Toronto Escorts

In a Gesture to Peace Israel Announces Another 200 Homes in West Bank


New member
Aug 30, 2001
Keep this up and there will be nowhere to live for the Israeli Palestinians invited to leave Israel by Israel's PM.

U.S. slams Israeli plan to build 200 Jerusalem homes beyond Green Line

"A plan to build 200 new housing units in the northern Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramot, beyond the 1967 Green Line, was approved on Wednesday by the Jerusalem district planning and building committee.

The U.S. State Department said on Wednesday it was deeply concerned about the Israeli decision. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the decision impeded attempts to reach a two-state solution between the Israelis and Palestinians.

The new plan is apparently meant to address the needs of the city’s ultra-Orthodox population.

Last week the U.S. administration condemned Israel for approving construction in the adjacent neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo, also beyond the Green Line. “It is unfortunate for this to move forward given not just the view of the United States, but the view of many in the international community,” said Psaki."


New member
Jul 17, 2003
Keep this up and there will be nowhere to live for the Israeli Palestinians invited to leave Israel by Israel's PM.

U.S. slams Israeli plan to build 200 Jerusalem homes beyond Green Line

"A plan to build 200 new housing units in the northern Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramot, beyond the 1967 Green Line, was approved on Wednesday by the Jerusalem district planning and building committee.

The U.S. State Department said on Wednesday it was deeply concerned about the Israeli decision. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the decision impeded attempts to reach a two-state solution between the Israelis and Palestinians.

The new plan is apparently meant to address the needs of the city’s ultra-Orthodox population.

Last week the U.S. administration condemned Israel for approving construction in the adjacent neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo, also beyond the Green Line. “It is unfortunate for this to move forward given not just the view of the United States, but the view of many in the international community,” said Psaki."
A side story from that article:
Jerusalem's Palestinian neighborhoods can't be erased from the map – or history

Backed by Netanyahu, Israeli settlers are plundering Palestinian neighborhoods under cover of the law, raising up community against community, Jews against Palestinians and Palestinians against Jews.
By Yudith Oppenheimer 12:09 13.11.14 0
You can talk about Israeli policy, you just can't protest it.
Now THAT is a democracy you can be proud of.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
And once again gryf shows his claims to be crap. The actual news:

Israel approves 200 new homes in Jewish E. Jerusalem area

Planning committee gives preliminary okay to construction in Ramot, and another 174 homes in Arab neighborhoods

Read more: Israel approves 200 new homes in Jewish E. Jerusalem area | The Times of Israel

So the real story is that Israel approves construction for Jews in neighbourhoods that are already Jewish and construction for Arabs in neighbourhoods that are already Arab. As usual telling the full story ruins gryf's claims.

To even go further, the Jewish neighbourhood is along the Green Line so some of those new homes will be in Israel proper.
Ashley Madison
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