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Iran to hold Holocaust conference


Sep 2, 2004
"The conference to discuss the Holocaust will be held in Tehran this spring," Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi told a weekly news conference, without giving a precise date.

"There are some unanswered questions about the scale of the Holocaust which should be discussed," he said.

Asefi did not say who would attend but invited British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who this week described the idea of the conference as "shocking, ridiculous, stupid."

Blair has said Ahmadinejad, a former Revolutionary Guardsman elected president by a landslide in June, should visit Europe and "see the evidence of the Holocaust himself."

Asefi accused the West of making an unnecessary fuss about the proposed Foreign Ministry-sponsored conference.

"Why are some Western countries so worried about it? Such remarks are against freedom of thought," he said. "[B]I suggest Blair make a presentation at this conference in Tehran.

"We will give him the time to express his views ... he can defend the Holocaust if he wants to do so."[/B]
Regarding Blair's suggestion that Ahmadinejad visit Europe to see evidence of the Holocaust, Asefi said: "We have to see when the president Ahmadinejad has time for it."



Active member
Oct 12, 2005
Chinese curse

To this item, I can only say: "May you live in interesting times"..


The Mugger

Sep 27, 2005
I wonder if Israel will use this as the time to nuke Iran's "peaceful nuke" program. One holocaust for another so to speak. Fair is fair.

What is wrong with Iran today?? They really are trying to remove themselves from the civilized world.


New member
Jun 29, 2003
I don't think Mr Ahmadinejad has seen the Steven Spielberg (Z) Schindler's List yet !!!


Sep 2, 2004
The Mugger said:
I wonder if Israel will use this as the time to nuke Iran's "peaceful nuke" program. One holocaust for another so to speak. Fair is fair.

What is wrong with Iran today?? They really are trying to remove themselves from the civilized world.

What is the wrong with having a scientific disscussion about holocaust ?!
I think some people think Israeli goverment use Holocust as a green light to do some illegal actions against Palestinians......


Active member
Aug 12, 2003
Topol, how can you call questioning the veracity of this horrific event a legitimate scientific disscussion. It's an uncivilized disscussion by an uncivilized nation. The only thing Iran is doing is demonstrating it's lack of civility to the world. Topol, why stop there, why not question WWII in general, I guess Hitler was never really a threat we should have never fought him, he admired the Jews and would never hurt them and he would never hurt us. Hitler was no barbarian he was an angel. Only an obtuse person would question the Holocaust.


New member
Jun 29, 2003
ron3221 said:
Topol, how can you call questioning the veracity of this horrific event a legitimate scientific disscussion. ..... Only an obtuse person would question the Holocaust.
Then you must have seen the Steven Spielberg (Z) -Schindler's List movie too many time!:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Scientific questions are one thing. I think there were 100 or so pages about this a while ago. To sum it up, there is evidence that it didn't occur, if you ignore (tens of) thousands of eyewitneses, thousands of documents along with admissions from many of the nazis.

The retarded thing is Iran, a country who's leader is a holocaust denier running the show. Sort of like putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop (or a Terbite incharge of stopping prostitution). It is clear that the only possible consensus allowed to come out of this will be that the 6 million or so Jews just walked away.


New member
Jun 29, 2003
hmmmm . .. they said "scientific discussion" . .. not a political discussion!
Do you know the difference? :D


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
To put it in staight forward terms, a scientific study should strive to eliminate all perceptions of bias. That's what makes this so sick/funny.

This conference would equate with the Bishops in charge of the Spanish Inquisition holding a discussion on the merits of heresy.


Active member
Aug 12, 2003
Cyrus, in order to question the holocaust, not only would you have to ignore the hard evidence but also the massive amount of scholarly work done that proves it. These are some of the standard books I read for my 1st yr University History Course 15 yrs ago, which I still have right here with me.
A.J.P Taylor - Origins Of The Second World War
H.R. Trevor-Roper & Taylor - Hiitler, and the War
Allan Bullock - Hitler & The Origins Of The Second World War
T.W. Mason - Some Origins Of The Second World War

I still remeber the name of the course (War, Revolution & Society in the 20th Century) and my professor (A.S. Kanya-Forstner) because he was a brilliant historian and he taught me to critically analyze and understand history. Questioning the holocaust is not critical analysis, it's ABSURDITY.

Let me see, who do I take seriously: the works of these legitimate scholars or the ramblings of an Islamic fundamentalist filled with hate & intolerance(Ahmadinejad). That's definitely a hard decision.


Nov 25, 2005
ron3221 said:
Cyrus, in order to question the holocaust, not only would you have to ignore the hard evidence but also the massive amount of scholarly work done that proves it. These are some of the standard books I read for my 1st yr University History Course 15 yrs ago, which I still have right here with me.
A.J.P Taylor - Origins Of The Second World War
H.R. Trevor-Roper & Taylor - Hiitler, and the War
Allan Bullock - Hitler & The Origins Of The Second World War
T.W. Mason - Some Origins Of The Second World War

I still remeber the name of the course (War, Revolution & Society in the 20th Century) and my professor (A.S. Kanya-Forstner) because he was a brilliant historian and he taught me to critically analyze and understand history. Questioning the holocaust is not critical analysis, it's ABSURDITY.

Let me see, who do I take seriously: the works of these legitimate scholars or the ramblings of an Islamic fundamentalist filled with hate & intolerance(Ahmadinejad). That's definitely a hard decision.
I think I already know the response - "I think you must have seen the Steven Spielberg (Z) -Schindler's List movie too many time!"


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Talk about strange bedfellows. Iran and neo-Nazi groups.


Sep 2, 2004
ron3221 said:
Topol, how can you call questioning the veracity of this horrific event a legitimate scientific disscussion. It's an uncivilized disscussion by an uncivilized nation. The only thing Iran is doing is demonstrating it's lack of civility to the world. Topol, why stop there, why not question WWII in general, I guess Hitler was never really a threat we should have never fought him, he admired the Jews and would never hurt them and he would never hurt us. Hitler was no barbarian he was an angel. Only an obtuse person would question the Holocaust.

I still think It is not a bad idea for an Islamic country to review the dimensions of Holocaust for itself and listening to all the evidence about it.
We should not be scared to listen to any new claim about historical events.

And I think it is not about to deny Holocust but to investigate its dimensions.

I think you should be more careful to call a nation un-civile...
Holocust committed by Germans and lots of other Europians who claimed to be more civilized than other nations.

At the end holocust should not give Israel to feel free to break international laws...


Nov 25, 2005
Topol-M said:
I still think It is not a bad idea for an Islamic country to review the dimensions of Holocaust for itself and listening to all the evidence about it.
We should not be scared to listen to any new claim about historical events.

And I think it is not about to deny Holocust but to investigate its dimensions.

I think you should be more careful to call a nation un-civile...
Holocust committed by Germans and lots of other Europians who claimed to be more civilized than other nations.

At the end holocust should not give Israel to feel free to break international laws...
And while we are at it let's take another look at the heliocentric theory. I am sure there is new evidence that Copernicus couldn't have known about. All I ask is that you keep an open mind.
Last edited:


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Don said:
Just as strange:
Ultra-religious radical christians and Israeli hard-liners
No, that one makes sense. The ultra radical christians are looking for the Israelis to fight the final battle for them.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Topol-M said:
I still think It is not a bad idea for an Islamic country to review the dimensions of Holocaust for itself and listening to all the evidence about it.
We should not be scared to listen to any new claim about historical events.

And I think it is not about to deny Holocust but to investigate its dimensions.

I think you should be more careful to call a nation un-civile...
Holocust committed by Germans and lots of other Europians who claimed to be more civilized than other nations.

At the end holocust should not give Israel to feel free to break international laws...
International laws are broken on a minute by minute basis from one end of the globe to the other. What Israel argues is why are they the only one to be continually singled out? Where are the resolutions denouncing Palestinian/Lebanese/Syrian/Iranian/Jordanian/Iraqi/Saudi Arabian/Egyptian sponsored terrorism against Israel? Only 2 of those countries have officially recognized Israel's right to exist as a sovereign Jewish state. Where was international law when the Palestinian Authority was using international aid money, not to feed its people, but rather to acquire weapons, recruit suicide bombers, payoff insiders etc...
The bottom line is the U.N. is a joke in the area of international law and order, in promoting democracy and peace, in fighting tyrants and fostering co-operation. Just look at Rwanda and Sudan as two glaring examples.

The Mugger

Sep 27, 2005
Topol-M said:
What is the wrong with having a scientific disscussion about holocaust ?!
I think some people think Israeli goverment use Holocust as a green light to do some illegal actions against Palestinians......
Are you a moron or just one of those dopes who have to re-write history to fit some warped sense of righteousness. There is nothing to be done "scientific" as you said unless you plan to piece together the ashes of the victims and do some modern CSI crap on it.

I say moron because Germans do have one flaw - they keep great records and why shouldn't the German people of the Nazi era be any different after all most of them taking care of the "Jewish" problem where very proud of their efforts.

German records clearly show what happened and the level of destruction that we have come to term the holocaust.

It is really rich that Morons like yourself or Cyrus feel that this point of history is even open for discussion. You don't have to go any further than the War Crimes trials after WW2 or read the accounts of senior Allied and Russian Generals.

You fools have somehow equated the holocaust as strictly a Jewish event, it's not. This was really the first organized mass murder by a State in the modern era and while Jews received special attention (oh!! there are records and notes from Hitler himself on the need to exterminate the European Jew, I didn't want you to forget that), Slavs, Gypsies, mentally ill, and so on where also set for extermination.

So I really fail to see how the holocaust is being used to shelter so called illegal activity. In fact I think it holds Israel to a higher standard of human rights than any other national state in the area.

Questioning this event, mainly because some anti-Jewish bigots feel somehow guilty with there feelings that this event must have been exaggerated to support their Jews are evil point of view.

It does a disservice to history in that if we ignore what happened we give the chance of happening again a real shot.

It's history and fact - nothing else needs to be done with it.

As for you Cyrus, I think we need no lectures from an active supporter of a group of people who believe that women are second class, that non-believers are something less than human and who feel the need to express themselves by targeting non-combatants.

Anyways Cyrus I fully expect you to deny the holocaust til your dying breath but I have to look at the hypocrisy of what you support. I can just imagine what you and the world would have said if Sharon threaten Iran's existence with nukes. After all it's not like Iran is really Persian, after 2000 years of being conquered and forced breed to Greeks and Mongols I doubt that much of the Persian gene pool is left. As such Afghanistan would have a better claim on Iran, perhaps Israel should wipe Iran off the map and give it to the Afghans.

Oh! Learn to spell.
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