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In the news - Timea's Story, Sex Slavery in Canada


Jun 6, 2009
That is a horrendous story, but my first reaction, having spotted the network logo was; another attempt at Canada bad, USA good.


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Jul 29, 2002
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blackrock13 said:
That is a horrendous story, but my first reaction, having spotted the network logo was; another attempt at Canada bad, USA good.
In the print story it mentions there being 50,000 sex slaves in the US and all they could come up with is a Canadian story ?


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
It's a messed up world for sure. And I've read of way worse situations in Asia and Africa, where the parents of the victim are often complicit.

They are using Timea's story because Timea is an advocate for human trafficking and womans rights. Instead of being upset that they are using a Canadian story perhaps we should be proud that Canada is leading what is becoming a global initiative to stop this issue.

Since human trafficking crosses all borders goverment agencies are coming up with joint initiatives to try to combat it and to raise awareness. Timea is now a recognized speaker, her story is being told as a cautionary tale. To let people know that it's not only the third world countries but that girls are trafficked from Hungary to Canada and that everyone, you and I need to be aware. I personally am proud that Canada is playing such a big part in this as I would like to see an end to human trafficking here, I'd like to know that the women working in this industry do so by choice and not by force. I do not wish to see anyones lives ruined, anyone victimized.
So yes I'm happy that they are using a Canadian story, it's not a time to become defensive and patriotic but rather be glad that in a small way we can be a part of a solution to a problem we are a part of.


Jun 6, 2009
train said:
In the print story it mentions there being 50,000 sex slaves in the US and all they could come up with is a Canadian story ?

.... and that strengthens my point even more.


Aug 10, 2009
sad story

Shame on you royalriley, it can't always b about you
Right on Kyra! You got it right, at least some of us aren't shallow Canadians !


Jul 3, 2009
Angel1 said:
Shame on you royalriley, it can't always b about you
Right on Kyra! You got it right, at least some of us aren't shallow Canadians !
I am not saying it has to be about me. I am just annoyed that all this media attention of sex slaves and I didnt even get a court case for when I was kidnapped and other horrible things.


May 22, 2007
Riley.Royal said:
I am not saying it has to be about me. I am just annoyed that all this media attention of sex slaves and I didnt even get a court case for when I was kidnapped and other horrible things.
Hey Riley,

Sorry to hear about your experiences, with the kidnapping, and with the lack of attention paid to by the mechanisms which are supposed to keep our citizens safe (i.e law enforcement, courts etc.)

This is one of the reasons I HATE Canada. Canadians say they are not racist, and may even believe it to be so, but when it comes to missing children, victims of crime, amber alerts, abductions , murders,etc. Nobody cares if you aren't white or asian. The only time missing people go reported, who aren't white, is if it is gang related.

Remember Sharmini Anandavel?

yeah nobody does. But if I say the words Cecelia Zhang or Leslie Mahffey, everybody does.

The telling point to me about whether a country's citizens really aren't racist, are forward thinking, and accepting, isn't in reputation or what people think, it is completely on what people do. When we live in a country where a brown or black life is worth less than a white or chinese, exemplified by the support (or lack thereof) when someone from those communities is in trouble, and the mobilization (or lack thereof) of the community for investigation, and the disproportionate amount of time reporting these crimes in the media, where editors think that a white girl's story is more important than a black or brown one's, that really is the telling point about the way people feel about one another in this country.

Regardless, it really upsets me when I hear stories about how someone who is brown/black and in trouble, and requires the coordinated help of law enforcement and the legal mechanisms in our country, and doesn't get it, because they aren't white (because the majority of police officers are white men who really don't give a fuck if you aren't white).


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Kyra_to said:
Timea's Story, Sex Slavery in Canada
According to experts, there are as many as 50,000 people being held as virtual slaves in the United States. They say a woman can be bought for as little as $400 and sold as a maid or a farm hand, but mostly for sex.
At the risk of sounding unfeeling. That is a number that is much disputed among those whose fields of expertise touch upon the sexual trafficking of women. A great many experts feel that the 50,000 figure is vastly over exaggerated. Are there cases of sexual trafficking of women in North America - yes, is it as severe a problem as it frequently is made out to be - no.

Further, I'd like to see what on earth kind of person is being trafficked for as little as four-hundred dollars!


Aug 10, 2009
oh brother !

How come every story ends up bein about race, man o man. All I know is Canada is the greatest country,aside from our govt & you are blessed to live here. Peace 2 u all, look for the good in people


Aug 10, 2009
mayb u should retire

Oh royalriley, mayb retire now & write your book. This business is brutal & we ALL roll with the punches. If u can't take the heat kid, ya bettr get outa the kitchen. Why u keep talking colour anyways,we all the same, Gods children, stop with your deep negative attitudes.


Jul 3, 2009
Angel1 said:
Oh royalriley, mayb retire now & write your book. This business is brutal & we ALL roll with the punches. If u can't take the heat kid, ya bettr get outa the kitchen. Why u keep talking colour anyways,we all the same, Gods children, stop with your deep negative attitudes.
It's amazing how when these threads about sex slave comes up and everyone is ready to tell me to retire. last time I checked I decide what I do with my life.
Riley.Royal said:
I will get my attention when I finish writing my memoir. I am born Canadian women of colour and what I lived was an episode of law and order SVU.

but who cares what happens to me right.
Riley, with all due respect either please share your story or do not. This post was made to bring attention to the issue of human trafficking, if you have something of value to contribute then please do but posting that no one wants to listen is not adding anything of value. We cannot listen to your story if you are not willing to share it. I am inviting you to share it, tell your story in it's entirety. If you are not however willing to share it then I would hope you understand why I and many others have not heard your complaints over the voice of others that choose to speak.


Jul 3, 2009
Kyra_to said:
Riley, with all due respect either please share your story or do not. This post was made to bring attention to the issue of human trafficking, if you have something of value to contribute then please do but posting that no one wants to listen is not adding anything of value. We cannot listen to your story if you are not willing to share it. I am inviting you to share it, tell your story in it's entirety. If you are not however willing to share it then I would hope you understand why I and many others have not heard your complaints over the voice of others that choose to speak.
I have shared my story many times. my story is written in my blog and many in the business know of my story.
Riley.Royal said:
I have shared my story many times. my story is written in my blog and many in the business know of my story.
Riley, since you brought up the story and asked that people listen you your story would you please mind copying and pasting or direct link it her. We are not familiar with it and I don not have the time to search all the posts in the Camgirl Minnie blogspot - It's not in the other site and if it's not easy to find people cannot be expected to search for it. The secret to getting media attention like Timea has and as you mentioned you wanted is making it easy access, perhaps that is why your story has not been heard.

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