IP address question...sympatico

Any ISP experts out here.....

I am trying to do some detective work to see if two people are posting from the same computer or not.

I assume from the info below one can not prove or disprove that the two people are the same only that they both use sympatico as their ISP? On the other hand, does sympatico use fixed or dynamic IP addresses?

For example in Phoenix I have both cox at work and at home. At work uses a fixed IP so anyone using my computer would show up with same IP.

But at home, cox uses dynamic IP having a set of IP's that rotate within a band. In fact IP's can be switched even during a session.

I don't suppose there is anyway to prove the IP's shown below either did or did not come from the same computer since they are so similar could be a rotating IP yet zillions of you use sympatico so could also be different people and all sympatico users would have similar IP resolution?

The host name for is HSE-Toronto-ppp3480374.sympatico.ca

The host name for is HSE-Toronto-ppp3482288.sympatico.ca

If these are not the same person, someone is being falsely blamed for something. If they are the other is lying. I wish there was a way to tell for sure, but probably isn't and I am leaning towards based on available facts they are not the same.
Thanks that's what I was afraid of, so can't tell.


New member
Aug 16, 2003
Anonymity at it's best.

Dave---Some things--you cannot have---and that --is good.

This site is supposed to be" Anonymous"

Life is too short to hurry.

If One Were Two

New member
Oct 1, 2003
I haven't used Sympatico in about two years, but back then they only cycled IPs every few days to a few weeks . I dumped them shortly after they switched to PPPoE, which required a dialup-like login/connection process. I didn't pay any attention to how often IPs changed after that.

If you have multiple posts from the two people in question, look at the IPs on all recent posts and I'm sure you'll find a pattern. If you can find two posts from one identity that share the same IP and at least one post from the other identity that occured in the timeframe between the two from the first, and it has a different IP, it would be a safe bet that they're different people. I could be wrong, but I think the likelihood of being randomly assigned a new dynamic IP that you already had recently would be pretty unlikely.

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
Dave: I have the same problems with Sympatico IPs - unfortunately those 2 IPs don't prove that the posters are one and the same person. Eg: on TERB there are close to a 100 posters whose IPs start with 65.92.x.x

That individual would have to post at your site a few more times before you can capture any discernible pattern.


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
Send me your logs and I will feed them into my handy-dandy log analysis system.
Toronto Escorts