It's all fine and dandy. Everyone is entitled to go and get what they want in their own budget range. Those folks who use the more expensive escorts dont bitch about the prices of the those that are not as expensive, however those that use less expensive escorts have a tendency to bitch about the escorts that charge more saying they aint worth it.
Which is fine, keep your opinion to yourself about the prices of the ladies and the board will be a much more sociable place to visit. I cant count the number of times I've had to pull posts off from guys whining about someone charging $400 an hour andguess what guys, you drove them off the boards with your constant whining. You in fact cost TERB several advertisers because you offended them. Are they hurting? No, is business slow for them? Not from what I hear.
I've always said that if a girl prices herself out of the market she will learn to adjust her rates to what she is comfortable charging.
Basic idea of what the higher price girls go thru who really are good at what they do. When an appt is booked, they require min number of hours, usually 2 to 4 is the minimum booking. The go for a tan, get their hair done, prepare their bodies with shaving, moisturizers etc and taking the time to do it right. They do their nails and not just their hands, they get a pedicure done as well. Sometimes they hire people to do this and sometimes they do it themselves. All this costs time and money. This is the reason why they charge as much as they do. The majority of the time they only want a few clients a week and dont want appts every day. One lass in the business only sees one client a week, she charges $350 per hour with a 2 hour minimum booking. She's happy and it allows her time to focus on her studies without worrying about how she's gonna pay her rent. She lives a modest life in a simple apartment.
Other girls are happier charging a lower rate and seeing several clients a day but its all irrelevant to us. Only the girls decide what they want to charge and how many clients they wish to see. If they dont get what they want, you will find them lowering their expectations.
It's not up to us to tell them that oh you dont charge enough or oh you charge too much.
So guys, learn to STFU about the girls rates. If she's too high, ignore her and quit whining about it.