Glad you have figured that out.
Too bad you have not figured that out
Otherwise you would not be stating nonsense like
"I've given him his own thread"
a thread is not yours to grant, give, bequeath etc
I suspect it was a Freudian slip driven by your overinflated opinion of yourself, & your obvious control issues
Do you not know how the internet works?
When someone posts and includes a link, they are referencing the link.
Like I said.
The reason this discussion isn't particularly useful is because you either don't read or don't understand the thread.
Again you do not get define the subject matter for a thread
Because my issues with a third party existing for any length of time in a first past the post single-member system (especially one with the additional quirks of the US) is that a third party is almost always non viable and when it is viable, it is for only a short time before it replaces one of the existing parties or is absorbed by it. People like the "Forward" party are counting on people not understanding that in order to exploit their dissatisfaction with the system. Worse still, the particular structural issues involved means that the third party is more likely to damage the cause it claims it wants to help, which makes that exploitation even more destructive and tragic.
Again you miss the bigger issue of political polarization while you dither with "structural issues" & irrelevant long term viability
You are a fool if you do not recognise continued political polarization will be far more destructive and tragic than anything caused by "structural issues"
Exactly. Something you think of as obvious is something you feel you don't have to repeat.
That is often an error, and then you go and explain yourself further in additional discussion.
Or, you decide you've been over this too often and it would be a waste of time to do remedial teaching.
That's all very normal.
Ah no
history should be obvious,
History has shown the disasters of socialism / communism, many times over, yet some just do not listen and continue to push this nightmare
People should know it by now
However here we are with wack jobs promoting the failed experiment again
What you failed to recognise is the distinction between people being expect to know via proven history and people being expect to know because
you have spoken
Because I've talked about the structural issues before and because people should know it by now.
was that another Freudian slip driven by your overinflated opinion of yourself, & your obvious control issues ?
I do get that is what you consider important about a third party.
It's also largely irrelevant to what I want to talk about and to what my criticisms are.
Again, what part of
'you do not control opinions predictions or discussion" is confusing you?
That you can't seem to understand or accept this and have reached your "Johnny LaRue cuts and pastes the same thing again and again" stage is why I intend to drop the thread and move on to something else.
What in the world is wrong with you?
I am under zero obligation to to accept your attempt to control the discussion
That this infuriates you isn't actually something I care about.
Oh but yes you do
20+ posts of you trying to ring fence the discussion pretty much proves that
like I said before
If you are going to run away, do it permanently
I have had enough of your half assed , half explained jabs / insults
So if you are truly ambivalent, there will be no more of those half assed , half explained jabs / insults.
re: infuriates
you got the cause of that wrong as well
'you do not control opinions predictions or discussion"
I strong suggest you take a real hard look at that