peeler_feeler said:
I know this is off topic, but can you elaborate on what false information Mike Holmes gives to home owners?
1) Pricing: when he discusses prices on the show he edits out things like: his prices don't include materials, and or labour. For eg: I heard him say: $8 grand for a basement reno.....eight GRAND??? shit, that doesn't cover materials for even the simplest job. Hell, has he priced DRYWALL lately? Blue board is $19.00 a fricken sheet now.
2) how long it takes to complete things in the real world (when you don't have a crew of 20 to do a 2 man job). Except for some very large companies most contractors have a lead and 2 helpers +/- Most drywall jobs then send 2 guys and 1 or 2 helpers NOT 20. For eg: He stated on one show (2400 sq ft house) that it only took 4 hrs to drywall the house and that INCLUDED unloading the drywall. Which if anyone has half a mind knows that that is I M P O S S I B L E. Specially since he failed to mention that that 4 hrs didn't include: scewing the boards in place (they were only nailed at 6 points per board), corner beads, taping, mudding, sanding.
3) How he can do the things he does with an unlimited budget
4) How the homeowners on the shows don't pay for anything.
5) How when you see him working, that is ALL he's doing and for how long. (A contractor I'm sharing a job with was working on a house 4 doors down. They saw him outside for almost the whole day drinking coffee etc and only went it when they needed him for a shot. Supposedly the young guy (craig?? is running things now....)
6) How the homeowners themselves are half the problem (he does mention it briefly in one or two episodes from 2 yrs ago, but I haven't heard him refer to this at all lately).