I haven't been sick with cold or flu in at least 3 years

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Now I'm being repaid in spades. Had a head cold for about a week mid month then symptoms faded. A few days passed then WHAM nailed a nasty cold &flu bug. Luckily fever hasn't been too bad but I literally can't stop coughing - since Friday morning hacking up a lung. My nose is running like a faucet now as well. I've tried everything - Benylin and Robitussin cough medicines, green tea w/lemon and honey, liquids, NyQuil, Halls and Vicks cough drops, essential oils, vitamins, hot showers nothing seems to be working. Worst time of the year for me as well as it's my super busy time at work. I guess the only other option is to see the doc and get some anti-biotics which I hate because of nasty side effects. Is there anything else I haven't tried yet?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Homemade chicken soup with lots of ginger. I make a super slow cooker recipe and freeze batches. My SO swears by it. Has everything you need.

Also lots of vitamin C. Whether pills or OJ.

I also like to sweat it out with an extra blanket and pJ's. You just have to change sheets more often either way. And pillow cases especially.

In the end the over the counter stuff is a suppressant. Not a cure. You just have to ride them out. Get the stuff that dries you out to function. And drink a ton of liquid.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Homemade chicken soup with lots of ginger. I make a super slow cooker recipe and freeze batches. My SO swears by it. Has everything you need.

Also lots of vitamin C. Whether pills or OJ.

I also like to sweat it out with an extra blanket and pJ's. You just have to change sheets more often either way. And pillow cases especially.

In the end the over the counter stuff is a suppressant. Not a cure. You just have to ride them out. Get the stuff that dries you out to function. And drink a ton of liquid.
drinking a ton of liquids - 2L of water 2-3 cups of green tea. Had some chicken soup but no ginger. Will try the ginger and garlic combo. I believe there is a viral infection (taste and smell it) so sadly I think antibodies need to be prescribed. Ugh


Your Infinite Indian Summer
Sep 24, 2010
I really hope the antibiotics help!

Have you tried Strepsils lozenges, K D? I stick to the blackcurrant ones as they have a special anaesthetic formula that numbs the throat and keeps me from coughing. Big hugs! Hope you kick this quickly.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
drinking a ton of liquids - 2L of water 2-3 cups of green tea. Had some chicken soup but no ginger. Will try the ginger and garlic combo. I believe there is a viral infection (taste and smell it) so sadly I think antibodies need to be prescribed. Ugh
Real ginger. And make it hearty. There is a comfort food thing that always helps.

There has been something "going around". SO had it for a couple of weeks. Maybe 2 days off but more about not making Co workers sick. She just rode it out and it's gone now. Similar symptoms.

I personally don't like to use much in the way of antibiotics and store bought stuff. I will for work(when I have to) but since I stopped using stuff, eating healthy, I just feel better. And I monitor my blood levels every six months and have found vitamin and other balance since.

And I just don't get sick really. Part if it is I think my contact with the hoards of the city is greatly reduced mind.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Unfortunately I let myself get run down working late nights and eating improperly. Not to mention sleepless nights dealing with a very stressful family situation. This was bound to happen and now I'm paying the price. I needed to work at least 8 hours in the office today, now I'm lucky if I'm able to put 4 or 5 in. This sucks donkey balls.

Thanks for the well wishes Amy. I did indeed use Strepsils honey lemon lozenges. Not much help I'm afraid. On the bright side I've coughed so much I got a month's worth of abdominal workouts in.
Nov 30, 2007
Had a nasty cold a few weeks ago. Was coughing so bad i couldnt even sleep. Ended up seeing my GP and she prescribed me some antibiotics which i hate as well, but 3 days later i was feelimg good.

Mr Bret

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
There's one over the counter treatment no one has mentioned so far.
Oil of Oregano. Tastes horrible, but does wonders for the throat and sinuses.

Just getting over something similar after a week.
Hope you feel better soon.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
All good advise so far.
Antibiotics are effective against bacterial infections but not much help for viruses.
OTC stuff like Nyquil that help you rest work well.
Phensedyl which is now banned was an effective codeine based cough syrup as well.
Do try different lozenges as some work for some but not others.
Ginger,tumeric and garlic in the form of a tea or mixed with apple cider vinegar can be be quite effective.
You off course may add other stuff too like lemons and cayenne pepper if you like.
The Oregano oil is used by many but elderberry syrup, echinacea etc can help kickstart the immune system which ultimately clears stuff up.
When you haven't gotten sick of a long time your immune system is not up to date which is why you get hit harder.
Some of the Asian cough syrups like Nim Jiom and Sea Coconut can also be quite effective natural alternatives.
People do use zinc along with vitamin C but one has to not overdose on zinc as it then has the opposite effect.
Also try to get your vitamin C from natural sources like citrus and their juices, amla powder, camu camu, acerola etc.
If you use antibiotics or tumeric, be sure to replenish the good bacteria in your intestines with probiotics.
Dairy can be mucus causing so maybe hold off on dairy sources until your are well.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
You caught it at the end of the season as the flu is tapering off.

Did you get a flu shot this year?
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