Asia Studios Massage

Industry xmas party for charity


Well-known member
May 26, 2013
It was great to see funds raised for worthy causes. It may make sense to raise the door fee for men to $100++ so that there would be better ratio of women to men. It would presumably raise similar revenue but provide a better opportunity for guys to mingle with the ladies. It may make sense to get rid of the exclusive VIP areas as many of the ladies were there and unaccessible to much of the guys. Many guys including me left early because of this.

Again great effort to raise funds for good causes; just a couple of suggestions to make it even better.
Noticed some ladies stayed mostly in their VIP section and in terms of the ratio , you're definitely right about that.. I was lucky I got to hangout with some of the ladies Im cool with..


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2015
I was in awe all night. The ladies are actually all tremendous personalities. But perhaps my best experience was walking up to TDL lounge area (I thought I might be able to introduce myself and chat a bit to get the "lay of the land" so to speak). I felt the intense stare of the bouncer/linebacker who confirmed that climbing those stairs would be CLM. We both chuckled and in any event I can't speak rationally with a hard on anyway. I'll just have to make a point of seeing each one individually.
What a Great marketing opportunity for the agencies! Great cause as well!


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
It was great to see funds raised for worthy causes. It may make sense to raise the door fee for men to $100++ so that there would be better ratio of women to men. It would presumably raise similar revenue but provide a better opportunity for guys to mingle with the ladies. It may make sense to get rid of the exclusive VIP areas as many of the ladies were there and inaccessible to much of the guys. Many guys including me left early because of this.

Again great effort to raise funds for good causes; just a couple of suggestions to make it even better.
The ratio is always like that and it reflects the ratio of men to women in the sex industry community. More customers than sellers.

The $100 fee you propose would kill the party right off.

My solution is to be as extroverted as possible and NOT SHY. The girls WANT to meet customers. That is why they're there. If you wave at them, they will smile and wave back. If you go into the vip areas to talk to girls, they will smile and talk to you. Just be polite and ask their names and where they work and keep the chat social and not insulting or overtly sexual and you will make contacts - and so will the girls!!!


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2008
For me one of the highlights of the night was Jayde Jolie from Allegra's mingling and dancing in the "general" non VIP-area. This was early in the night when the boy-girl ratio was around 50-to-1

I guess next time I could arrive a bit later, so to avoid the sausage party (note that things got better around 10.30 pm, when most of the ladies decided to leave their VIP zones), but then I would had missed what I consider the most memorable highlight of the night... and would not be meeting her today :)


Senior Member
May 16, 2016
Toronto, Vancouver
The ratio is always like that and it reflects the ratio of men to women in the sex industry community. More customers than sellers.

The $100 fee you propose would kill the party right off.

My solution is to be as extroverted as possible and NOT SHY. The girls WANT to meet customers. That is why they're there. If you wave at them, they will smile and wave back. If you go into the vip areas to talk to girls, they will smile and talk to you. Just be polite and ask their names and where they work and keep the chat social and not insulting or overtly sexual and you will make contacts - and so will the girls!!!
VIP areas did not have open access so we were unable to meet the SPs we wanted to meet. The only solution is to raise the price and remove the barrier. I agree the higher price will "kill the attendance of some men", but that is what needs to be achieved. I suspect that SPs want to meet men who are willing to pay higher door fee which is likely better aligned with their intended target market. This is not about being shy or extroverted; many men simply don't want to attend a sausage fest.

I understand there will be differing views on this, which is fine. I don't want to take the spotlight away from the organizers who put this together. The bottom line is that it was a successfull event as the charities benefited greatly and I am glad they did.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
I would skip seeing agency ladies that stayed cocooned in their restricted VIP areas, there are so many others that would welcome a chance to meet you.


Active member
Aug 4, 2008
Dog House
I think the $30 fee was fair. Maybe have more girls come around 9pm and until 10pm stay in vip with regulars.(rotating in)
They are free to roam obviously at anytime if they see someone they are interested in enticing.(or waived over)
At 10:30pm do all the prizes. However, make fewer of them overall but, higher value.
That way there is time to go talk to the agency girls that the prize was for.(as well the guys would be around to claim them)
Bonus: Daley's mouth would not be so tired from calling out numbers. ;)
Also should be a 5min limit like speed dating so that more guys get a chance to talk to more ladies
Thank you very much again for all the organizers, agencies, and ladies for a great night. (bring back St. Patrick's day parties please)


Senior Member
May 16, 2016
Toronto, Vancouver
I think the $30 fee was fair. Maybe have more girls come around 9pm and until 10pm stay in vip with regulars.(rotating in)
They are free to roam obviously at anytime if they see someone they are interested in enticing.(or waived over)
At 10:30pm do all the prizes. However, make fewer of them overall but, higher value.
That way there is time to go talk to the agency girls that the prize was for.(as well the guys would be around to claim them)
Bonus: Daley's mouth would not be so tired from calling out numbers. ;)
Also should be a 5min limit like speed dating so that more guys get a chance to talk to more ladies
Thank you very much again for all the organizers, agencies, and ladies for a great night. (bring back St. Patrick's day parties please)
Good ideas.


Active member
Jul 17, 2014
I would like to extend my thanks as well to everyone that had a part in making this a fun evening.
As a winner of a very generous prize, it was doubly enjoyable.

One small complaint not for the organizers, but directed at the venue. Considering this was a meet and greet,
the music was ear splittingly loud. Something to keep in mind for the future.


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2015
Ok so we learn for the next event!

Obviously the music was too loud. It was difficult to have conversations and I was slightly horse the next day. Once the ladies hit the floor us guys really wanted to chat but general sentiment was that it's rude to barge in on a conversation! It was awkward at times hanging in an area and waiting for your chance to speak with a lovely lady engaged in conversation. But some of the ladies were possibly anxious being around a hoard of guys. So they found comfort in their own company and wandered to the dance floor.

All in all thank you ladies for attending. Next time I'll be slightly more forcefull in having conversations with you so please don't consider me to be rude. My plan for the night was to make initial introductions and find some chemistry to form a basis for future meetings. I was marginally successful and thank you. But the real winners were the charities as well as the ladies that engaged with potential new prospects. But man I had a lot of fun. Thanks again to the organizers.


Jun 1, 2016
Echoing Ravencroft's words and sentiments, I would also like to thank all of the agencies for coming together to provide the community with such a successful and meaningful event.

Of course, special thanks must go out to Andy whose vision helped make this event possible, and for turning fantasy into reality by allowing a few lucky Terbites, like myself (who never wins anything), the opportunity to partake in the pleasures of the Party Bus amidst members of the formidable Mirage Empire. Andy and his crew did a wonderful job in making us all feel welcome and comfortable.

A special shout out goes to Daley... whose commitment and perseverance to the cause helped in keeping all involved organized and on the same page. Akin to the famous drum beating energizer bunny, Daley's hard work, both before and during the evening, helped to ensure that the heart behind this motivational occasion beat smoothly, steadily, and true. I feel terrible for not getting you a drink after all that running around. Perhaps another time... while I convince you of the theoretical merits of how Shakespeare ties seamlessly into The Vampire Diaries...:fencing:

To the stunning ladies of the Mirage Empire who I met... Daniella (truly amazing smile), Lola (mesmerizing eyes; lost you at the end of the night, but I will find you again shortly), Phoebe (super duper sweetness; thank you for trusting me), Lexi (energy personified), Jessie (flair, charm, and personality-plus), Carmen (sex appeal personified that is always accompanied with an easy manner, smile, and laugh), and Adrianna (a quiet mischievousness that is so damn enticing)... thank you for your wonderful company, pleasant conversation, and an evening to always be remembered.

To a Mirage lady whom I did not meet... Teena (wow-factor off the charts that must be Dark Knight investigated for another day)... It still escapes all logic and rationale as to how I allowed myself to lose someone sitting less than six feet away from me. Ninja dust, perhaps, or I simply must have gone momentarily insane or something...

And finally, the incomparable Miss Jane Way... To borrow the words of the late, great Winston Churchill, she "is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key." Kudos to the individual who is able to one day forge that key. You, young lady, are truly mega-awesome-to-the-ultimate-max!

After 3-hours of sleep, which nicely fed into an 8 am start, it's fair to say that it was definitely a challenging day. But one that I wholeheartedly recommend as an overwhelming repeat in the not-too-distant-future. An easy 10/10.

Wishing you all a happy weekend of shopping as well as a great kickoff to a memorable holiday season!


Im sorry we didnt get a chance to meet. Ive mastered the ninja move quite well. I was trying to make my way around the club and kept getting side tracked or pulled in a different direction...


Active member
Jun 26, 2010
Anyone know who the petite mixed girl with short curly hair was? She was wearing a lighter coloured dress (beige or white) and hanging out with a troupe of younger looking girls (mostly brunettes) around the square bar earlier and then on the dance floor later in the evening.


Aug 16, 2003
Im sorry we didnt get a chance to meet. Ive mastered the ninja move quite well. I was trying to make my way around the club and kept getting side tracked or pulled in a different direction...
That is very sweet of you to say, but since I was the one seated across from you and slightly to the side on the Party Bus--our eyes meeting quite a few times--the fault and loss is all mine. Once you were in the club, catering to the legions was obviously going to be your calling. That is the power of wow-factor, after all; "With great power comes great responsibility."

Even I should have known that... silly, silly boy.:doh:

But... we'll meet again... for the first time.



Jun 1, 2016
That is very sweet of you to say, but since I was the one seated across from you and slightly to the side on the Party Bus--our eyes meeting quite a few times--the fault and loss is all mine. Once you were in the club, catering to the legions was obviously going to be your calling. That is the power of wow-factor, after all; "With great power comes great responsibility."

Even I should have known that... silly, silly boy.:doh:

But... we'll meet again... for the first time.

Youre too sweet. I mean if we were on the party you shouldve just came over and sat next to me. I mean its not like we had anywhere to go at that point. We shall meet again and not on a party bus.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I'm sorry we didn't connect. I was actually looking at name tags as I mingled through the crowd. I didn't see IM469 either :(

Many faces I recognized without a name tag as we either knew each other, or I remembered them from past parties. I did have a first encounter with SchlongConery, and it was great.
Sometimes on boards, posts and views don't always do us justice. In person, SchlongConery is amazing. He was polite, funny, and very professional gentleman.

I have to second what Andy said about the Agency owners. How well this was organized, how well the agencies got behind this, and the caliber of ladies they brought out, was stellar. This was not a party to have missed.

I'd be all for a semi-annual idea, and doing the same location in the summer. Less worries about bad weather, and the girls can wear less :)

Really though, brilliant night to all those who made it happen.

It was so nice to finally meet you in person too Kathleen! What a beautiful and authentic person you are! I have such admiration for your joie de vivre... and how hard you must work out to have such a beautiful figure. I almost feel bad for now wanting to see you naked!

And yes, wearing a name tag would have made for an even better evening. I am glad I wore one with my nom de guerre. I had a few members come up and say hi and really enjoyed meeting them. One of the other highlights of my night was meeting oagre. He was one of the 4 or 5 of us men who wore name tags. What an authentic and personable man.

Andy. Well what can anyone say about Andy? I met him many years ago when he first started Mirage and am still shell shocked that a guy who looks like a fucking maniac (lol!) is such an authentically decent, if not awesome human being. In all those years I have never heard anything bad about him and have only ever heard great things and how he sincerely cares about the people that work for his organization. And people in general.

Thanks for putting this on Andy and thanks for "giving back" to the community.

And thanks to all the other agency owners, Daley and everyone who volunteered their time and sponsorship of prizes etc to making this party happen!

Back to the party....Met more than a few of the girls and had some great conversations with them.

Too many to mention that I put on my TDL list!


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
Great party. Andy knows how to make them work. Hopefully we will get back to the good old days. Ditto on most of below. Great girls at the party from indys to agency girls. Not a fan of the location however but I think it was good just not great - but I am sure some found it perfect. I like clubs more like the now gone Government or Musique and always enjoyed the strip clubs despite the drama (I liked when everyone got together from all three industries) Still a great party! There always ways to do better than last. but it was an "A" level party regardless.

It was so nice to finally meet you in person too Kathleen! What a beautiful and authentic person you are!

I have such admiration for your joie de vivre... and how hard you must work out to have such a beautiful figure. I almost feel bad for now wanting to see you naked!

And yes, wearing a name tag would have made for an even better evening. I am glad I wore one with my nom de guerre. I had a few members come up and say hi and really enjoyed meeting them. One of the other highlights of my night was meeting oagre. He was one of the 4 or 5 of us men who wore name tags. What an authentic and personable man.

Andy. Well what can anyone say about Andy? I met him many years ago when he first started Mirage and am still shell shocked that a guy who looks like a fucking maniac (lol!) is such an authentically decent, if not awesome human being. In all those years I have never heard anything bad about him and have only ever heard great things and how he sincerely cares about the people that work for his organization. And people in general.

Thanks for putting this on Andy and thanks for "giving back" to the community.

And thanks to all the other agency owners, Daley and everyone who volunteered their time and sponsorship of prizes etc to making this party happen!

Back to the party....Met more than a few of the girls and had some great conversations with them.

Too many to mention that I put on my TDL list!


Aug 13, 2015
Thanks to everyone that attended.

We raised $7,625 for Charity!
That is great! Thanks you to Andy, Daley and all the other Sponsors of the party! As other people stated the party started off slow with more guys than gals but that allowed me to make some introductions early in the evening with some of the lovely ladies who were there!

Brandy & Lady Anna X, Kasey, Carmen of Eye candy, Nikki Thomas, Angel Monroe, Ryan of Eye Candy to name a few :biggrin:

Met some great people there as well. In fact for the Draw I won a 30 minute session at TGF that they graciously donated! Now I just need to decide who I am going to see :)). Suggestions would be welcome.

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