Now I'm being repaid in spades. Had a head cold for about a week mid month then symptoms faded. A few days passed then WHAM nailed a nasty cold &flu bug. Luckily fever hasn't been too bad but I literally can't stop coughing - since Friday morning hacking up a lung. My nose is running like a faucet now as well. I've tried everything - Benylin and Robitussin cough medicines, green tea w/lemon and honey, liquids, NyQuil, Halls and Vicks cough drops, essential oils, vitamins, hot showers nothing seems to be working. Worst time of the year for me as well as it's my super busy time at work. I guess the only other option is to see the doc and get some anti-biotics which I hate because of nasty side effects. Is there anything else I haven't tried yet?