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info on Tammy-an sp,not the mpa


New member
Jul 3, 2003
a dimentia you will never reach
Someone referred this lady to me,so I did a search and the only info I could find was of an Mpa named Tammy,though the phone numbers didn't match. Is there an sp named Tammy who lives in the northend of Oshawa and does incalls,and if so,can anyone tell me what her menu is like and if she has any pictures to view? Thanks.

I've never seen anything on a Tammy on the board since I've been here in the last 9 months. Give her a call and maybe she can describe herself and tell you what services she gives. If a friend gave you the number maybe it will be worth taking one for the team. It's always nice to see if we have any new talent in the Durham Region :)


New member
Jul 3, 2003
a dimentia you will never reach
here it is

905deleted , located in North Oshawa. Late 20's,early 30's,fit body and she does it all. That's all the info I have. If anyone recognizes this phone number or the lady herself,can you please let me know? Her ad is in the local paper also.


Aug 24, 2001
East End
ur a jackass....

if she was referred to u then she must be worth going to see. why don't u call her and go see her. do u want someone to go with u to hold ur hand and talk to her for why do u pm somebody and ask for a referal and then u don't use it? she doesn't have a website and i said she does it all, YMMV. u pm'ed me asking about her and i clearly stated in my earlier post and in the pm that nobody has reviewed her, so why r u asking. if i give a referal just go see her. nobody is gonna give a referal to a bad sp. what is wrong with u. and in case everybody is wondering TAMMY is the oshawa gem that i was talking about in the other post.


Sep 7, 2004
Oddly I just called this lady to see if I could get some info from her as far as rates go. I am alwayse polte when talking to people and that was the case today. She actually hung up on me,. I"m a lil suprised to be honest. I diden't even get a chance to ask anything from her just mentioned that I got her number and thought I would give her a call. She said her number is not listed anywhere and hung up. Weird. Is tammy an actualy SP or whats goin on? Just some girl makin some cash on the side? Does not seem like she wants any business,.. I think we all need a review of this girl before anyone can take her seriously. I was fulliny willing to toftt today and got shot down. Anyone els have any luck with this woman so far?


Aug 24, 2001
East End
here's the deal

her name is tammy, she is in north oshawa her building is not the greatest but her apartment is nice.

her ad is in the paper and on call her and have fun. 905-718-0337.

her ad has been running in OTW for a while now( over a year) and since i have know her she has always told me that she is really busy and that her phone never stops ringing. which got me to thinking that there is not enough durham hobbiests to keep her that busy which means that somebody on here has seen her and is only sharing the info on the down low and not posting and since i mentioned her on here she has been going nuts with the phone calls.

as to her hanging up, i dunno why, but it could be to the overflow of calls since my posting.

but she is great, goodlooking blonde late 20's earlier 30's i can't tell, great shape she works out like mad....slim tight figure nice ass clean shaven and like i said she does it all( and i mean all) YMMV. she really is nice, $90/30mins and $140/hr.

there's the fuckin review u guys have been waiting for. i mean cmon if u look at my posting history u will see how many times i complain about durham and about lack of talent out here, so when i say she is a gem in oshawa then take my fuckin word and go see her.

if she thinks she was busy before, she is gonna go mad after this!!!!!!!!!

ps. when calling her and for that matter any sp....why not just say u r calling about the ad instead of saying u got the number from somebody, because that will make her wonder who u got it from and since u can't give her an answer maybe she will hang up on u. and as i am writing this i am also thinking that not every sp knows about terb and i don't think tammy does and i haven't told her about it, so just go about it like u got her number from the paper.


New member
Nov 28, 2002
You know I did the same thing today as well, I called her to make an appointment and I couldn't hear her on the phone, so I told her I would call back. I called back and she gave me crap for calling 2 times in a row, but she did make me an appointment. I was told to goto her appartment and buzz the code in the lobby "gently" and she would let me in, than go up the elevator and only if the view was clear to knock "very gently" on her door. I showed up 10 minutes early and buzzed the code for no more than one second...I waited and she didn't let me in, no response. So I tried to buzz her again after 5 minutes, still no answer. I repeated the one second buzz two more times, waiting 5 minutes in between each, and still no answer. I assumed that she might have been busy, but that wasn't the case as I than left and went to a pay phone. She answered and I explained what had happen and asked her why she wouldn't let me in. Her answer was "I don't want you to take this the wrong why, BUT I SAID TO BUZZ ME GENTLY AS YOU ARE TRYING TO DRAWING ALOT OF ATTENTION TO ME!!!" She than told me not to call her again. What is with this lady? How do you buzz someone gently? I have to wonder if this is a game to her or if she is on something or if she drinks alot? I spoke to her politly and respectfuly and this is how she makes a first impression. As far as I am concerned, its her loss, and I hope all of you can learn from my wasteful experience with advise is to spend your time and money elsewhere, find a lady likes what she does. This chick seems to be into mind games.


Aug 24, 2001
East End
thats too bad

sorry tm for the bad experience, she actually told me the same thing the 1st time i saw her because she has had alot of complaints from her neighbors.she told me to buzz only once and when i go up to her floor, before i goto her door to check if the hallway is clear. i know strange, but she did explain that her neighbors have given her alot of trouble. i can't explain why she would do that and not see u. all i can say is she is worth it if u can get to see her. maybe i should have kept quite it seems like she is overwhelmed with all the calls now.


Sep 7, 2004
I did mention that I had gotten her number from an ad. She told me flat out that "I have no clue what your talking about because I am 100% sure that I have no ad out there." So I fessed up and said her number came from a referal (cause it sorta did) and she hung up,.. I asked for her by name and she said it was her. I will assume it's a "stage name" and she knows that it's not a personal call when you ask for her. Dunno whats up. I'm pretty thick skinned most of the time, but I felt like an asshole for calling her. I can get this kinda crap at home,,... I'd be willing to give this lady a shot as I totally agree with you that there are too few ladies in durham but this girl is a lil strange.
I'll keep heading to scarb for mary's famous low cost bbbjs unless this girl get herself put together.


Aug 24, 2001
East End
here's the thing......

if u said u got her number from her ad and also asked by name she would think something is wrong because there is no name in the ad. and then again i am pretty sure she doesn't know about terb so when u mentioned refferal she was just probably lost. so just call saying u saw her ad, ask for info and ask her what her name is. simple.

now i haven't talked to her since maybe last week and i am not defending her for her actions but i can see how she might be overwhelmed. there have been more the 500 views on this thread and u know alot of them are already dialing.

and just as a sidenote when i call an sp that i have been referred to or seen a review of on here, when i actually speak to her i alwasy take the approach of just some guy who saw ur ad and am looking for info and to set an appt. makes it easier cuz then she can't ask questions that u can't answer and make sure u know the ad, don't call her by her name if its not in the ad.

hope some of u actually see her.

ps. never assume, it just might be her real name(wink wink)


Sep 7, 2004
I get what your sayin mate,.. It's hard to express in type what was convayed with words. I have talked to perhapse 100(+-) sp's an a tonne more mpa's. Most of my friends back when I lived in KW are dancers. Trust me. I know how to talk to people. I've never had anyone hang up on me. And this experiance was just weird. Even if she said "sorry you have the wrong #" or sompting it would not have come across as bein' so strange. Maby someone should introduce this lady to terb... I dunno. The entire situation sucks. It woulda been great to check out new talent in this town. Lemmy know if you get any info from this girl plz. It'll be nice to hear if she gets her shit together.


Feb 19, 2003
I'll Avoid this one

Gave her a call today, asked about the rate, she said $90 for the half in a not too pleasant way. I ask about service and she just hung up. Only my opinion but if she is that bad before she has your money good luck after she has it. I'll give her a miss, BTW she is the one from the OTW 905-718......


New member
Feb 21, 2005

My friggn luck!

I lurk on here a bit for talent - not much of a poster and read the start of this thread a few days ago. Didn't put alot of thought into it other then sounds like drama = stay away. That said I was horny at work and decided to roll the OWTH dice and tried a couple of numbers. After failing on the first two I try da one you speak of! She answers and I ask if she is available in a couple of hours. She relies yes so I ask for some details about herself (I am rolling the dice here) and she gives me what sounds like a winner so I book in for 1115pm. She gives me the buzz softly and just once speech and tells me to stay in the elevator if someone is on her floor because of her neighbours. I have no problem with this and follow my orders accordingly. I showed up a few minutes late (facking work!) and buzz once just a little "tap"! Stand there like a putz for 5 min's and tried again just a "Tap"! Still nothing - I think possibly she has someone on the go so I head back to the truck for a smoke and a hope. After the butt, I head back (its Facking Cold out tonight) and cursing the entire way I hit her lobby for another go. This time its well after 1130 and I'm supposed to just "going out for a quick drink after work hun!" and I am a bit pissed! I try the ole "tap" on the buzzer and wait a few minutes for nothing! I try again a bit longer this off two slightly longer ones in a row...nothing...hit her with two long ones a short one and two more biggies! Still nada! After tapping out a bit of a song I head back to the truck and make it home early!

Really need to pay more attention when doing my homework and not fall for the horny OWTH panic call!
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