I just got contacts


Apr 24, 2005
a 1 player said:
Damn, what a change over 20+ years since the last time I tried them.
Why not just do the laser (lazer?) thing? Then you don't have to mess with contacts.


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Cycleguy007 said:
It's LASER... an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation...

Hell does that ever sound sexy...:)


Nov 8, 2005
a 1 player said:
Damn, what a change over 20+ years since the last time I tried them.

My God I'm handsome without glasses on!
Congrats for getting contacts A1! I also recently got contacts myself and now actually look forward to seeing sps as I can finally see what's going on:) .


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Cycleguy007 said:
It's LASER... an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation...

Oh God no, please don't suggest that he stimulates an emission.:eek:



New member
Sep 22, 2004
I got contacts a few years back. One of the best things was going to get a haircut. Sounds stupid I know, but for most of my life I've been at the mercy of whoever was cutting/styling. Being able to finally SEE what was going on was so cool. A little thing to be sure, but what a difference!


New member
Sep 25, 2006
You didnt say what type you got. I first got lenses in 76 (hard) scratched both corneas when I wore them for 19 hours one day, reverted to coke bottle glasses for 6 years then switched to soft lenses. At that time my eyes were so bad that the lens technology was JUST ahead of the decrease in my vision. in the early days I would clean, disinfect, blah blah blah. You used to be able to mix up your own saline with a jug of distilled water and sailine tablets but the Pharmcos that make solution lobbied to have saline tablets banned.

Now that lenses are so cheap I wear a set for 6 months and toss them. @ $99 for 6 I am ahead vs. buying a whole bunch of cleaning stuff.

At -9.5 i too am really on the edge of qualifying for laser but i have frriends who now see stars when driving and the Dr's I spoke to say that I would still need reading glasses. I would sooner spend my $$ elsewhere.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
MarkII said:
I got contacts a few years back. One of the best things was going to get a haircut. Sounds stupid I know, but for most of my life I've been at the mercy of whoever was cutting/styling. Being able to finally SEE what was going on was so cool. A little thing to be sure, but what a difference!
I hear you. I've been wearing contacts for 30 yrs and that was one of the greatest things when I started wearing them.

Congrats Player! But I tell you: after 30 yrs of chemicals, putting them in, taking them out, blah blah I'm ready for the laser treatment. Soon as things calm down I'm going to check out the surgery to see if I qualify.

Yeah, the technology has come a long way. All one chemical bath now. You used to have one to rinse, one to store, and then weekly protein removal baths. Plus now with the higher water content lens' they are infinitely more comfortable. I even remember people who had HARD contacts that were like solid plastic lens'.....ah the bad old days lol.

I have to ask: has your nose and skull been "shaped" by the constant pressure of glasses? I know my 'script is pretty heavy and I had indents behind my ears and divits in my nose where the glasses sat. When I first started wearing contacts these areas tended to ache a bit as they returned to normal. As I said, it's been 30 yrs since I wore glasses full time and I still have the divits behind my ears. (I had been wearing glasses from 10 - 20 previously).

One more thing: you'll want to pick up a GOOD pair of glasses. Contacts tend to make you a little more sensitive to bright sunlight, road glare etc.

HG Hunter

Active member
Jun 27, 2005
I've also been wearing contacts for 25 years now. I always have a pair of glasses available, but I try to wear them a little as possible. I try to give my eyes a break from the contacts when I sleep so I don't have to wear the glasses.
The best thing I found about switching to contacts way back when I did was how much better it was playing sports when you can see. I played soccer back then and suddenly I could line up a header and actually get. I used to wonder why I always missed by a full ball width prior to having the contacts.
Over the years, I've grown to appreciate the contacts more and more. In an effort to never have to go back, I do take good care of my contacts and clean or replace them regularly. Anything to avoid an infection. I wear the disposable ones and they're great. Pop them in clean them a couple of times a week and I'm good to go.
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