I just got contacts

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
To try to answer all of the questions.

Ok, they are daily use contacts, so I throw them out after the end of each day. I chose these as I did not want to get into the cleaning, etc. The Dr. also told me that they are probably the most comfortable ones for me. They are pretty comfortable, but I'm still increasing the duration that I can keep them in. Occasionally it feels like I have a little sleep in my eye, but it goes away soon enough.

I have bad eyesight, but not so bad I could not get the corrective surgery if that were the only problem. The reason why I cannot get it is that I had surgeries on my eyes as a child that did something (of which I can't exactly remember what the doctor said), that make me a bad candidate.

I don't think I have any dents in my head or on my nose from the glasses, but then again, I have never really checked.

I agree, good sunglasses are a must, prescription or not.

I would say that they are easy to put in, but I'm totally new at it so it takes me a couple of tries to get them in and take them out. Basically, I'm not used to touching my eyeball.

Hope I've got them all.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Player: a couple of tips:

DON'T touch your eye with your finger. You can abrade the surface. Your fingers should only ever touch the lens intself. The way I take mine out is to "pinch" the lens between my thumb and forefinger and pop it out. That way your finger never touches your eye.

To put them in, I put it on the tip of my finger, hold my bottom lid open with my thumb on that hand, the upper with my left index finger and pop it in.

Get a lint free towel and one that is ONLY used for your hands when you're putting in your lens'. If you get a bit of lint on the inside of the lens it will feel like a nail. Plus do NOT use anything with grease or silicone on your bare hands. Especially silicone sealant. It leaves a residue on your fingers even after extreme scrubbing and it burns like battery acid when you get it in your eye (yes I am talking from experience). There is even a warning on the tube about contact lens' wearers.

You replace yours every night? Man I can't afford to do that. Hell, that's 730 lens' a year.......I stretch mine out to a couple of weeks or until I feel them getting dry or gunky.

The bumps on your nose. You're lucky if you don't have them but you may not even think they are due to the glasses but mine are directly where my glasses used to sit and did ache when I stopped wearing the glasses. It took a while for the ones on my nose to diminish but the ones behind my ears are there for good.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
tboy said:
Player: a couple of tips:

DON'T touch your eye with your finger. You can abrade the surface. Your fingers should only ever touch the lens intself. The way I take mine out is to "pinch" the lens between my thumb and forefinger and pop it out. That way your finger never touches your eye.
That is exactly what I am trying to do.

To put them in, I put it on the tip of my finger, hold my bottom lid open with my thumb on that hand, the upper with my left index finger and pop it in.
Again, I am attempting the same.

Get a lint free towel and one that is ONLY used for your hands when you're putting in your lens'. If you get a bit of lint on the inside of the lens it will feel like a nail. Plus do NOT use anything with grease or silicone on your bare hands. Especially silicone sealant. It leaves a residue on your fingers even after extreme scrubbing and it burns like battery acid when you get it in your eye (yes I am talking from experience). There is even a warning on the tube about contact lens' wearers.
Thanks for the heads up. I appreciate that.

You replace yours every night? Man I can't afford to do that. Hell, that's 730 lens' a year.......I stretch mine out to a couple of weeks or until I feel them getting dry or gunky.
I did not know that using them for more than one day was even an option. If I but a years supply at a time (they have a three year expiry date on them), it works out to about a dollar a day. I figure that I will wear them 'most' days, so I should get over a year. But I guess if I follow your advice, I could get 2-3 years out of a year supply. That is SWEET!!!

The bumps on your nose. You're lucky if you don't have them but you may not even think they are due to the glasses but mine are directly where my glasses used to sit and did ache when I stopped wearing the glasses. It took a while for the ones on my nose to diminish but the ones behind my ears are there for good.
When I'm done reading some of Don's posts, I will go and check it out.
I used to wear glasses, hated them my whole life.

My eyes became sensitive to contacts, back to glasses. :(

Had the laser done 5 years ago, no problems, no regrets.

Sorry to hear you are not a good candidate a1. To me the most profound things were seeing clearly in the shower and seeing the morning alarm in focus. Simple things for simple minds I guess.....

Nose lumps gone, ear marks gone.

If you haven't checked for a while I'd get an opinion on laser. I originally was not a good candidate due to astigmatism, but the technology got better.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
DistantVoyeur said:
If you haven't checked for a while I'd get an opinion on laser. I originally was not a good candidate due to astigmatism, but the technology got better.
Unfortunately I was just checked last week. It is a bit disappointing that I can't get the surgery, but I'm still stoked to have the option to be out of glasses.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Re: using them for more than a day. Yeah, while they say that the lens' are different than the weekly/monthly/year kind I saw a W5 report that showed one line of lens' being made and they simply change the packaging at the end to determine how they are selling it. I will admit from experience that the newer hydroclear lens' won't last a year but I find they easily last a week or more and I work in an extremely dusty dirty environment with lots of aerosols (which gas permeable lens' are prone to absorb).

OH, I pay $200.00 a year for mine with a $40.00 check up to give you an idea of what your costs should be. I use acuvue hydroclear advance lens with Optifree Replenish solution. I buy the two bottle kit with one case from my optometrist for $20.00 or so and I need 2 kits a year.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Mr. Lucky said:
I want the cat eye contacts
I saw an ad one halloween from a theatrical company that made them. I seem to remember they were about $1,000.00 (non-prescription) but were oma certified optical quality.
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