Index of World's Most Livable Cities: A total failure


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
You may have seen the recent story of the world's most livable cities. Canada did well; Toronto did well. And we do live in a great city. But study the criteria making up the index and you will see a dismal failing. There is absolutely no consideration given to the quality of the hobbying scene. Unbelievable but true. Who among us would consider moving to any city where the hobbying scene was not first-rate.
This unforgivable oversight must be corrected. So I ask those with experience hobbying in different cities in the world to come up with a true list of the world's great cities. This is a difficult challenge, for I have hobbied briefly in many cities and found them lacking ... Amsterdam, London, Las Vagas, Thailand, Vienna and more. This is because I lacked knowledge of the local scene. I was like the businessman who lands in Toronto and goes to the yellow pages to select an escort. They will know nothing of what Toronto has to offer. So I ask those who have done their research, who have experienced the best in cities around the world to provide a proper ranking of the world's great cities. What are the ten most livable cities in the world for hobbiests?


New member
Aug 6, 2005

I live in a hobbying backwater, but based on my experiences out east (in Canada) and in Amsterdam, I would have to agree with scouser1. Don't get me wrong, Toronto is good, but Montreal is better.
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