I'm coming...


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
Sorry to hear of your bad luck Francesca...........but it does make you wonder doesn't it?
Deliberate, circumstantial or just plain ignorant?

This has also happened the other way around with Sp's from KW and NF visiting TO, who were inundated with no-shows.

It's almost as if someone is trying to send these ladies a message not to step on their turf.


New member
Oct 13, 2005
Musketeer said:
Sorry to hear of your bad luck Francesca...........but it does make you wonder doesn`t it?
Deliberate, circumstantial or just plain ignorant?

This has also happened the other way around with Sp`s from KW and NF visiting TO, who were inundated with no-shows.

It`s almost as if someone is trying to send these ladies a message not to step on their turf.
You know, being me- I`d be inclined to think differently... however also noticed a posting by a beloved and well recieved local agency- introducing incall in the area a day before my arrival- for the week... go figure. https://terb.cc/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=131649

Now, I could also assume this is purely coincidencidental OR the rippling effect by stirring up a close knit area with a well know SP charging well over their rates- you wouldn`t think competetion would even come into play or a loss of business on their end. People will come to see a specific person regardless and have loyalties elsewhere...with the same logic implied.

In Toronto, variety is the spice of life. There are TONS of SP`s, tons of agencies... plenty to choose from... appose to the `Tri` that has limited respectable agencies/indy`s.

Turf doesn`t exist and if people have to stoop to a level such as that to get a point across... they`d have to go to greater lengths in order to achieve anything with me. I don`t step on other peoples toes- however understand now WHY there`s such a limited amount of woman working in the area.

So when I do grace the area... which I plan too- perhaps then they`d have something to worry themselves over especially expecting the same market/area donations.


New member
Oct 13, 2005
Indiana said:
I was away from Friday onwards for the weekend... and just saw this thread!

Francesca, I was sorry to hear that your trip was such a miss. I assume that I was one of the geltlemen you were including in your aside? (* now I just need time to write that review*) ;)

Absolutely! It doesn't ror me... and I agree that variety is the spice of life!
I don't think a review will be necessary... thanks though.


Active member
Oct 8, 2003
Francesca, I would recommend another try.
When I see a high caliber SP visiting, I just assume booking would be very difficult because of all the hype. But I am surprised cancelations run at 1:5. I found the local indys are hard to book on short notice.


New member
Oct 13, 2005
dsc said:
Francesca, I would recommend another try.
When I see a high caliber SP visiting, I just assume booking would be very difficult because of all the hype. But I am surprised cancelations run at 1:5. I found the local indys are hard to book on short notice.
Lets put this into prospective for a moment. It's atleast an hours drive for me... book and advertise the trip, which in my observation, was well recieved.

Decide at the persistance of a client, to book a two hour on the Wednesday (the day before my original trip) figure- ok, well I might as well make myself available to see clients afterwards- as I'm already in the area... available, only seems fitting, right??? SO, I incorporate a suprise... being there a day before scheduled- for you guys.

So, I drive up... bugger doesn't CALL, no cancellation... no nothing.

Kinda leaves me in a perdicament. Firstly, I'm in the area... thinking even with the two hour appointment, my expenses are covered-plus some. Only, thats a no go.... so I have calls coming in and I have to make a judgement call.

Do I book a half... the hotel with deposit (I don't use my credit card) wouldn't even cover my time...and hope another call will come to recoup OR; GO HOME and let tomorrow be another day????

So, I abandon plan A. I can deal with wasting my time and gas... plus I have a good day booked for tomorrow- So i can let this nightmare be water under the bridge.

So, after I leave and I'm on my way....of course as to be expected I have a guy who wants to book an hour. I've already wasted the better half of the night...not to mention pushing off calls for Toronto as well....could have booked the half plus had an hour. Do I turn around???? Or keep driving? So we go to plan B. Would have been a good start if everything went as planned....

So, with the hotel- I have to settle with the super... due to the garden being fully booked without a reservation, I'm outta luck.

So, my first night... nothing to go running home about- dissapointment other then the client who hung in there and was lucky enough he was patient and a real gentlmen about the whole situation.

Even with red flags... and the night should have been an idea of whats to come-none the less... I make my way up after an early morning lecture- on a few hours sleep and think- with everything considered, yesterday just may have been a combination of circumstances that factored into being what the night was.

Should have known better.

Half my prebookings... obviously don't confirm. Besides the cancellations (which are excusable) even last minute appointments don't show. Out of atleast 10 bookings and atleast a 1500 day in theory,while pushing off calls from Toronto... both Wednesday night and Thursday I go home, after my expenses taken into account-with almost half of what I made, being less then what I would have accepting ONE appointment downtown-not leaving my condo!!!!

Now, darling do you think for a moment- assumptions aside, I'm going to trek up their- living up to the fasade of a high class SP... and make what I did??? and even consider returning you may be the only fool besides myself for even booking the trip and following through with my end of the bargin.

I think, if my little experience sumed to all in all... absolutely not. The ONLY way I'd return, was if I had a prebooking that would secure my expenses atleast- with half up front through my pay pal account. Otherwise, no chance.

So, from a business standpoint this was a waste... from a personal aspect, complete disappointment. This isn't one secluded instance but the actions of many put together.

If and when I do come up... like I said, it wouldn't be advertised on here as you guys are the ones who convinced me PRIOR to even planning the trip, that there would be enough interest... perhaps to those who saw me- of course... but outside of that, absolutely not.

and just a note sweety... it was 5 cancellations/no shows (time wasters) to ONE appointment who showed. If it was the other way around.... it'd be a normal day at the office, nothing out of the norm to be concerned with.

However this was not the case...


Active member
Oct 8, 2003
Francesca22 said:
So, from a business standpoint this was a waste... from a personal aspect, complete disappointment. This isn't one secluded instance but the actions of many put together.

If and when I do come up... like I said, it wouldn't be advertised on here as you guys are the ones who convinced me PRIOR to even planning the trip, that there would be enough interest... perhaps to those who saw me- of course... but outside of that, absolutely not.

Thanks Francesca for making your case very clear and sorry about your experience in KW.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
We shouldn't ask her for an explanation after the unforgiveable no-shows, each escort should be free to make their decisions based on what's best for themselves.


New member
Apr 5, 2006
Sorry you did not have a great time here. Our company does not play like that.(maybe I am miss reading this post)
Any Sp regardless of there rates are welcome anywhere they like we dont have turf. Guys will see whom they want and make there choice. Variety is good for all.
Our incalls should NEVER have conflicted as it is not a competition or rival issues. We decided NOT to do our incalls due to lack of commitment this weekend.
Its called shit happens and it happens to us all locals or not.
Maybe before booking you should talk to the local girls and ask about the scene.
The ladies here are quite informative and friendly...by sharing bad clients fake bookers etc. I am sure the other Sp`s in this area would agree.
Make friends not enemies in this buisness.

Francesca22 said:
You know, being me- I`d be inclined to think differently... however also noticed a posting by a beloved and well recieved local agency- introducing incall in the area a day before my arrival- for the week... go figure. https://terb.cc/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=131649

Now, I could also assume this is purely coincidencidental OR the rippling effect by stirring up a close knit area with a well know SP charging well over their rates- you wouldn`t think competetion would even come into play or a loss of business on their end. People will come to see a specific person regardless and have loyalties elsewhere...with the same logic implied.

In Toronto, variety is the spice of life. There are TONS of SP`s, tons of agencies... plenty to choose from... appose to the `Tri` that has limited respectable agencies/indy`s.

Turf doesn`t exist and if people have to stoop to a level such as that to get a point across... they`d have to go to greater lengths in order to achieve anything with me. I don`t step on other peoples toes- however understand now WHY there`s such a limited amount of woman working in the area.

So when I do grace the area... which I plan too- perhaps then they`d have something to worry themselves over especially expecting the same market/area donations.
Francesca22 said:
I have just read through this thread and I wonder if the rate of no-shows might be due to the "condition" referred to above? In a small "market" like KW, where there is a fairly small number of guys seeing a really small number of "regular" girls, everyone "knows" everyone and it's like one little, happy family. This one little sticking point might have just been enough to give the guys cold feet.

I guard my identity pretty carefully from the girls at least until I get to know them pretty well... I figure I don't know anything about them, why should they know "everything" about me??? Francesca, for the record, I did not book an appointment with you, but had I been planning on it, and noticed this policy, I would have declined.

As much as I understand your desire to have this information, and respect your right to collect it, my guess is that this might account, in part, for you crappy results.

Regardless, you dorks that didn't show should have called from your blocked number and at least left her a message!


New member
Oct 13, 2005
First and most importantly, I'll give you a little background... rather then taking this and turning into a blurb of nonesense.

All prebookings were done through PM. I didn't have any private calls the day of, so that washes any possibility of the sort down the tube. If someone was to call me out of the blue, and request a time with me- not knowing who is it granted its a private number, I will first and most likely NOT answer the call, and if by chance I do- which happens from time to time... will request the info. If an appointment is made at that time, its ONLY done granted the info is given. No info, no appointment.

Granted every prebooked appointment was done through here, I know who you are and didn't request any numbers... as everyone who called to confirm HAD to leave me a number to return the call to. There's always tricks to the trade silly... but when people don't call in at all, a call not being answered due to being BLOCKED or not, isn't even an option. The call has to be made first and most importantly for that to even occur.

Aside that from, a few appointments I did have... had numbers that showed regardless of how small of a family it is. I don't use the number for anything other then my safety and security. For instance, a gentlman books and brutally attacks me... up until that point- the number could be bogus for all I know... however WOULD be needed and anyone who argues my safety isn't worthy of the information being avail for obvious reprocussions if hurt/ injured isn't someone I'd wish to see anyways.

Granted the nature of the industry, privacy is a must... and being a discrete person any information disclosed is used in the same discretion I would expect in turn.... however, when it comes to private numbers, theres no agrument justifable. Regardless if I have it or not, it diferentiates you as an individual...appose to just ANYONE. If your worried about hiding this from a SO or anyone specifically, go buy a pay as you go... that only you know about. Its CHEAP, safe and effective to element and establish trust among someone you plan to see. It goes both ways sweety.

This is just adding... circumstantial unconclusive information when I know differently. Cold feet or not... a phone call from a private number OR not would easily avoid this by leaving a message. There is a common courtesy expected and should be returned.

Stoo said:
I have just read through this thread and I wonder if the rate of no-shows might be due to the "condition" referred to above? In a small "market" like KW, where there is a fairly small number of guys seeing a really small number of "regular" girls, everyone "knows" everyone and it's like one little, happy family. This one little sticking point might have just been enough to give the guys cold feet.

I guard my identity pretty carefully from the girls at least until I get to know them pretty well... I figure I don't know anything about them, why should they know "everything" about me??? Francesca, for the record, I did not book an appointment with you, but had I been planning on it, and noticed this policy, I would have declined.

As much as I understand your desire to have this information, and respect your right to collect it, my guess is that this might account, in part, for you crappy results.

Regardless, you dorks that didn't show should have called from your blocked number and at least left her a message!


New member
Oct 13, 2005
Kwplaymates said:
Sorry you did not have a great time here. Our company does not play like that.(maybe I am miss reading this post)
Any Sp regardless of there rates are welcome anywhere they like we dont have turf. Guys will see whom they want and make there choice. Variety is good for all.
Our incalls should NEVER have conflicted as it is not a competition or rival issues. We decided NOT to do our incalls due to lack of commitment this weekend.
Its called shit happens and it happens to us all locals or not.
Maybe before booking you should talk to the local girls and ask about the scene.
The ladies here are quite informative and friendly...by sharing bad clients fake bookers etc. I am sure the other Sp's in this area would agree.
Make friends not enemies in this buisness.
I appreciate your timely response... infact I have been an admirer from a distance- in awe of running an agency with such class of which you do, without question.

I think sweety, rereading my post may give you some clarity- if I can't myself.

I wasn't pointing fingers or else I would have made mention of you specifically rather then just adding the link. I spoke of EVERYONE as a whole-any agency, local indy or whomever- not you....specifically.

But I will say I did infact find it ironic a day before my arrival, someone who believes being informative and friendly... how it suprises you such a thing could be looked at differently from eyes other then yours??? Anything can be taken in whatever context you wish- however can lead one to believe differently, which we're equally entittled too.

Perspective is everything.

But I will say... read the post I quoted and it may help you put the tone into prospective.
Francesca22 said:
Cold feet or not... a phone call from a private number OR not would easily avoid this by leaving a message. There is a common courtesy expected and should be returned.
Which is the point I was trying to make! I was not in any way criticizing your policy Francesca.... merely speculating as to one possible reason for their perplexing behavior!


New member
Oct 13, 2005
Stoo said:
Which is the point I was trying to make! I was not in any way criticizing your policy Francesca.... merely speculating as to one possible reason for their perplexing behavior!
Absolutely... couldn't agree more. If there's a will- theres a way and honestly a lesson to be learned. I don't bend the rules for any one person and there's ALWAYS a reason why people do things, regardless of how inconvenant it may be. It's also a screening process... no shows and unconfirms will not be able to book an appointment with me any time in the future. So, slowly they will be elminated altogether and anticipate future visits to be much better then this one...granted no one will know who the heck I am, and be pleasently suprised.

No character substance on anything other then their actions leaves me no other choice, but to weed out the bad ones.


Gone to the future.
One of the things that makes you FabulousFrancesca is the fact that you were able to take control of this thread that had been hijacked more often than Indy has hobbied! :D

For that you deserve the "Dom Award" of the month!

Just trying to inject a little humour, seeing as how I couldn't hook up with you and inject some humour in person.
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