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Is it possible....????



I have an interesting case in my hands and would like to share it with TERB. My friend called yesterday and started talking about how her boyfriend is some kind of super stud,
she claims: "he can last for TWO hours," non-stop intercourse. I mean no stop, he can pound away for two whole hours, or so she claims. To this I told her that it was probably next to impossible, and that she probably just loses her notion of time when she is with him. She even went as far as to suggest that if I couldnt last that long I was probably not trying to satisfy whoever I'm with. This pissed
me off.
(1) Is it possible for a man to go 2 hours of non-stop intercourse???If it is do ladies actually want a guy to pound away for 2 hours ( ouch )???
(2) Now clinically speaking could it be there is something
wrong with this guy, for example loss of feeling, something that could physically enable him to do that??? ( doctors out there please answer this one )

I would like it if someone could provide me with a website that I could also show her that may prove my point.
Feb 24, 2002
in a bed
I agree with you, it is impossible to last for 2 hours!!! The longest I've lasted was 1 hour and 59 minutes.:D

Seriously, when I was younger I had many experiences where I could go on screwing all night. Now a days it's rare but there are times I can go non-stop over 2 hours, mind you I cum several times but I stay up. As long as the wife is up for it I just keep going and going. Just to take a break for a minute (no more) to clean up after I cum and then do it again and again and again.

VatoLoco, there are exercises that you can do where you can make yourself last longer/stay-up longer.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
back in the day...

when i was younger i used to pop ephedrine pills... 3 or 4 of those pills and i could go for hours... seriously... sometimes it would get very frustrating, because there were times when i popped so many, that no matter what i couldn't come at all... i stayed hard... i just couldn't come... no matter how hard or how long i pumped...

mind you, i don't recommend this practice... i don't do it anymore... i've since learned that i was playing with fire... that much ephidrine apparantly can cause serious heart problems...


In My Younger Days.....

.....I could get so aroused and hard, cumming was difficult! So I just kept going!
Out of consideration for the lady, as constant friction can cause irritation and discomfort, there has to be mutual consent as to the longevity of the act!
Pounding for two hours, or even 1 hour 59 mins. would leave the lady quite sore! Even a good lube breaks down and dryness ensues!

I can recall an affair with a young lady co-worker several years ago. She had a hair trigger clit and couldn't stop cumming! The more she came the harder I got, to the point where an orgasm for me was becoming more and more difficult. There were many times where the next day at work, it was obvious she was in discomfort and having difficulty walking from all night activity!

That was 8 months of sheer bliss before it broke off! ....The affair, not my Willy.....!!

Willywants (to share his experiences! Hey! I was 35 at the time!)
Feb 24, 2002
in a bed
I was wrong in my last post.

I just checked my diary. And it wasn't 1 hour and 59 minutes, it was 1 hour 58 minutes and 34 seconds.

But if I can be serioues for a moment. What I want to know is why the hell is this girl yapping about her bf sexual prowess to another guy. For that matter, Vatoloco, why the hell did you put up with her shit talking. When I was single, if a girl was yapping about her bf to me, I'd quickly change the subject. i don't want to hear that talk from some woman.

And if she ever said "maybe you're not trying to satisfy whomever you're with" I'd say, maybe she should look in the mirror and tell yourself the same thing. If the guy is pounding her for 2 hours, what the hell was she doing? Not only should she be sore down there, but her jaw had better be sore by the end of 2 hours too!:eek:


okay, here we go

Maybe this will help out on this situation:
First of all this girl is not that experienced when it comes
to sex, she was a virgin until 3 months ago ( I know this for a fact ) and to tell you the true I knid of pushed her towards trying it, so she is kind of my sexual Frankenstein.

So as a good researcher and scientist that I am I was very curious of just how her sexual experiences have being, I asked her if her bf pleases her sexually, to this she neither said yes or no, sshe barely replied he can go on for 2 hours non stop. At that point my EGO, maybe arrogance clicked in and I set out on a quest to prove to her that the more time does not necessarily mean more pleasure. Like Willy said, the woman may feel discomfort after a while and it's just impossible or near it to to achieve such feat.

At this point I just plainly challenged her and told her:
"listen, let's go 10 rounds with me and lets see what happens I dont promise you 2 hours of brainless pounding but
2 hours of creative, fun sex," I even offered to find a girl
that would be willing to go to a swingers' party if she agreed to go with her boyfriend so as to better test and asses the situation.



C'mon Fan!!

Fan why dont u share some feedback and help a fellow TERBer
out solve this dicussion already. Do you think it's possible or the girl is just blabbing?? or she doesnt know what she's talking about???


Jan 27, 2002
In Rome with the Pope
Here we go...

It is not un common for some men who are genitcly pre-disposed to lasting or keeping it up in between to do it... However... It is not that common either... Personally I would take 2 hours of creative sex then 2 hours of mindless pounding... Then again... Why not a bit of both ;)


Jenn Angel

I'll agree with you on that item. A little sexual ingenuity is alot more exciting than constant meat plowin.

VatoLoco why would you honour someone so immature with a reply. I'd just drop a little poozz on her and be on my way.


Don't tell me you're an Italian, aehh you're Jewish. Love your nails. Your place or mine.


The Good Old Porno!

Sat and watched a porno a couple of weekends ago!
Non-ending pounding! This way! That way! Every way! Over and over and over!!
I turned it off before the 2hrs were up! I couldn't take any more!
It's the same for me in an encounter!
Pounding is out! Dipping is in!
Finding it, filling it and feeding it is wonderful! But exploring the unknown is more erotic!

Willywants (to maintain a pace more agreeable to his aging heart!)



I hope you guys dont think I'm creepy or something because of what I talk about with my friends. I thought I should take the time to explain some of Fan's questions.

(1)How do I know she was a virgin "for a fact," well I know these for two reasons first we know each other for a couple of years now and she really trusts me, I am something like her advisor and guide ( I dont want to sound arrogant by saying this, I've been told that b4,)she really is not that smart so she usually calls me and asks me for advice. Secondly I was about to be the first, but barely got a little finger action going on.

(2) By what I said b4, you guys should figure out my reasons
to sort of "pushing her into having sex," although I should have said that I merely awoke her curiosity towards it.

(3) Why do I pry so deeply into her sex life?? Well there is only one reason I can find: I created the freak therefore I must nurture it towards sexual maturity. As I said b4 she is like my sexual Frankenstein and I practically gave her away to this other guy merely to see if she would loosen up for when my turn comes.

Again, I have to say it as she said: 2 hours of non stop pounding. I dont know if they switched positions, or anything like that. I know she doesnt give any kind of BJs,
and that guy doesnt do any DATY, she is told me this as well
and she says that both are "nasty," seriously 2 hours of no stop pounding. She probably is a "dead fish," in bed that could probably help the guy last that long.


New member
Mar 6, 2002
she probably fall in sleep when her bf was doing it. and then she woke up and asked him, "hey did you have fun? how long this time?" her bf, "oh, not very long, just 2 hours" wahhahaha:D


New member
Jan 28, 2002
Buffalo, NY
Well, I'm an old fart now, but way back, with my first true love, we were high school sweethearts who were together for a long time. A few years into the relationship, there were a few times when we were getting it on, and we just kind of chatted and had fun. I was still a teenager, so it was probably up more than it was down. There were times when we just paused and looked at each other. We'd talk about what we were feeling, we'd just look into each other's eyes. Two hours, easy.

"Those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end"



I verified the info

Just like I said pounding for two hours non stop, no slowing down and most likely no position changing. Now guys and girls of TERB is that possible?? If it is, is it desirable??
I personally would rather just masturbate than being with this girl now. She seems like she probably is a dead fish in the sack, and that she is the reason this guy lasts that long, I know if she actually cooperated it wouldnt be so.
The guy make take drugs from what I've heard too.:rolleyes:


New member
May 18, 2002
2HRS!! No way not straight poundine. Maybe like the Fan said with some breaks and different positions. It seems to me she is trying to make a pathatic try at making you jealous. Maybe a crush? If so stay away or she will be telling her next 'friend' all about your performance!:D


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Well if she was trying to make him jealous, it sounds like it worked! Yes, there really are some men who can last two hours. There are some men who can last all night. Some come by it naturally, others use drugs or techniques to achieve it. Is it desirable? Maybe. It depends. Tantric sex lasts at least that long and the orgasms roll from one right into the next. On the other hand, he may know nothing of technique and he could be boring her to death the whole time. If she's happy with it, that's all that matters.


A Crush

I doubt that she has a crush on me, but it is possible. Anyway I dont think that she wanted to make me jelous of her bf but it sounded more like a challenge to me now that I think about it.

Heather can you tell me more about the tantric sex??Maybe recommend a book or a website. I wanted to learn more about the subject for a long time now and since you brought it up maybe you could help me get some info.

I honestly feel that 2 hours of just mindless pounding is bound to be boring, I think I need to give her a lesson.
Hey how would you feel if I review her on TERB lol
let me know.


Hide me too!


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Aldo - The Roman Celt who always wanted to be an undercover brother.
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