If this is real, I would like more detail. A coat of white paint will reflect heat but by transferring heat through a material If it is hotter outside than inside, " inside the cooling paper, which absorbs warmth and reemits it away from the building. " My (limited) understanding is that in any solid material, the heat will flow towards the cool side and the speed (exchange) is the determined insulation factor. By cooling a room 10 degrees from the outside, the heat (energy) is flowing the opposite direction.
What happens in the other 7 months of the year when you are trying to keep heat inside the house ? Does the heat transfer have a polarity to it ? This wouldn't be a problem if the material always transfer heat from the cool side to the warm side - the magic stuff would automatically reverse and always draw heat from winter air to the warmer house - a sort of anti-entropy material.
Any of you science guys able to explain this process in simple English ?