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iPhone cost after Aug 31?


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
Has anyone seen anything about the 6G/$30 data plans for the iPhone, after that offer expires on Aug 31?

I was hearing from a sales guy that there haven't been any extensions announced, and that Apple sends the iPhone about 400M/month anyway (which would make the 400M plan a bit of a fraud, IMAO, but that's beside the point).

Do Rogers and Fido plan to extend the 6Gig plan? Has anyone actually opted for a different data plan? (Or no data plan at all? The sales guy claimed it's very popular without, but then admitted he hadn't sold a single one without the 6Gig plan.)

And for current iPhone users, how much data do you find yourself using in a month? Are the existing "iPhone Plans" actually viable?


Feb 26, 2007
I had my iPhone for 3 weeks. I bought the 6GB for 30$ plan. In the first 21 days I used 150MB....mainly for work related activities. E-mail, checking web sites, some instant messaging, etc.

To get 6GB you'd have to do 200MB/day. If you are using 200MB/ aren't working much.

I spoke to Rogers and they said that they'll probably be introducing a 2 - 3 GB plan. No price mentioned yet.


Active member
May 3, 2006
I would be surprised if more than 20% of their users use more than 1 gig of the 6gb allowance, and another 70% probably don't go over 3 gigs. Hard to understand why they wouldn't just continue the 6gb for $30, assuming that 90% of subscribers wouldn't come anywhere near the limit anyway.

The major reason people want 'unlimited' data is that they are terrified of getting the infamous $10,000 phone bills that have been publicized in the past. The plans are too complicated for people to understand and they don't trust the providers (perhaps with good reason) not to rip them off.


New member
Apr 11, 2004
When I got mine, the salesman made no mention of an extension or new promo. Paying $30 / month, I've been trying to use up data as much as I can. I'm watching youtube videos daily, surfing the web constantly, chatting and I can't even put a dent on my 6GB. It's been about 3 weeks and I've just gotten over the 500MB mark. Only problem is, I have to charge my iPhone daily with all the 3G usage.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
Thanks for the input.

Personally, if I were in charge, I'd have announced a few weeks ago that after August 31, it would be 5Gig for $30. Or even 5Gig for $35. Just enough to motivate sales, but still provide some pricing certainty.

As has been pointed out, there don't seem to be a lot of users reporting usage over 1Gig (let alone approaching 6Gig), but I also can't see them cutting their revenue stream unnecessarily (e.g. by offering 3Gig for $25).

But it bothers me no end that they haven't announced _any_ "viable" replacement data plans.


Apr 8, 2004
The Toronto-based company, Canada's largest cellphone provider, on Thursday said it will extend the $30-a-month data plan — which lets owners of iPhones, other smartphones and computer laptop aircards download up to six gigabytes a month — until the end of September. Rogers announced the plan, which was to expire on Aug. 31, in July when it launched Apple Inc.'s 3G iPhone.
Rogers will introduce a $25-a-month data plan for the iPhone and other smartphones on Oct. 1 that will allow 500 megabytes of downloading per month, which will be bundled with a three-month promotion of unlimited usage. Another plan will allow one gigabyte of usage for $30.
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