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Toronto Escorts

I'm surprised nobody here is talking about the Kyrie trade.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2011
Is Poeltl really that good that he commanded such a return in a trade? I'm a casual NBA fan so I don't know all the players that well. I remember he was a high draft pick for the Raptors, but did he develop as predicted?


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2011
I'm surprised no one is talking about how the raps fucked up by doing nothing. 10th place and their big move is to pick up a role player on an expiring contract. Meanwhile I wonder how much Van Vleet will milk the team for in the off season with the threat of walking for nothing. What they have isn't working and the 'stars' aren't listening to their coach any more. Should have been sellers. OG had a huge number of teams looking at him as well as Fred and Pascal and Gary (another expiring contract who wants a big payday).

Doubt they would have gotten the desired value for most of those guys but IMO better than drifting further down the standings with a group that has little opportunity to get better.
Some commentators are predicting Van Vleet will be a sign and trade like Lowry was.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
This immediately makes the backcourt of Dallas the best in the NBA. Obviously there were problems with the dynamics in New Jersey as the team also traded away KD. So those solely blaming Kyrie for the toxicity there may not be looking at the entire picture. I'm curious to see how he does in Dallas.
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Toronto Escorts