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I Think My Prof Wants To Have An Affair With Me


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2010
I think my (unmarried female) prof wants to have an affair with me, which is something that I am not opposed to. However, I would like some feedback on how to proceed. My gut tells me that she wants an affair, but it doesn't seem logical to me. I am a mature student and we are relatively close in age. I am a very good student, although perhaps not hugely brilliant, but her marking seemed too generous and she had nothing but praise for me. I sensed that she felt alot of warmth for me, which doesn't prove anything. After the class ended, she made a request to connect with my skype account (it was a distance education course) which I accepted. This suggests she is interested, but this information still proves nothing, although my gut says she's interested. Guys however sometimes mistake a warm personality with a bedroom interest.

What makes the gut instinct illogical is following: she has never seen me, not even a photo. I've seen hers, and although photos can be misleading, she looks hot, although a mature adult. We also don't live in the same city. And I suspect most female professors would find an affair with a student degrading.

I don't want her to get in trouble; at the same time I obviously don't want to make a fool of myself, in case she is not interested. She told me that I have a great radio voice. Should I ask her about opportunities in radio? (She works in radio part-time, but the course is not related to radio work). Or should I see if she makes the first move. Or should I avoid her?


New member
Aug 12, 2010
Yeah and all SP's want to fuck you free of charge even though they dont know what you look like


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
She probably masturbates to the sound of your voice, that's why she's giving you high marks.

Let her make the first move, hold off on sending her a pic of your cock until she begs for it.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
[I am in] a distance education course. [The professor] has never seen me, not even a photo. I've We also don't live in the same city. I don't want her to get in trouble; at the same time I obviously don't want to make a fool of myself, in case she is not interested.
1) You have never even met and you ask this?

2) Amymore at basicly every University in Canada or the U.S., a professor having a romatic/sexual relationship with a student even a Graduate/Professional Student is asking to be fired. The days of even three decades ago when a great many academic mariages were between new professors and one of their department's doctoral cadidates are no longer the case. And if you are an undergraduate that has always been forbiden fruit.

2) It does indeed seem illogical that she would suddenly head over heels in love with you, never having seen you and never having had a private conversation or having met.


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
You only live once, dude!

She can easily find out how you look through the school database, Google, or even Facebook.
That said, you could be imagining things. If you're interested, then just accept her suggestions/recommendations and see where it leads -- it's still to early.


Just Me
Dec 5, 2008
If you live in different cities and she has never seen a your picture, you are already doing a good job of avoiding her.


Jun 26, 2010
You're overthinking this whole thing. If you want to explore the possibilities with her then take matter in your hands and make the first step. Besides regardless of what you see in the media, women love when the man takes charge. You only live once and there is nothing worse than living with "should've... could've".


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
Probyn, why not wait until the course is over and she is no longer in a conflict of interest before doing anything? She would be stupid to say anything positive to you before then anyway. BTW, for all you know, she is just looking for a research assistant or something like that.

Edit: If it was a fall term course, isn't it over now? When you say "after the class ended" do you really mean after the course ended?
1) You have never even met and you ask this?

2) Amymore at basicly every University in Canada or the U.S., a professor having a romatic/sexual relationship with a student even a Graduate/Professional Student is asking to be fired. The days of even three decades ago when a great many academic mariages were between new professors and one of their department's doctoral cadidates are no longer the case. And if you are an undergraduate that has always been forbiden fruit.
She could be a sessional instructor working for peanuts with little to lose. Possibly just a grad student teaching the course. Also, I have heard rumors of more permanent people getting involved in relationships but it does seem like a big risk to take for someone you have never meet in person. However, the risk would be entirely her’s and not his.
2) It does indeed seem illogical that she would suddenly head over heels in love with you, never having seen you and never having had a private conversation or having met.
I agree. Not that logic always rules in these cases.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2010
The course is over and I am finished the program, but I think profs have to wait at least a year or two years after the student has graduated before they can date them.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
The course is over and I am finished the program, but I think profs have to wait at least a year or two years after the student has graduated before they can date them.
I have never heard of that as a formal rule but institutions do differ. Regardless, it could reflect badly on a professor if they immediately went out with a student. E.g. did the professor give the student an A+ so the student would like him/her and be more likely to go on a date? The thing about Canadian academia is that your colleagues serve on all the committees that determine your future (e.g. tenure, promotion, even normally automatic things like sabbatical). Thus, even if no one can ever prove anything, her enemies could still use it against her.
Anyway, the risk is all hers.

This being said, I think it is LIKELY you are reading more into her intentions than are there.


New member
Aug 21, 2010
Talk to her on Skype. What harm can that be. I had a MILFy Prof in Uni and trust me that it doesn't matter how hard you fuck her she won't raise your mark.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
The course is over and I am finished the program, but I think profs have to wait at least a year or two years after the student has graduated before they can date them.
That is a significant difference to the story.

How long have you been done, a few months or over a year? If over a year start it out as e-mail friends and then perhaps this summer mention that you are going to be passing through her area and see how interested she is in meeting. i.e. play it by ear.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Careful. Not meaning to insult your charms with the ladies, but ever think that a woman, who has never met a guy, and the only interaction has been an electronic student teacher relationship, who now wants to have an affair, might be a little nuts?!?!?

I appreciate that in this day and age that many relationships are getting their start via the Internet, but this sounds weird. The conflict of interest thing is important too. She likely knows that somethig like this will at least look bad, if not actually risking her job - so contemplating this without having ever met you seems even more crazy.

But if you really are adventurous, go for it, but don't cry to us when you walk in the kitchen 6 months from now to find a bunny boiling in a pot!!!;)


Active member
Aug 30, 2001
Sounds more like a letter to Penthouse. Either he's dreaming, or she's playing him, or the post is a joke.


Aug 20, 2001
if the course was still on you could have tested her by purposely failing an exam/paper and seeing if you still received an "a".

if you're interested, why not just ask her???
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