Oh boyAdmirable, that she is willing to lose any chance of forming a government by sticking to her principles.
It will be interesting to see ahat the Conservatives say next time the first nations people close down a road, or a pipeline.
You really do not think things through before you type do you?
What is the flip side of that coin ?
The loonie left all supported protest by first nations & econut protestors to shit down vital infrastructure roads, pipelines and a railroad
But do a hypocritical about face when truckers slow traffic down in our paper pushing capital , where everyone is working from home or... not working but still getting paid
Don't worry your brethren wont lose their ability to gorge at the taxpayer expense, its all done electronically now
Were you concerned the truckers might prevent the moron Justin Trudeau from doing his vital work?
EXCLUSIVE: Justin Trudeau took 78 personal days in 2021 — The Counter Signal