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I know this is political but I had to pose it here for everyone to see...


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Apr 29, 2002


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Apr 29, 2002


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
Hanoi Jane is a slut. :)
I never liked her. I never thought she was hot. I don't get all the fuss. LOL

That vietcong loving slut. LOL You guys kill me.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
They're a sovereign state," Turner said of Iran. "We have 28,000. Why can't they have 10? We don't say anything about Israel - they've got 100 of them approximately - or India or Pakistan or Russia. And really, nobody should have them.

"They aren't usable by any sane person."
That the invasion of Iraq was one of the all-time bonehead moves has been said by just about everyone except the seriously delusional. His comments about Iran are not quite so mainstream. I happen to agree with him. If the USA has 28,000 of them, who are they to say that Iran can't have them? Iran is surrounded by nuclear powers...Israel, Russia, Pakistan, India and the USA (in Iraq). Turner is dead on when he says that nuclear weapons are not usable by any sane person. When the nuclear powers get serious about negotiating nuclear disarmament, then I will agree that Iran has no right to develop nuclear weapons.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
Questor said:
That the invasion of Iraq was one of the all-time bonehead moves has been said by just about everyone except the seriously delusional. His comments about Iran are not quite so mainstream. I happen to agree with him. If the USA has 28,000 of them, who are they to say that Iran can't have them? Iran is surrounded by nuclear powers...Israel, Russia, Pakistan, India and the USA (in Iraq). Turner is dead on when he says that nuclear weapons are not usable by any sane person. When the nuclear powers get serious about negotiating nuclear disarmament, then I will agree that Iran has no right to develop nuclear weapons.
Wow, I have finally found people who agree with my own thinking. Ted Turner included. I have always said Nukes are a waste of money because no sane person would use it. I have also said that if the states can have them, why not others? I mean, if the US is the police for the world, who polices the US?


Jul 8, 2004
Define A Sane Person

So you guys think that the leader of Iran who thinks it's wiping Isreal off the map is a sane guy and deserves nukes?

You are all kidding right?

I am not a fan of the US, and agree who policies them, but, somebody grab hold of reality and look at who you are saying is sane enough to have nuclear weapons?


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
hawkeye69 said:
So you guys think that the leader of Iran who thinks it's wiping Isreal off the map is a sane guy and deserves nukes?

You are all kidding right?

I am not a fan of the US, and agree who policies them, but, somebody grab hold of reality and look at who you are saying is sane enough to have nuclear weapons?
Do you REALLY think he's going to nuke Israel?
I think he's saner than you think. I think he's not dumb enough to nuke a country when he full well knows what the resulting action would be.

You ever hear of the Cold War? This is the new version. The small guys want to be up to par with the big guys.

I think what's fair is fair. They have nukes, then so can others. I say abollish all nukes but then again what's good for the goose is...


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
hawkeye69 said:
So you guys think that the leader of Iran who thinks it's wiping Isreal off the map is a sane guy and deserves nukes?

You are all kidding right?
The leader of Iran, the neocons running Washington DC (and controlling Bush Jr) and the conservative hardliners in Israel are all alike and all want to 'wipe each other off the map'. All three are radical extremists in their respective countries who all share the common Orwellain view 'War is Peace'.

Ted Turner is spot on in his analysis here. The present US neocon revolution, or is it revulsion, will go down in US history as one of the darkest hours in US history......no doubt about it!


Jul 8, 2004
Let me see

ruck said:
Do you REALLY think he's going to nuke Israel?
I think he's saner than you think. I think he's not dumb enough to nuke a country when he full well knows what the resulting action would be.

You ever hear of the Cold War? This is the new version. The small guys want to be up to par with the big guys.

I think what's fair is fair. They have nukes, then so can others. I say abollish all nukes but then again what's good for the goose is...
Die fighting the great Satan and become a martyr with 50 virgins waiting for you in heaven. That's what he thinks will happen to him. As did the idiots that flew into the WTC.

Sorry you are so wrong.

Again, not a fan of the US and agree W is a moron but this is even worse.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
I think Ahmednejad really is doing it to push buttons and show that he won't allow his country or the rest of the Muslim world to be bullied.
If he SERIOUSLY intends to use the nukes, he's smart enough to realize what would happen if he even tried.


East end Hobbiest
hawkeye69 said:
Die fighting the great Satan and become a martyr with 50 virgins waiting for you in heaven. That's what he thinks will happen to him. As did the idiots that flew into the WTC.

Sorry you are so wrong.

Again, not a fan of the US and agree W is a moron but this is even worse.
The USA is no better actually ... a policy of first strike ... remember Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis? He was willing to destroy the world in the name of US superiority in all things ... it was only because Khrushchev had some level of sanity that the crisis was avoided. That's still the policy of the USA ... "My country right or wrong, and no backing down even if it means the end of the world."

I can't think of any more insane nuclear power than the USA.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
LancsLad said:
Plus he got many hummers from Hanoi Jane
He is one lucky guy. Back in her heyday i would have humbly accepted a hummer from her. Hell i would take one tonite from her even though she is 67:D


New member
Feb 16, 2006
Just watched the Larry King show, featuring former Pres. Bill "the Hummer King" Clinton. His view is not whether the Iranians have the stuff for the bomb, as he basically said "Their best day is the day before they used the bomb", but who may steal the ingredients to build a "dirty bomb".
Have to agree to some point, but still worry who they may "give the bad bomb stuff" too.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
ruck said:
Do you REALLY think he's going to nuke Israel?
I think he's saner than you think. I think he's not dumb enough to nuke a country when he full well knows what the resulting action would be.
I disagree. Anyone who is extremely religious IMHO does not classify as completely sane. I never really feared that the U.S.S.R. would use nukes first because despite all hype I felt they were overall "sane" people who did not want to give all for the state.

I also do not fear any threat of China using nukes. Same would go if leaders like Castro or Chavez if they had 'em. I think of them as very "sane"

However religious extremists are different (and no, I don't think of Bush as that much of a religious extremists compared to some others). They have no qualms dying for a "higher cause". All it takes is something thinking it is god's will to take action.

Unless the Iran prez is not as religious as we all think. Who knows.

As far as I'm concerened, the leaders who are the most unstable are the ultra-religious ones with the one exception of Kim Jong-Il.
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