Yest they are a fine DFI! (Financial Institution)Papi Chulo said:
Yest they are a fine DFI! (Financial Institution)Papi Chulo said:
The key words here are virtual bank. I like a bank with assets at stake, besides money. It's getting rare now. if I had it to start over, I'd got HSBC. They're business model is one of the best and ll over the place internationally. As it stands, with a lengthy track record with 2 banks now I can take advantage of things new clients can't. History with a company is a good thing.I have dealt with ING, a foreign virtual bank operating in Canada and have never had an issue with time zones or accents.
What currency is your deposit? Australian dollars?just moved some $$$ to HSBC Australia last week... they are paying 4.75 percent if you use their SuperSaver account.
They speak English with a very thick accent. Can be difficult to understand them sometimes.It's a horror to call in their customer service.