Is Don Cherry a bigot??


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
I think Grapes says things we as a whole are afraid to say!!!!!!!!

His love of this wonderful country should be a lesson to all of us.

Dont forget too as well as a hockey guy he is also somewhat of an entertainer as well!!!!!!:)


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
NO... cuz I don't even know who the fuck he is... actually might have a slight clue... old fag?

Dark Chimera

Nobodies business if do
Feb 18, 2009
Don Cherry was nominated as one of the greatest 10 Canandians of all time .

Why have we not got greater Canadians then to put a hockey announcer among the top ten?

He is a smart guy - not as smart as he thinks he is - may be one of the great announcers of all time but an announcer as one of the top ten Canadians? Give me a break.

No he is not a bigot. Just calls it like he sees it.

Do u think USA would have invaded Iraq if their sands were full of Maple Syrup?

Cherry does not know squat about politics. He should stick to hockey.


New member
Aug 19, 2006
The mean streets of Bloor West
Cherry is losing it in his old age and his diatribes are painful to listen to lately...a lot of the time he looks and speaks like he's half-twisted from a few 'pops' away from the camera!
I think CBC will slowly phase him out...things will be much, much duller and politically correct when he's I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts.


New member
Jan 23, 2004
BoringBob said:
Bigot? Not really. Politically correct? Not in the slightest.

We make the mistake these days to confuse noting differences with being racist or biggoted. Grapes just says it like we would have said it 20 years ago, when we were still allowed to notice things like color of skin, heritage, background, ethnic background, etc. Now we all walk around acting like everyone is some sort of neutral grey with no heritage.

It sort of sucks.
Oh great, thanks for giving me the permission to call people like Grapes, and in canada there are tonnes more than most people are willing to admit, the inbred redneck white trash whose managerial ineptitude has kept us the pathetic hewers of wood that we were 3 centuries ago.

What I learned many moons ago is that, as an 'ethnic', you've got to take ribbing from Cherry's types, but when you the tables on them they immediately get all pussy-assed on you.


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
Of course he's a bigot. That's not even controversial. It's like asking if wrestling is real or fake. The point is, he's a popular bigot. We like his charm and humour. Why do reruns of All in the Family continue to reel in the viewers?

Cherry's a shrewd guy who made a very conscious decision to secure success in his professional life in exhange for a shred of respect outside of it. Only morons take his rants against foreigners seriously.


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Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
After watching him on Hockey Night in Canada last Saturday. Cherry is no more of a bigot than Rush Limbaugh or persis and gryfin.


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
it's funny that a guy who calls attention to himself with those ridiculous suits would call Ovechkin a showboat. Kinda like the pot calling the kettle fuschia


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Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Bob Loblaw said:
That he was voted one the top Canadians of all time is a sad reflection on those who voted.
That whole thing was run by the CBC wasn't it ?

Wonder if Lancs and Don share sports jackets.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
tboy said:
Well obviously you don't know the difference, you opened this thread with your opinion that he's a bigot because he openly states he isn't a fan of european hockey players and openly states his feelings.

It is still 100% OK to notice someone's race/creed/religion, it is 100% ok to discuss someone's race/creed/religion and it's still 100% ok to discuss anything to do with anyone's race/creed/religion as long as it isn't hate related. But in today's society if you even mention someone's race/creed/religion someone plays the bigot or racist card.

He did have a point tonight about the leafs having the oppurtunity to get that ONTARIO goalie and turned him down in favour of Toscala. Is he wrong? Not in the least. The leafs DID turn him down in favour of a european player that is now developing hip problems.

As for ovechkin's antics, he's 100% correct, there is such a thing as class and I'm sorry, he is definitely lacking it.....
remember 1 thing..that Ontario goalie went in the 3rd round so more than Toronto took a pass...


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
LancsLad said:
No he is a realist that isn't scared off by the PC crowd and calls the facts as they are.

Don gives opinions..facts definetly dont get in the to Lancs, earth to Lancs


New member
Jan 27, 2005
I could care less what Don Cheery thinks about Ovechkin's goal celebration's or anything else for that matter. It's all for show and ratings, etc. It's entertainment not to be taken seriously.

As a Canadian I appreciate Ovechkin a million times more than Syndey "the Crybaby Whiner" Crosby and day of the week. Crosby makes me sick and it's good to see the Pens doing well without him.

Shut up Crosby and play the game with some heart and soul like Ovechkin!

Never thought I'd ever say that about a Russian player vs. a Canadian player but it's true. You all know it too. Even Syndey Crosby.
Feb 21, 2007
Someone once said "if you score a goal, act like you might score another one".

An arm pump, a few pats on the back from your teammates...that should be it for a regular season goal.

Ovechkin is over the top in his goal celebrations. IMO. But he's a great player, and the highest compliment I can pay him is plays like a good Canadian boy.

As for Grapes....I think he is suffering from early dementia. He's not all there. He should retire, before he really embarasses himself. He can hardly connect two thoughts together without Ron McLean guiding him. He could never do Coaches Corner by himself.

I do give tremendous props to Grapes though, for his support of our troops, and police and firefighters.

His tributes to our fallen brings tears to my eyes.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Bob Loblaw said:
That he [Don Cherry] was voted one the top Canadians of all time is a sad reflection on those who voted.
Or a reflection on TERB. Don Cherry is quite popular, so TERB having a fair number of posters that don't like him perhaps reflects on TERB's difference from the Canadian mainstream.
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