Investing $5000


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
i have done really well with v.axi and am sinking another $10,000.00 in soon..Two Chinese steel giants are putting in a couple of billion each and if you do your DD you will likely be convinced that this one has the potential top go to $3.00 -$4.00 in a short period, (currently at .45)..on a safer bet. RBF468...Royal precious metals mutual fund has sky rocketed in 8 months. I sank $20,000 into this 8 months ago and it is worth $32,000 at the moment.

i have done way better on the Venture than at the Casino, but then i spend about 6-8 hours per day on-line reading up and researching..and will spend weeks going over one company before buying in...V.AXI....check it out!
currently axi is steady at .75


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
Anyone who has such wisdom as to liken the search for a
winner among the stocks of emerging business to winning
the lottery may as well stick to gambling as the only means
to get rich. To make money in the stock market minimal
intelligence is required.

On second thought anyone who thinks the probability of
picking on a get-rich stock among the stocks comprising
the TSX-Venture index is comparable to hitting the winning
lottery number won't likely do well in the casino either.
I think the odds are ok on the venture...and perhaps that is what you are saying. But you can loose money fast too. My buys in the last couple of years have done relatively well...doubled or more on 2/3's of them, and the worst of the others is almost back to what I paid. But because of the risk this was not a lot of money. In total I think less than 10 grand, and overall I will be up probably 80% overall in 2 years. Most are already cashed in...but I'm holding on to a couple that could keep going up.
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