Important advice needed


New member
Nov 29, 2013
Hello all - would like to get some advice on what to do in this difficult situation...I just found out after perusing some photos from one my FB friends (okay, he's really the sibling of one of my good friends from back in high school) that the young girl he's now engaged to be married with is in fact one of the escorts who's been posting on BP regularly...I have no idea if this guy actually is aware that she has been doing this on the side. Should I anonymously message the friend and let him know? He deserves to know the truth if he's choosing to spend the rest of his life with her, no? Interested in hearing opinions...
Jul 28, 2006
Seems like there's a lot of assumption and judgement going on here and likely many other considerations that you may not be aware of. If you feel ts really necessary to bring this "issue" to light perhaps it's best to discretely bring your discovery to her attention in person and not anonymously and let her manage the matter. Also be preared to explain why you were combing the pages of escort ads, while it may seem routine to those of us here, it's not something everyone does and may cast some unwanted attention and judgement back onto you.


Newly Amber Meow!
Jul 26, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
Peter said it best, stay out of it.

Definitely none of your business and it could potentially have a negative effect on you as well.

Also, no one should EVER be outing sex workers, no matter the circumstances, you have no idea if it could lead to a dangerous situation for her.

Leave it be.


May 30, 2012
That's a really tough one. The safe and sensible thing to do would be just leave it be as previously stated by others. That being said, I would definitely want to know if I was in your friend's situation. Wish I could offer some more concrete advice but that is such a delicate situation. For what it's worth, I would bring it to his attention discreetly and with understanding and kindness. It's important to not seem judgemental.


If the situation were reversed, would you want to know?

Being that he is your friend's brother, let your friend know & let him deal with it.


Dec 5, 2010
there is no right answer.

My choice would be to do what you first thought. And anonymously let him know.

Staying out of it is s good option but I see less issues in telling him than others. but either he knows and won't care
Or doesn't know and you saved him the potential ton of grief. Now is the time and I would rather know if it were the case.

I wouldn't implicate myself as knowing how or why she is an escort
I wouldn't tell his bro or bud as it becomes a more
Embarrassing biggers story and o wouldn't confront her because she might not tell him and you wouldn't know


Active member
Jul 30, 2008
Nah man don't do it lol. That's like having one of your fiance's friends outing you as a John before you marry her.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
It's your friend's brother?

Stay the fuck out of it.

(What makes you think she will keep on doing this forever? It's probably not a long-run choice for her if she's going to marry him.)


Active member
Mar 13, 2006
I've met a number of SPs who have boyfriends they say are clueless about their work. So be it - that's on their conscience, not yours. When I was married I saw SPs and didn't tell my wife. I suspect a lot of us are in that situation. Would you want an SP reporting on you to your partner?


New member
Nov 29, 2013
Thanks everyone for your input - I think it might be best for me to just stay out of it as there may possibly be consequences of huge proportions should the fiancee have no idea what's been going on...including my own safety if things got out of hand and any relevant information were revealed. I was just flabbergasted when I first found out about this yesterday and my first instinct was to post here and get feedback. Cheers!


Dec 1, 2013
A lot can go wrong and for what? So that YOU can have a clear conscience? Because that's the only thing that would be certain. You simply can't be sure how the others would react. Nah, too many things can go wrong.

If anything, you should let her know that you know, and that it's your opinion that she ought to tell her fiancé, if he doesn't already know. Even with this, you'd still be getting into something that's not your business. MYOB.


Jun 3, 2008
In my opinion, you you must take into account what kind of person your friend is to make that decision.

Is he a nice guy with a heart of gold who is being played by a shark? Or is he just a regular horny dude and she's probably another piece of ass to him, one of many...but he happens to be clueless?

It's much more likely that you should stay away and let nature play its course if he is just clueless...but if it's that 1/100 situation where a shark found a victim in that case you know what you want to do already you needn't ask any of us horndogs for advice.


Jul 6, 2015
not a situation i would want to be in. if you decide to tell your friend be prepared to have to possibly explain how you found out. If you keep it anonymous be prepared for the possibility he finds out it was you who told him.
Be sure you are 100% sure about this if you bring it up. I don't know the odds but there is always the possibility its someone else using her pictures.

If i was in his situation I would want to know (assuming he doesn't already know). Whether I would be ok with it or not would have depended on when it occurred in my life. I'm a lot more open than I used to be when I was younger.

christie renee
Oct 19, 2013
yes , just stay out of it to avoid conflict, everything has for a reason, maybe it isn't his time finding out about it yet, or maybe he already knows and just expected it to be a secret.... the way i see it, there are ALOT OF JEALOUS AND ENVIOUS people out there hoping for your downfall because you know that you are a better gem then that individual ....what i do i blatantly ignore and continue to move on with my life because positive and mature people have better things to do with their selves... i know you are concerned and that is a good thing but just don't get involved . probably will or will not be worth it. but that is my advice.. dont say anything
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