Innocent bystander shot outside Toronto bar


New member
Dec 29, 2006
jwmorrice said:
I know a fellow who works with street youth (Ugh!!) from the shelters. I'm told that, aside from refugee 'kids', quite a few of them are associated with both the Toronto Bail Programme and probation. Realistically speaking, given the slow moving nature of our judicial system, how could it be otherwise? The jails would be bursting at the seams. Unfortunately, by the time their cases come to court, a lot of the young offenders he deals with have lost sight of their offense and see themselves as the aggrieved party since they've had court hanging over their heads for so long. Swift and sure punishment, not necessarily draconian, would be the ideal but it would require a considerable step up in the provision of legal resources.

The "BEST" swift and sure punishment for the type of GARBAGE that we are talking about is EXECUTION - the sooner, the better!


New member
Dec 29, 2006
jwmorrice said:
That's silly but to push for Harper's amendments to the youth justice laws is not. Get with the programme Lancs.

.....the Death Penalty is anything but silly JW - it is necessary!


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
jwmorrice said:
That's silly but to push for Harper's amendments to the youth justice laws is not. Get with the programme Lancs.


I'm just expiditing the process.

We pay to house, feed, clothe, educate and provide medical care for these people, then get to live in fear of them as this punk will play with guns to get his way yet we are not allowed to know who he is.

Thats bullshit.

We pay the bills, we should set the rules.



Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
peter4 said:
The "BEST" swift and sure punishment for the type of GARBAGE that we are talking about is EXECUTION - the sooner, the better!
Oh, just give it up! It isn't coming back so you can either choose to indulge in meaningless rhetoric or actually push for things that may make a difference.



New member
Jun 13, 2008
LancsLad said:
then get to live in fear of them as this punk will play with guns to get his way yet we are not allowed to know who he is.

Thats bullshit.

We pay the bills, we should set the rules.

Everyone is capable of change at some point.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
lim3kandi3 said:
Everyone is capable of change at some point.

That scum had his chance after he was first caught with guns.

no do overs.

Save us all a lot of money and accident his ass ASAP.


S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
The brother is saying now it could not have been his own brother who shot him....maybe, maybe not but what if the police are looking for the wrong guy :confused:

CityNews caught up to the younger Weese, who showed off the bullet wound on his arm, but wouldn't admit that his own brother caused his injuries.

"My brother wouldn't shoot me, you know what I'm saying? I don't know if he's capable of doing stuff like that. I don't even think he is. I love my brother."

Matthew claims Kyle called him for help after getting into a confrontation at the bar. He also maintains that when he showed up, Kyle was gone, and that there were other gunmen at the bar that night that may have been responsible for shooting him.


New member
Dec 29, 2006
jwmorrice said:
Oh, just give it up! It isn't coming back so you can either choose to indulge in meaningless rhetoric or actually push for things that may make a difference.

Oh it will be back JW - and it would have been sooner rather than later if Harper had won only 12 or 13 more seats. Don't worry - we will have it in time. The ONLY thing that will make a difference is Capital Punishment when it comes to "takin' care of the GARBAGE' !

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
nottyboi said:
There are some pretty moronic comments posted here, the type of nonsense you see that hypes up crime. This incident was tragic, sure. I don't think anyone doubts this scumbag will get caught, and he will go to jail for a long time. He WILL be found guilty of second degree murder, assault causing grievous bodily harm, attempted murder (the guy he TRIED to kill) and with all those aggravating circumstances he will likely get the maximum. I don't know why people keep advocating US style laws when they DON'T WORK and the proof is in front of our eyes. Lets face it, we have much less crime then the US. That is a result of our culture and legal system.
whether or not US justice works in detering crime is one arguement. One thing US justice does for sure is get THIS prick off the streets forever. Either with a lethal injection, or 600 years.

I agree with tboy, he'll be out in a few years. He was on probation as it was for a series of crimes.

Canadian justice has become a joke.

I'll get in more shit for building a garage without a permit than this prick will for killing someone.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Capital punishment won't be back. Regardless of Harper or any other Canadian NeoCon.

The only thing I want to see is that a life sentence actually means a life sentence. You don't get out till the day you die. No parole after 25 years, no faint hope clause, nothing. Just concrete and steel bars.


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
james t kirk said:
Capital punishment won't be back. Regardless of Harper or any other Canadian NeoCon.

The only thing I want to see is that a life sentence actually means a life sentence. You don't get out till the day you die. No parole after 25 years, no faint hope clause, nothing. Just concrete and steel bars.
I agree completely.



Well-known member
May 14, 2008
LancsLad said:
I would do it in a heartbeat. And don't even try to question my sincerity on this issue.

truth be told i'd rather let him loose in a large field and hunt him. Then again I am a little old fashioned.

We all know you are full of *hit. You would never have the balls to do it, just another gutless soccer lout that depends on liquid courage.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
james t kirk said:
Capital punishment won't be back. Regardless of Harper or any other Canadian NeoCon.

The only thing I want to see is that a life sentence actually means a life sentence. You don't get out till the day you die. No parole after 25 years, no faint hope clause, nothing. Just concrete and steel bars.
And what is the benefit of that? Did you stop to think for a second how dangerous that would make the inmates? What about being a prison warden when your inmates have nothing to lose. Stop coming up with these idiotic knee jerk ideas with consequences you have not thought out and don't have to deal with. If you are so determined, why don't you pay the $135 a day to imprison these people for the rest of their lives. GEEZ.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
tboy said:
Sorry, we HOPE that will happen but it most likely won't. Haven't you been following the news lately? Most of the people caught are given a slap on the wrist and then let out on parole.

I mean not long ago there was the story about the guy who was 21 and had been convicted of 51 crimes and he was STILL out walking around.....
Yeah but they are probably petty crimes. Canada has one of the lowest re offend rates in the world, so do some goddamn research before you start thinking up ideas to waste taxpayers money on some fear driven panic.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Mr. Piggy said:
You missed my point. The cops know who they're looking for. Shooting the scumbag would be doing the community a service.
As for a murderer looking like me, flat nose, little pointed ears, curly tail, I doubt it. :D
Ok so if you are up for short circuiting the justice system, how would you feel if they just beat you to a pulp instead of giving you a speeding ticket. After all, it is more efficient and you are not likely to speed again.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
iprint said:
make it a mandatory 20 years if you commit a crime with a gun, I bet even the hand gun member on this board would not have a problem with that.
So if you do that, the perp will know he is facing a minimum 20 years... do you think he is more likely to surrender or blow the cop away and take his chances? I can't believe just how little people think these moronic ideas thorough. If you people were in charge we'd be in chaos.


New member
Sep 13, 2006
nottyboi said:
So if you do that, the perp will know he is facing a minimum 20 years... do you think he is more likely to surrender or blow the cop away and take his chances? I can't believe just how little people think these moronic ideas thorough. If you people were in charge we'd be in chaos.

If lim3kaundi3 was in charge, there would be absolute anarchy. everybody would be paying a heavy price for smoking.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
nottyboi said:
We all know you are full of *hit. You would never have the balls to do it, just another gutless soccer lout that depends on liquid courage.

If you are stupid enough to believe what you say then our job is all the much easier.


james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
nottyboi said:
And what is the benefit of that? Did you stop to think for a second how dangerous that would make the inmates? What about being a prison warden when your inmates have nothing to lose. Stop coming up with these idiotic knee jerk ideas with consequences you have not thought out and don't have to deal with. If you are so determined, why don't you pay the $135 a day to imprison these people for the rest of their lives. GEEZ.
I AM paying for it.

My "knee jerk reaction" is keeping murderers off the street. That's what prison means.

Of course, if you'd like to parole the little darlings earlier, perhaps they could come and stay with YOU.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
nottyboi said:
So if you do that, the perp will know he is facing a minimum 20 years... do you think he is more likely to surrender or blow the cop away and take his chances? I can't believe just how little people think these moronic ideas thorough. If you people were in charge we'd be in chaos.
You really are scared aren't you.

If he takes a shot at a cop, odds are very good that he will be dispatched to meet his maker right there and then.

As to him surrendering vs. getting blown away by the cops, I don't really care. Either option is good.

I have far far more faith in the police than you do to win in any such situation.
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