Ingrown Hairs. Products to prevent, cure?


New member
Jan 20, 2004
Anthony Logistics For Men Ingrown Hair Treatment. after reading good reviews for it, I bought one and usually after I epilate or wax I normally get 5 or 6 ingrown hairs. Since I've been using Anthony Logistics, Sometimes I might get 1 ingrown hair, and if I do, it's not as bad as normal. But most times I don't get anymore ingrowns. I used it for about 3 days right after waxing or epilating. it's a big expensive, but it lasts for a long time, because a little goes a long way.


is Rebecca Richardson
May 9, 2007
This sounds crazy, but a lot of dancers I know swear by solid antiperspirant after a shave.


I find exfoliating with St. Ives exfoliating scrub and very warm water before shaving helps prevent ingrown hairs. Don't shave against the hair, shave along it.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Single blade razor (single blade safety razor NOT a straight razor unless you want to perform a DIY vasectomy!). Avoids pulling the hair out and cutting it so short it ends up below the skin.

I also find I cannot shave my pubes above the unit without looking like a freshly plucked turkey. Balls and shaft ok, but not above. Weird. Anyway I prefer not to look like a 10 year old so this is a good combo for me.

Bit of exfoliation helps too, powder them up to keep dry afterward as well. Hope this helps.
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