If you haven't voted yet please go out now and VOTE LIBERAL ! <eom>


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
go Liberals! I so hope to not feel devastated by the results like I did during the federal election .....

just vote - regardless of who you feel is the best premier....
I think JENNIFER should be premiere and the first order she makes is assigning me as pussy inspector!
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May 19, 2009
Teflon Dalton dodges yet another bullet (defies all logic or common sense). And it seems like it’ll be a majority. Dalton at full force, what will that be like…. Well the Liberal loyalist got what they wanted. Only time will tell if you all made a grave mistake or not. Based on his track record we’re in for a world of hurt. Btw, aren’t we in a border line recession…?

Well, if you believe in the whole 2012 doomsday thing then Dalton only has a little over one year left.

No HST relief for the next four years + whatever else he decides is best for us.


Active member
Jan 22, 2011
I agree with you on that. Wish he would go somewhere and die. If he gets elected again, hope someone assassinates him. I hate that money grabing communist prick.
Holy shit man, I am not a Mcquinty supporter but that crosses the line


New member
Aug 23, 2005
Teflon Dalton dodges yet another bullet (defies all logic or common sense). And it seems like it’ll be a majority. Dalton at full force, what will that be like…. Well the Liberal loyalist got what they wanted. Only time will tell if you all made a grave mistake or not. Based on his track record we’re in for a world of hurt. Btw, aren’t we in a border line recession…?

Well, if you believe in the whole 2012 doomsday thing then Dalton only has a little over one year left.

No HST relief for the next four years + whatever else he decides is best for us.
The whole world's in a recession. You think the Conservatives will save the world? Last time i check we were holding up pretty well compared to the rest of the world. If the conservatives actually told people what they stood for instead of just badmouthing all the time, maybe they would have stood and chance and perhaps earned my vote.

Every single conservative poster I've read says nothing about what the Conservatives had to offer. Last time I checked almost everyone is running deficits. I would have loved to know how the Conservatives could have done better lowering taxes. I think if you took a litmus test of everyone in this country, they'd prefer better services to lower taxes. Everyone knows that the services would have been kicked to the can with Hudak. It happened under Harris and we know how well they did hiding nice juicy debts to pass off to the Liberals. At least with the Liberals they'll tell you your running a deficit instead of hiding it. Then at the last minute saying oops. I didn't know we were running deficits!


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
I agree with you on that. Wish he would go somewhere and die. If he gets elected again, hope someone assassinates him. I hate that money grabing communist prick.
Pretty harsh comments from a guy roaming the streets of the swha! Becareful what you wish for because if anything happens, you could be just a pig in shit!

When I see that prick with the lisp, overbite mole, I think of this!


Nov 20, 2006
The whole world's in a recession. You think the Conservatives will save the world?
In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the excess debt, the market panic, and the forces of economic destruction. She is the Slayer.

She will save us.


May 19, 2009
I didn't say the PC's would save us, but you don't add taxes in tough times. Here's a crazy thought... Don't raise taxes and help people and their families through these tough economic times (HST/ECO).

Okay, here we go with the Harris talk...... They were both PC member so naturally there plans/agenda's or identical? Makes sense.
Anyways it's pointless to argue because what's done is done. Our beds have been made and we're all gonna have to sleep in them whether we like it or not.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
lets argue about who tells better lies, basically that is what you are voting for right now, who is the better liar. history proves that they all lie and do nothing that they promised they would. so saying 1 party does this and the other party does that is all pointless. they all tell you what you want to hear, then do what they want when they get into power.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
Every single conservative poster I've read says nothing about what the Conservatives had to offer.
I don't know where you've been, but I've been posting about what the Conservatives had to offer since May, when the plans were released to the public.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
45% voter turnout, guess people didn't heed the warning. Ontario will continue to go down the tubes under this foolish Liberal regime.


Jun 6, 2009
I had nine candidates to choose from in my riding including the usual 1%ers, the Libertarians Communists and Socialists.

Now time to get back to something that really matters. How about them Springbocks?
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts