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IPOD Shuffle


Naughty Nympho
Jun 4, 2002
Does anybody have any info? I am considering getting one for when I go back to the real world job next month. Thanks so much!


Feb 13, 2004
Ok I'm not stalking you or anything (inside joke) but I have had my iPod for a couple of weeks and I love it and have no regrets about forking over more than $700 for the pod and all the accessories.

I didn't bother with the 60G photo as I am not a pic type of guy, just tunes. I went with the 40G regular one. I figure it be in use for the next 24-30 months before I move on to the next thing.

Be careful about some of the accessories that you go with. If you want it for your car and you don't want to buy a brand new SL500 with iPod integration, you can either go with the fm transmitter (which I bought and quickly returned) and the one I have with is the cassette adaptor. I think Poolie said he has his 2000 CD's all upload into it, and someone else said that on a trip to Ottawa over the weekend and back he did not hear the same song twice.

I find its navigation pretty easy and I have no idea what I'm doing


New member
May 31, 2004
I bucked the Ipod trend and got a Hi-MD player from Sony instead. Sure, it's not as sexy but you get about 25 hours on a AA battery, and 1Gb on a removable disk. Considering it's only $200 to get the basic one, I think it's money better spent.
I read an article on how to replace the battery on an Ipod. Although it's not too hard, it's not something I want to consider "having" to do.
Now, in comparison to the Shuffle, I think the Muvo from Creative is a better product. Although I love Apple (my first computer was one) I don't really think they are doing anything radical with the Shuffle besides riding on the wave of the Ipod.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
I think they're all overpriced and 40 GB is far too big.
That equals about 4 weeks of continuous music!
I have 7000 tunes on my computer, mostly at 128k and this is still less than 20 GB.

You'll probably be disappointed with a basic iPod shuffle since you're limited with the programming, so if you want a player get something more than this.


Naughty Nympho
Jun 4, 2002
thanks guys

winston- I like the smaller size and I only need like 100-200 songs at a time. I have over 2500 on my pc lol I mainly want something to listen to when I am on my way to and from my legit job and school. Not a weekend trip or anything. to me it seems silly to have something more as I simply don't need it and frankly could'nt care a less what people think about me or the stuff I own (i STILL get stared at when I change tapes in my old 1992 walkman)

does anyone have any opinions about the Muvo from Creative ?

I don't really care WHO makes it or if it's the COOLEST thing going (materialistic has never been my gig)

I like the ipod shuffle as I know people with ipods that are in love with them. It's small. still has cute accesories and hangs around your neck (most of my pants have no pockets and my jacket is always full as I hate purses with a passion!)

i was'nt even looking at the 1 G one just the basic 130$ one


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
Ok the iPod shuffle is a great piece of work if u don't want to have alot of music i have about 70 songs on mine and use it for mainly working out and running. It is light weight and pretty easy to carry and or hide.
I use my iPod 10 gig and 60 gig all the time as both an external drive and a music player. My photo pod also holds my Keynote presentations (Powerpoint) for viewing as well. It also holds my home directory as back up. If you want to get the bigger iPod rather then the mini or shuffle you can still sue it for jogging with out damaging the drive and or skipping by creating a 15 minute play back loop. The iPods on board CPU and RAM buffer 15 minutes of music without calling to the drive so the hard drive won't spin if you create this 15 minute playback loop.
Ok i am geeking out.... bottom line the iPod rocks whether it is the mini( my son and daugther both have them) the iPod ( i have 2 that i use all the time) and i have 3 shuffles ( my kids take them to school after my 8 year old got threatened by kids trying to steal hers, she screamed like only a 8 year old can and they ran).
There are many different music players out there... why does one that mainly only supported 3% of all the computers in the world now control 78% of the MP3 music players in the market.
PC magazine loves it as well as Linux magazine.


New member
May 31, 2004
Check, they have quite a few good reviews of the MuVo. Since it's essentially just a USB key with a snap-on player, it's going to be easier to use than the Shuffle. Add to that a screen and a built-in radio, and I still think it's a better value.
The Shuffle is pretty sexy however ;)
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking Apple. I think that their original and mini ipod's are probably the best hard drive players out there and there is little that can even compare. I'm strickly refering to the Shuffle. There are a ton of other flash based players available that I think offer more than the Shuffle.


Oct 7, 2002
kara said:
does anyone have any opinions about the Muvo from Creative ?
i have the 1gb and it is sweet, i got rid of my Ipod for it, i didn't go with the shuffle because the creative one has a digital display and that is handy. And the radio is nice when you are stuck somewhere like an airport (i still get to listen to stern :) )


New member
Jan 31, 2003
" I don't really care WHO makes it or if it's the COOLEST thing going ..."

If you don't mind a flash drive player without FM/display and/or the ability to function as a data storage unit, then the 2 iPod shuffle got the best bang for the buck in it's class.

$129 for 512 meg, $189 for 1 gig ...

I'd say go for it.

kooley said:
... i didn't go with the shuffle because the creative one has a digital display and that is handy. And the radio is nice when you are stuck somewhere like an airport...
As mentioned above, the shuffle is too simple for my preference .
I prefer unit that runs on battery other than built in-rechargable, and luckily picked one up last Dec in Asia for about $ 135 : 512 meg/FM/Recorder/Data storage, runs on 1 AAA and does the job very well.

Still, iPod shuffle is high on my list for gift purchase.
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