Ashley Madison

Is “this” reserved for rich people?


There was a star danced, and under that was I born
Feb 18, 2023
Insula Avallonis
This reminds me of a financial book, but I can't recall the name of it. One of the lessons is to separate money into jars like essentials, investing, education, charity and play. The point of the play jar is to splurge on something. You could even use actual jars, but the idea is to get used to separating money into categories.

The book is in the same veign as The Wealthy Barber by David Chilton.
Rich dad poor dad?


There was a star danced, and under that was I born
Feb 18, 2023
Insula Avallonis
The very rich and very famous make significant use of the services that SW provide. Their lawyers/managers/handlers have the SW sign NDA.

Significantly agree with the other comment about the very rich (a subjective measure) using different SW and not needing to be on this board. Though, there are exceptions like the guy that told me about this board.
Rip Jeff and gislaine and their false sense of security in an nda


Ultimate Ebony Spinner
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2020
Back to the topic.

Have you ever saved up for a date, met the person and left disappointed because the experience wasn’t what you had expected? Would it still bother you if you had more money?


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
To answer the first part, while we do require a closeness and sexual release, this hobby is definitely a luxury, not a need. There a lots of civvie ladies that do it for free, but maybe those partners don't fill certain boxes, so we fill those within the hobby. Like all hobbies, without endless disposable income, you save for the things that you want.

To answer the second part; Yes, I can remember saving for an encounter and I walked away like I just burned hard money for no gain. That being said, it's something where there is blame to be had. It just happens, where bad days or chemistry just creep into what you expect to be a great experience. Chalk it up to learning and move on.
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Active Member
Mar 28, 2013
Back to the topic.

Have you ever saved up for a date, met the person and left disappointed because the experience wasn’t what you had expected? Would it still bother you if you had more money?
I don't really save up for a date per se I just spend out of the budget that I have allocated for play. In a way it is savings I guess. I have left disappointed countless times because of the experience. The more I pay the higher the expectations I have. That may be the wrong way to look at it but I don't expect the same type of experience if I'm booking a $1000/hr escort compared to a $300/hr escort. I will be way more disappointed if i have a bad experience with a higher priced sp. If I had all the money in the world I probably wouldn't be as disappointed because I would literally have money to burn but it would still bother me that I had a bad experience because it is not what I expected.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
I've not left disappointed because I do a lot of research and book SP's that have been around for a long time. I also try to keep my expecations in check because a photo is not going capture how someone looks in real life unless they are face out. Even then, people can change camera angles, apply filters, etc and phtotos and videos can't capture someone's personality. I have had a SP cut my date short, which was disappointing. I still enjoyed my time with her and she returned part of the donation voluntarily.

I try not to get too worked up over spending too much money here or there. Money is meant to be spent and I can't take it with me, but I try to balance it with saving for retirement too.

I think I would feel the same if I had a much larger income. On the other hand, I know that people change when they increase their standard of living and expectations especailly when the money comes in quickly. There are also many people that have to get their money's worth no matter what. I know a couple that loves going on cruises and pile on the food at the buffet or order multiple entrees at the dining room to make it worth their while. They often waste a lot of food too.
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Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Back to the topic.

Have you ever saved up for a date, met the person and left disappointed because the experience wasn’t what you had expected? Would it still bother you if you had more money?
Yes. And still Yes if i had more dough. I think its more the opportunity.
Then when its over, you're thinking "Damn. Shoulda stuck with my ebony lovelies."


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
There are sexworkers for every budget and economy. Sex work has been able to adjust to all markets since the beginning of time out of perpetual need of both the buyer and seller.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Back to the topic.

Have you ever saved up for a date, met the person and left disappointed because the experience wasn’t what you had expected? Would it still bother you if you had more money?
YMMV, don't have a problem with that. However don't expect any sort of deposit prior to contact, I don't believe in blind trust. I hold the saps who gave money to Lana Rhodes, for no reason, in contempt.



Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
I’m fortunate in the sense that I’m fairly well off financially. I’ve worked hard throughout my career, so I allow myself some play money, so to speak. That said, I’m a firm believer in being fiscally responsible. In other words, don’t indulge unless you’re able to afford it. Take care of your priorities, and whatever’s left… have some fun! (mho). I feel rates are more than reasonable, given the amount of time and effort ladies put into this. I’m grateful for the opportunity to spend some quality time with them. Do I wish I had a larger budget? Lol… I think we all do! However , I don’t compare myself to others. If someone else has the means to hobby every week, more power to them! I look forward to reading their reviews 😛


My friends call me Mando
Nov 13, 2020
I have a lot of disposable income, but I’m a cheap mofo so I don’t play the game where I am willing to pay out the nose for anyone. I have a personal budget that I am comfortable with and go to ladies I know are compatible with my personal preferences.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
Anyone who sees an escort is at least well off. For Toronto, That will off makes you rich in most of the world.
Sps Less than $100 per day in some parts of the world. 10,000 per hour in other parts.
SP prices to go down If it's a socially acceptable profession . Toronto is a special case Because it gets a lot of traffic from around the world. Toronto is no longer a jurisdiction that is particularly friendly, The myth Continues creating A very positive SW work environment that attracts clients.
Go back to the original question, There is a group of clients That are rich adjacent. They have million dollars of assets, But do not have the money to burn. Turn on FU Rich, What They do way aboveaverage. There are poor lawyers, But if you only hang out with lawyers You sort of get the started about how much people make. There are enough lawyers out there That you get the feeling That you are average. You are not.

But I am sure there are people who scape the money together... If you Give up all luxuries. No going to McDonald's or Starbucks, No going to bars.. A relatively poor person Could save Enough for vacation with an sp... There is a poverty club on terb after all, In building capital Live through a relatively poor part of their lives.. In debt and low income. A doctor for example Doesn't make money for 8 years Because his education is so long.
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