Re: 2000 official election results
No one ever disputed that Al Gore won the popular vote. Which indeed he did.
However in the USA the president is not elected by popular vote. He is elected by the electoral college. Look it up.
Your above statement falls into the same category as the " draft conspiracy"
It is not factual and is only repeated to spread lies and to missinform the voters.
BTW, according to your quoted chart, W did win FL.
While I don't always agree with the power of trial laywers in the USA, they are sometimes able to uncover and/or fight in justice.
If there would be serious grounds for voter fraud in Florida 2000 I can assure you that the Cochrans of the world would have found a way to profit from it.
WoodPeckr said:
This shows that Gore did indeed win in 2000 before the GOP Supreme Court came in and staged a 'political coup' and stole the election for Dubya in a 5 to 4 vote, thereby NULLIFYING the vote of the people in the USA and NULLIFYING the 2000 election.
No one ever disputed that Al Gore won the popular vote. Which indeed he did.
However in the USA the president is not elected by popular vote. He is elected by the electoral college. Look it up.
Your above statement falls into the same category as the " draft conspiracy"
It is not factual and is only repeated to spread lies and to missinform the voters.
BTW, according to your quoted chart, W did win FL.
While I don't always agree with the power of trial laywers in the USA, they are sometimes able to uncover and/or fight in justice.
If there would be serious grounds for voter fraud in Florida 2000 I can assure you that the Cochrans of the world would have found a way to profit from it.