF more orgasms before you go. Whah?!?!?:eek:


Jan 27, 2002
In Rome with the Pope

I have a guy for you all... His deal is... 4 1/2 - 7 hours to cum once... HE HATES IT... I have talked to about 6 women he has been with as well as him... Be thankful it does not take that long for some of you.



Thanks to all the people who participated so far in this thread, I think after seeing all the responses I came to the following conclusions:

(1) It is possible for a guy to last that long, but there is most likely going to be more than one SOG, quick recovery time, more than just pounding, and in any case if not done properly may lead to the lady suffering discomfort, or just
plain fall asleep during the session.

(2) It is possible to improve one's overall sexual techniques trough Tantra, and other methods ( I had heard Yoga could also give results ) However Tantra is like Heather said a more spiritual experience and should be tried with someone who you really care about and vice versa.
I want to learn about Tantra, and really would not expect to do it with just anyone since both partners have to cooperate
to achieve maximum results, still I must ask can anyone recommend a good book?? I prefer books because I can put it down and pick it up later and is more comfortable than sitting in front of the computer.

(3) I probably should wait a while until I can get with this
girl, I think she may be the cause of this guy's feats, since the Tantra is out of the question or any other technique. Maybe I should still give her pointers and hope she evolves. ( believe me I dont want to sound self centered but I do tell her what to do quite often )

(4) I should start another experiment, well, I have one about myself but I dont think it is appropiate to post it here since I dont think I would get positive feedback and would probably be branded as crazy. Maybe later on, but I have a couple in mind right now as well, smaller scale experimentations but they are all after all in the name of science.

(5) I dont think there is a point # 5, however if anybody thinks otherwise please let me know.

Once again thanks for helping me out on this scientific journey fellow TERB members. Hope you can help me out again soon. :)


Heather's hare update!

I once wrote as a catchphrase that I reveled in my Fuddness, I didn’t know that it would come to this. The plan was to bait our bunny wabbit friend with a tempting taste treat and, when caught, move him to the ravine where he’d be free and non-destructive. At this time of the year, critters love my moma’s garden; she’s a prize-winning horticulturist who grows her plants pesticide free. There is a family of cardinals taking up residency in the plum tree, I’m not allowed to trim a part of the hedge because a family of sparrows is being raised there and hummingbirds gather the nectar daily…although the exact location of their nest remains unknown. It’s like paradise on earth so naturally Peter Cottontail would be drawn to it.

He’s such a brazen little bunny, he seems to come out only when there are people about, and then when a big dumb human gets too close, he hops away. If only he didn’t eat my moma’s flowers he’d be welcomed to stay. He even has a name, Cazzolito (Little Prick). So I baited the trap with carrot shavings soaked in mango nectar and he found it irresistible. As the story goes he was halfway in the trap about to step on the trip plate when he decided that something was amiss, backed out and hopped away. Clever little wasclay wabbit isn’t he! I’m thinking that maybe I should camouflage the trap so that it looks like a nice warm little cubbyhole for him to snuggle into.


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