Iraq vs Vietnam


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Jun 26, 2003
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Actually Shakey, I get annoyed when others try to argue a point without any of their own input.

You know what I mean, right?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: On the bottom...

tompeepin said:
Well I guess if I was starving or underprivileged I would be entirely self-centered and struggling for every inch along the way as well. Civility exists for the most part from the satiated (those who have a surplus) that do not have to struggle and can magnanimously concede that which they do not desperately need; or for those who are not down right greedy.

Damn, I love the old U2 stuff, this is getting really disturbing.

So only those that are comfortable can have the proper civilized view? Those are the people who are not doing the work, making the world a better place...... It's not the behavior I'd want to replicate.

There are only 3 ways to get comfortable, work hard, inherit it, have low expectations. I'm most comfortable with the first; I have no respect for the other two.



Unbanned (for now) ;)
Mar 17, 2004
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: On the bottom...

onthebottom said:
There are only 3 ways to get comfortable, work hard, inherit it, have low expectations. I'm most comfortable with the first; I have no respect for the other two.
Act with "civility" is not exactly the same as "civilized view".

Work hard, be comfortable, be thankful, be generous and be thoughtful of others and other's perspective and experience.

Now that is not too hard is it?

The question is what is comfortable and what is excess? Your LandCruiser? Dirt cheap oil? Copious consumption? Greed?

Why should you have access to it when someone else in this world might work much harder than you and be much more deserving, but yet have nothing. Life is not fair, I accept that, but then again I do not pontificate about my entitlement. I think that that is our difference in worldview.

How civil would you be if you had to grab what you could off the back of an aid truck amidst a horde to feed your family?

HH might have been right - "and try to draw you into an all-day argument." But I think that you drew me into this one.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: On the bottom...

tompeepin said:
Act with "civility" is not exactly the same as "civilized view".

Work hard, be comfortable, be thankful, be generous and be thoughtful of others and other's perspective and experience.

Now that is not too hard is it?

The question is what is comfortable and what is excess? Your LandCruiser? Dirt cheap oil? Copious consumption? Greed?

Why should you have access to it when someone else in this world might work much harder than you and be much more deserving, but yet have nothing. Life is not fair, I accept that, but then again I do not pontificate about my entitlement. I think that that is our difference in worldview.

How civil would you be if you had to grab what you could off the back of an aid truck amidst a horde to feed your family?

HH might have been right - "and try to draw you into an all-day argument." But I think that you drew me into this one.
I don't feel a sense of "entitlement" nor do I feel shame for having nice things. I fully realize that I live in a country where it is very easy to be successful. Easier than anywhere else in the world I would argue. That is one of the reasons I'm such an advocate for the "American Way" (which is not at all exclusively American). I don't think the rest of the world wants to pull me down; they want to pull them selves up. This sounds much more condescending than I mean for it to.

I'd like to think I do all of: "Work hard, be comfortable, be thankful, be generous and be thoughtful of others and other's perspective and experience." but hey, I'm a work in progress.

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