I screw up, what should I do now?


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
deny, deny, deny ...... act like it was a prank of yours. send her a second text in a similar form but make sure she atleast believes that it is a prank and you're only trying to joke with her. Hopefully she'll believe it xDD

and how why the fuck are you sending a review to her? something sounds fishy.

don't you write reviews on the internet/this forum? who sends texts?
Jun 11, 2007
Find a reputable business Named Eros. Trll her thats what you were looking into. Maybe a Christmas/birthday present idea. Can't be any worse!


New member
Jan 2, 2011
You could actually resend her one with her name in it and say you were searching for reviews on her as you think she may have got around before you two were together! That should make her forget about the first text!


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2003
Deny it then have someone use a spoofcard to send a text to your GF again from your number, preferably when you are with her.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
just tell the GF it was a business proposal and you're planning to get her on board profiting $240/hr if she's interested...she might be open to the idea, i call dibs on her first outing.


Jan 31, 2005
I agree with "you're fucked".

Delete the message from your phone and any others. Clean up your computer and anything else. Prepare for a forensic audit of your bank, credit card, phone, and computer.

Then flat out deny deny deny. You never sent that message. You have no idea why it seems to be from your phone and no idea what it is, who Jasmine is, or what movie it is about.

Play dumb.

This has about a 5% chance of working but if she does stick around she will be on high alert. You cannot possibly hide your activities from someone actively trying to catch you so lay low at least six months.

If you make the mistake of admitting it not only are you busted but she will go on to tell all her friends that you confessed.

Oh, and delete this thread just in case she finds terb by googling for reviews of Jasmine.


Nov 4, 2007
It depends on what your current credibility is like with your girlfriend presently. Have you already been caught cheating, has she suspected you of cheating openly. You see whatever your approach is to this problem is going to depend on whether you are already seen as a two-timer in her eyes and if that is the case your relationship was already rocky before this mishap happened. If your relationship has been quite solid and she zero reason to suspect you may have been two-timing her.
Do not try to internalize what you think she may thinking, you know nothing at this point! SO SAY NOTHING! BE NATURAL!
She may have not even received the text message.

Here is what I think you should do as juvenile as I think it comes across. ( others share your feedback )
First of all do not call her and discuss anything, If she happens to contact you. DO NOT BRING IT UP! As far as you are concern you did not send her a text and you know nothing, life is the same, there has been no change.

If you have not had contact with her yet, do not initiate
Go to Petro-Canada purchase a hobby phone for cheap ( I don`t have one ) but clearly YOU should have one. I heard they are affordable, activate it and send a series of random texts to her phone, I will leave you to decide the content you want to text to her, in addition send some to your current phone theses ones need to be similar in content to one you originally you sent her about ( Jasmine at Eros ) I do not think I should remind you but try to be vague even in those texts to you own phone and hers, the idea is appear as if you have been getting odd texts as well, not expose information about the hobby. Pick names of SP you doubt exist and cannot be searched out on the internet to link back to you perhaps throw a few homosexual ones in there ( come to think of it send her a homosexual one too ) just send some random texts, for example, send stuff that indicate it was intend for another person. The whole idea I am trying to manufacture here is that you, her and whoever else out there in the world are receiving random text, some clean, some border line erotic which you are victims of in addition to yourself.

Because of the content and the embarrassing content she likely will not call the provider, but might ask you to call them to investigate, at which point you can make that decision if you should or shouldn`t it depends on how much you need to convince her still or has she taken the bait and believes whats going on with the phones and does not want to waste time or having an embarrassing conversation with the provider.

AGAIN if she does not raise the topic DO NOT initiate the discussion, but be prepared to by putting all the things in place above ( if you decide to take the advice ) so you have an escape route. If she asks why you did not bring it up, simply say that you have occasionally receive unusual texts in the past, you called to complain but the cell phone provider stresses they can do nothing about unless you are being stalked or a crime is being broken and which point they can present it to the cops

Word of advice if you get out of this one with zero damage. Make use of a hobby phone, some of us need them some of those do not.

Cheers and good luck!


Jan 31, 2005
Can you somehow get to her phone and delete that message from her phone?
She's seen it by now. Any action by him that indicates he is guilty is going to nail the coffin shut. The WORST thing he could do now is get caught trying to cover it up. As they say, the coverup is often worse than the crime.

His best course of action is to clean up any other trace of his infidelities, stay away from the hobby until this all blows over, and hope that she doesn't think too much about it, and if she does, express surprise and deny, deny, deny.

Engaging in any further trickery is just going to dig the hole deeper.

His only real hope of saving the relationship is that she is so sure that things are going well that it is beyond her imagination that he might be using escorts and is therefore willing to believe (i.e., practically lie to herself) that all is well despite some pretty damning evidence.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
I might try asking EROs to do you a favor.....take Jasmine own for a couple weeks.

promise to see her at triple price if they would do the favor!
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