Inexpensive Weight Loss Program?


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
In all honestly, try this.

Cut the sugars out completely. Pop and energy drinks, WORST SHIT EVER, avoid.
Eat 5 meals a day - 3 square ones, with 2 snacks in between.
Learn the Glycemic Index.
Eat whole wheat breads, grains.
No white breads/rice, no processed foods.
Lots of greens.

Watch yourself lose weight, even if you just cut the sugars and do fuck all for a month.

I cut sugar out a week before New Year to now and easily lost 5-8lbs. I'm happy with my height/weight, I just wanna shred up a bit more.
Cobster pretty much has it right but I'll my two cents worth.

What you want to do to lose weight is burn fat. I know that sounds simple but in order to burn fat you need to reduce your sugar intake, and that includes the foods that your body converts to sugar. So, the trick to burning fat is not having your body constantly using sugar for energy.

If you want to see amazing results, try sticking to this list foods for 30 days. There's plenty of good things to eat on that list and you don't have to count calories. Just eat a balance of meat, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Weigh yourself once in the morning then 30 days later. If you stick to it, you'll be amazed at the results. If you combine exercise with these foods, you'll lose even more.

The key is to not have any sugar, pop, fruit juice, energy drinks, wheat (pizza, pasta), rice, corn or potatoes. Also avoid alcohol.

That list also contains things to snack onto snack on so you don't have to be hungry. If possible, eat several smaller meals throughout the day and nothing after 9:00 PM.

It can be difficult to stick to that list of foods is if you're on the road. Fast food joints almost always have carbs (wheat, rice, potatoes etc.) unless you can find a place that has a grilled chicken salad. Leave out the croutons and skip the dressing loaded with sugar.

If there's one thing that overweight people typically do is eat some form of wheat, rice or potatoes with every meal. Then they snack on things containing the same ingredients and wash it down with something containing sugar.

The key here is to stick to it. Once your body is no longer burning the sugar you were constantly eating, it starts burning fat and using that for energy. You'll notice it works like magic.

Oh and if you eat peanut butter, eat the natural stuff you refrigerate, not the Jiff's, Skippy or the regular Kraft kind, but they do make a GREAT natural one.
Natural peanut butter has the good fat, not the bad stuff and no hydrogenated oil crap.
Try almond butter, even better than peanut butter.


New member
Jan 8, 2012
Hamilton, ON
She may have, but she's also an example of someone who implemented changes to her own life and can stand behind what she said having done it herself and continues to.

She lost a 100 pounds! Kudos to her.
I added lots of other things that weren't mentioned before, and some points had to be included, because if I just sad "What everyone else said, anndd.." would be too vague. Alot of people also said don't eat out, but I eat out all the time and still do, you just have to know WHAT to eat, and obviously not fast-food type eating out lol


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Cobster pretty much has it right but I'll my two cents worth.

What you want to do to lose weight is burn fat. I know that sounds simple but in order to burn fat you need to reduce your sugar intake, and that includes the foods that your body converts to sugar. So, the trick to burning fat is not having your body constantly using sugar for energy.

If you want to see amazing results, try sticking to this list foods for 30 days.
Thanks for the link, definitely gonna look into that. Always up for learning more.


Feb 9, 2008
google "ketogenic diets". South beach diet is one, atkins is another, as is Dr Poon. From personal experience with the Poon diet, if you can make it two weeks, you're home free. It's more a lifestyle change than a diet, as you will be eating differently for the rest of your life if you embrace the program. As mentioned, the first week or two is tough as your body craves carbs and sugars....but once ketosis kicks in and you start burning fat for energy, you feel like a million bucks. You actually burn fat while you sleep when your body is in this biochemical state.

You need a referral from your GP to be accepted into the Poon program. If you are obese and have any symptoms of metabolic syndrome (type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high serum cholesterol, sleep apnea, etc) you're pretty much guaranteed in. OHIP foots the bill. And, c''s the "poon" diet....need I say more?


New member
Jan 23, 2004
imo, you don't need any of that crap

eat whatever you want, just count the calories

go to the grocery store and spend some extra time reading the labels

stay away from restaurants as much as possible ... if you have to eat out, check out the nutritional info on the restaurant's website

bonus: you'll save money too
++1.That's what I did and it works just fine. I lost and have kept off 45 ibs....The downside to this method is that you actually have to pay some mind to what you're shoving down your pie-hole but I now watch what I eat as a matter of course and with no feeling of deprivation at all. My skin has cleared up, stomach's gone and the libido's up. Just
no more 60 chicken wings at one go with beer and chips.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
Some people do well changing their eating habits quickly, or begin an exercise regimen and stick with it for a couple weeks. Most will revert to old behaviours after a short while.

What I would recommend would be to build up your "personal toolkit" to improve your own education and motivation.

I'd start by picking up a small notebook (e.g. 2"x3" from Staples or elsewhere). Write down everything you eat and drink every day, each day on its own page. You can develop a shorthand notation for common things, maybe using a "w" in a circle for a glass of water. And if you forget to write something down, don't stress out about it, just pick up where you left off and try to develop the habit. And if you exercise more than your usual daily routine of walking through your day, you're welcome to make a note of that, too.

Then, start analyzing what you're eating and drinking. You've heard all sorts of advice about eating too many calories, or drinking 8 glasses of water a day, so think about how many calories you're actually consuming, and how few glasses of water you're getting. But don't get too stressed about every last detail. The idea at this stage is to get a better sense of what your life is like now. How the "real you" behaves now.

And as you get to see what you eat, and how much water you drink, and how many times a week you do "strenuous" exercises, you should be able to find new opportunities to reduce a few calories here and there, to take an extra glass of water, or to exercise a couple extra times a week.

That doesn't mean you'll be at 8 glasses of water, exercising 20 minutes at a time three or four times a week, and limiting your calorie intake. But as you look back you should see an improving trend. Some weeks will be better than others, and if not then you get to decide to focus a bit more on your targets.

You can accomplish significant changes in your lifestyle by stealth, and reach your goals over time.


New member
Apr 29, 2002

Just fucking do it.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
I need help to lose some weight, but most of the poular weight loss programs are quite expensive. For example, the Dr. Bernstein Weight Loss Program costs at least $600 a month. I can afford to pay $200 a month, maybe $300 a month. Are there any effective weight loss programs that cost that much or less?
Here's an idea, go to your family doctor and have a physical with bloodwork specifically good/bad cholesterol and sugar levels. These levels are supposed to read about 3-5 for most people. Ok, so here's the story, at age 31, I had a complete physical just for my own curiousity. Now, there's a long history of heart, stroke and cancer in my family so yes I was wondering about that for me.

I fast and go for bloodwork the next day. Later that evening my doctor calls and asks if I can come in first thing the next day. Thanks doc! Now, I'm concerned just tell me now what it is? Doctor says, "Your cholesterol and sugars are dangerously high!" Then, I ask what are they? I'm told 28 & 26 and the doctor said they should be 3-5. Anyway, the next day I saw my doctor and went to the cardiac unit at a local hospital that afternoon to meet with a cardiologist and dietician. Did the physical stress test, no problems. Cardiologist said you're bulky, stalky yet very active. Dietician thoroughly educated me on how, when and what to eat.

I was allowed 10 servings of carbs per day.
1 slice of bread = 2 servings
1 diet pepsi = 1 carb
1 bowl of cereal = 1.5
1 serving of starch = 2

No alcohol = light beer drinker so I stopped cold turkey.
No smoking= I've never smoked.
Starches=pasta, rice, corn, bread.
Soda=diet 1 daily (aspertame) so I asked about small glass 4-6 ounces every other day. Agreed. Eventually, I stopped.

I was shocked that there wasn't an issue about meat (Beef, Pork, Chicken)

I learned to eat 5-6 times daily, nothing heavy after 7/8pm (rice-cakes) is what I snacked on, one every night with a small glass of SKIM milk. I've never eaten alot of fried food so that wasn't an issue.

6-8 hours nightly of uninterrupted sleep, establish a bedroom routine.
Daily exercise, now I was participating in several men's leagues, but they weren't everyday, so I started walking everyday.
2 weeks of 1 mile.
1 week of 1.5 mile.
2 weeks of 2 miles.
Beginning of the 5th week, I was up to 3.5 miles daily and climbing the escarpment stairs.
10th week, I had my levels down to 5 and 6 and lost 30+ lbs, felt great, I was more impressed with the inches lost, gain in strength and energy, and looked as healthy as I did in my university days but even lighter.

My employer accommodated me to work straight days for 6 months 7-15 or 7-19 for health reasons which helped, shift work takes a toll overall.

Water, water, water, water, water, water, water and more water 8 glasses x 8 ounces daily does a body good.

I am not diabetic, not even slightly. 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and required a cpap machine, now I wear breathe right strips, always sleep on my side and try to get enough rest (work in progress again).

The sleep specialist gave me alot of knowledge on the body systems and mine specifically. Your neck size should be 16 or less. When I was younger, I had a 17.5 neck while playing football and kept that up while continuing to lift heavy in my 20s. So much can be restricted through the next without plaque buildup. Sleep apnea also is a factor to male ED.



"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Fully guaranteed to work

Keep mouth closed.


Jan 25, 2011
The problem with diets is that in most cases you can't stay on them forever. You need a complete lifestyle change and has already been mentioned, cutting out or reducing sugar and simple carbs is a good start

Do strength training. Increased muscle mass will boost your metabolism and will help you burn calories after the workout. Then high intenstity cardio intervals.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
Im with u on the P90X, P90X-2, & Insanity band-wagon. And working out that hard forces u to eat well!
true.. I haven't even followed the nutrition program. Just eat whatever I used to and want.. ofcourse with a little moderation.

People actually don't need all these stupid and complex programs if they could just remember to

Eat less, move more xD


Apr 27, 2008
I went through the program at Herbal Magic. I lost around 20lbs when I was on it. It worked for me because I had to be accountable to someone.


B(.)(.)B Lover
Dec 5, 2001
- Poondiet and Dr. Berstein diets put the body into a Ketosis state and I'm not sure how healthy a state this is for the human body
- friend of mine lost 105lbs on Dr. B but could not sustain the weight loss and regained all of it; all 5 people I know that lost weight on Dr. B, regained it
- fast weight loss many times causes gall bladder problems; 3 people I know that used Dr. B, all had their gall bladder removed


Feb 9, 2008
- Poondiet and Dr. Berstein diets put the body into a Ketosis state and I'm not sure how healthy a state this is for the human body
- friend of mine lost 105lbs on Dr. B but could not sustain the weight loss and regained all of it; all 5 people I know that lost weight on Dr. B, regained it
- fast weight loss many times causes gall bladder problems; 3 people I know that used Dr. B, all had their gall bladder removed
You may be confusing ketosis with ketoacidosos.....two entirely different things. Ketosis is a natural biochemical state and is perfectly normal and healthy. This is how your body burns fat, when there are insufficient carbs present.
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