The law was used to prosecute the Nazis for war crimes. Think about it.
I think YOU should think about it. If that's true, it makes sense to prosecute those who attack civilians without provocation, but not to prosecute those who respond in kind.
China, Russia, and the USA have not declared what they target with their weapons, but it remains a well established principle of international humanitarian law that collective punishment of civilians is illegal.
Yes, and when incoming bombers come in to pre-emptively attack a civilian target, what should we do? Wave that legal document at that them?
Why do you think they don't tell us what they target, let alone say that they are not civilian targets?
Are you saying that the 9/11 attacks would have been acceptable had they been sponsored by Iran or the Taliban? Al Qaeda claims to be fighting for the restoration of the Islamic Caliphate, and has specific grievances with the United States and other Western countries. I don't agree with their politics nor do I feel their grievances are legitimate. That said, whether a method of fighting is legal, or illegal, ought to depend only on the method. Not on the rightness of the cause.
If you have to ask, then you don't understand the concept or distinction. If it was Iran, maybe a similar response in kind if not like that for Iraq. If it was the Taliban, much like what has been happening. Besides, legal methods of fighting don't involve hijacking passenger jets and crashing them into tall civilian buildings. Why should the victims stick with the rules?
Otherwise we'll wind up in a world where everybody believes they can commit genocide and atrocity just so long as it's for a good cause!!!
Responding to an aggressor that threatens to destroy a nation has nothing to do with any cause - it is just survival. It may take extreme measures to stop them.
The justification you are giving is that the civilian population of Japan would be terrorized into persuading its government to capitulate. Ditto Al Qaeda's view of its attacks on the United States. Either attacking and terrorizing civilian populations is wrong, or it's not wrong. If it's wrong it's wrong for everybody, not just for the other side.
The people of the offending nation voted for or acquiesced to, their government who are in charge. An act of war has been declared between two countries and until they surrender, the defending nation shall continue military action until they do so. This is the only way to eliminate the threat and keep the peace. How hard is it for you to understand this concept of war?
At the time of the Dresden and Hamburg firebombings Germany was a broken power whose defeat was inevitable. Moreover, are you saying that it is OK to carry out terror attacks only if the victim is a superpower? So again, you would line up nicely with Osama bin Laden's view on the subject. Or Mullah Omar perhaps. You seem to think terrorist attacks against civilians are OK so long as you believe you are fighting on the right side, and the victim is a superpower.
You have difficulty in distinguishing two super-power nations engaged in war, and a terrorist organization with it's own agenda (which you already admitted is illegitimate) launching attacks on civilians without provocation. In WWII, until Germany surrendered, the defending or allied nations, couldn't be sure that their security wouldn't be threatened again. Nazi Germany was in the last stages trying to build an atomic bomb as well as jet fighters, which could've turned the tide of war. Don't you understand the relevance or importance of surrendering in war? Aggressors don't volunteer to surrender out of the goodness of their heart. Only when they are forced to do so.
Osama Bin Laden's attack on the U.S. was not a retaliatory attack. It's not analogous to the response by the Allies to Nazi Germany or the Japanese by any stretch of the imagination except yours.
I absolutely agree that the Allies carried out fewer atrocities and war crimes than the Nazis did. Far fewer. But a war crime is a war crime, don't you think? Just because you've murdered fewer people than John Gacy does not mean we let you walk away scott free. I'm pointing out a clear bright line: Attacks on civilians are wrong, evil, and illegal. They are to be opposed by right thinking people, and prosecuted.
Shit happens in war. War is complex. Sometimes civilians are killed and perhaps even targeted as a measured or proportionate response. Hitler bombs London, Churchill responds in kind by bombing Berlin. Churchill would not have done so if it wasn't for Hitler's illegal act. If you were talking about two armed robbers, then yeah, one doesn't walk away scott free because he shot fewer victims to death.