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I have lost my father


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
I lost my father just over a month ago. I would like to share my story for two reasons, one being that I need to get it out of my head and enjoy happier thoughts of him. The other reason is I feel it may help others. That being said, it is a very sad story and you may not want to read it. The part that I feel may help others is at the latter part of the post.

About six weeks ago my father was awaken from his sleep with severe chest pains. He spent the following 13 hours self medicating with A.S.A and vodka. I learned from him later on that day that he would routinely take ASA (a known blood thinner) to ease minor chest pain and that on this occasion he added vodka; neither helped.

He drove himself to his doctor, who promptly called an ambulance. He informed me via cell phone (from the ambulance) while fighting off the paramedics. Lol I met up with him in the cardiac unit at Sunnybrook and he was in great spirits. He was admitted and had a routine procedure two days later. He spent a week in recovery and was released.

While he was in recovery he threatened on a daily basis that he was going to leave and go home because he felt fine. Once he got home his attitude change and he became very depressed…not his style at all. He hardly ate a thing for over a week and complained about back pain constantly….apparently this is all normal.

One night while I was visiting with him he said “I’m ready baci! I’m ready to go out.” He wanted to go to the track the following evening and play the slots.
He had been bugging me to go with him for months prior so I indulged him; I cannot express how grateful I am that I went with him and stoked that off of our out to-do-list. Unfortunately our evening was cut a bit short because his back pain became overwhelming. Shortly after I got him home and a short debate I called him an ambulance; the pain was that bad.

He was administered morphine and they ran a battery of tests…excellent care in this place I might add. Several hours later the doctor returned with distressing news. The tests showed that he had cancer lesions in all of his organs, glands and spinal cord. Lucky for the doctor my father was dosing while he blurted out all of this. I’m implored him not to repeat the news. I told him that he has very little fight left in him and that at the moment he thinks he has a pinched nerve in his back; I would like him to just get through this day! The doctor insisted that it was his right to hear the news. I argued that he was terminal, cannot be treated and that nothing good could come from telling him at this point. The doctor maintained his position. I let him know in so many words that he would soon be a patient himself if he continued….I won the argument. Shortly after my sister arrived and we tucked him into his new bed. He was to undergo more tests in the morning.

I stayed with my mother that night. At 6:45 the next morning I received a call from the hospital. When my father took his morning trip to the washroom he suffered a massive coronary on the way; a blood clot broke free and blocked his Aorta. Several emotions came over me at once. I was partly in shock because this wasn’t expected and partly relieved because I knew of the physical and mental suffering he had ahead of him. The doctor went on to tell me that they were currently attempting to resuscitate him and that they had been doing so for 20 minutes. I couldn’t fucking believe my ears. I hadn’t considered placing a DNR order.

I arrived at the hospital 20 minutes later and they were still trying!!!! Moments later the doctor informed me his vitals looked good…huh?? I bellowed WTF, 40 goddamn minutes, what is it with you guys?? He explained that because it came as such a surprise that they tried extra hard…fair enough. *sigh*

The rest of my family had arrived at this point and we were able to see him. He lay there hyper-ventilating on life support, not what he would have wanted. We had a short visit and met with the doctors to discuss the options. It was the most frustrating conversation I have ever had. I’m prying them to find the quickest most painless way to let him go and they were…..you can guess.

We made our way back and I instructed them to remove the artificial lung. They replaced the tube with an oxygen mask which might as well have been an artificial lung; the flow of oxygen was practically freezing his face, While my family was grouped around him I took a look at the his monitors. His heart rate was at 140 and his blood pressure was through the roof. I got the nurse to explain exactly what all the machines and tubes were doing. Then I inquired about how long he would have without the mask? She said maybe seconds maybe minutes it’s hard to tell.

I walked back in and asked my family to gather closely around him. (I don’t know where the hell I got the courage for this?) I removed the blood pressure band and threw it on the floor; I disconnected all of the IV tubes except for the morphine and threw them to the side; I pulled all of the probes off of his chest; Then finally removed the oxygen mask. At this point alarm bells are ringing and doctors are flying in the room…I sent them away.

Within seconds his breathing regulated, his heart rate dropped to 110 then leveled at 90 and blood pressure leveled off….He started snoring and making sleepy noises. :) He was feverish, so I pulled down his covers and fanned him until he cooled off. I moistened his dry lips and put some chap-stick on him. That’s more like it!! We spent several hours with him It became very apparent to me that he had a many hours left so I woke him with a tickle, and whispered in his ear to hold tight for a while and that I would be back soon.

I needed a break so I headed to a poker game with some fellow Terbites.
I returned to the hospital and spent some time talking to my dad. His breathing had slowed down substantially and he seemed to be struggling; So I let him know that all his business would be settled, I would look after my mother and that he could leave us when he was ready.
He let go moments later.

I have been afraid of that day for most of my life. I almost lost him to a brain aneurism 23 years ago. Every day after that felt like a gift and I made the most of them. My memories all filled with the usual father son stuff like learning to ride a bike and flying kites etc. The thing that stands out the most for me and makes his passing easier is that he became more of a friend to me and less of a father in the later years; I worked for him, he worked for me, we got drunk together, we played craps together, I bought him a lap dance *grins*, we played Gin rummy together…I never did beat him, and I showed him pictures of sweaty out-of-breath silicon breasted women in my bed. These are just a few of my fond memories and when I couple them with the fact that I had a hand in him passing with dignity it makes tomorrow much easier. I have no regrets.

I miss you dad.


I should be banned.
Sep 3, 2005
First off I am sorry to hear of your loss...:(

This is a very touching story. It was nice to see that you were able to spend some quality time with him near the end.

Remember the good times.


Apr 13, 2004
Sorry for your loss baci,

You seem to have had a great relationship with your dad. Your fond memories will live forever with you.

All the best.


People Are Strange!!!!!
Jul 14, 2003
All my best baci. Very sorry to hear of your loss. I am very close to my father and as he gets older (seems very quickly lately) I am very aware of his eventual departure from my life (in a physical sense). Hope you are doing ok and hope you can start remember the great times.


Shades of .....
Feb 8, 2002

Sorry for the loss and hope that the sharing of this was cathartic for you and that you and your family have found peace and can share the joy of his memory.


I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
My deepest condolences, baci. I can only imagine what you and your family must be going through. You seem like a great son.

I lost my father to a stroke three years ago. He lived a long life, but had some health problems due to his age and a lifetime of smoking. I was impressed by the fact he was able to give up smoking cold turkey when he was in his 70's. Just threw them in the trash and never looked back. It is amazing what the will to live can do. But this is not a anti-smoking story.

Unfortunately, my dad lived a half continent away, so I heard everything via telephone from my sister, after he had passed away. Not to get too corny, but I wish I could have seen him one last time to say goodbye.

The best thing about my dad's end, was that he was playing cards at the time, and was winning big. I guess the excitement got to him, but it is some small consolation to know he went out with his buddies, doing something he loved.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
You find your dad is always with you and so long as his name is spoken he shall live on with those who love him.


New member
Feb 19, 2006
all of my condolences go out to you and your family bro...i hope it has brought everyone together and made everyone more close knit than they previously were within your family... i feel thats the way to cure the pain of such a great loss...but it's good to see how close you and your father were, he will definately be watching over you with the love you have shown him...god bless...


Flies do doggy too
Sep 23, 2004
69 Hobby Road
my condolences to you and your family "a mans dignity can be everything and your a good son for giving him that"

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Very sorry for your loss.

My father died of Lung Cancer almost 2 years ago. They diagnosed him in October, and he died in April. 5 years before that, I lost my mother to pancreatic cancer.

Unless you have gone this route, you can't imagine what it's like. Hell on earth doesn't even begin to describe it really. In my mother's case, there was nothing they could do, in my father's case, they tried just about everything. I have to hand it to most doctors and nurses, they are a dedicated lot. I certainly wouldn't want that kind of job.

It's interesting how your father was complaining about a sore back, mine was complaining about a sore shoulder. This was a man who had never been sick a day in his life. He had seen a GP who had written the sore shoulder off as a bit of arthritis. Finally when the pain got so bad, he went to the hospital and they figured it out pretty quick.

Cancer is a hard way to die, and losing a parent can be the most sureal experience of a lifetime.

I am not a particularly religous person, but all I can offer you is the thought that your father's passing is not goodbye, it's just see you later.


Jan 4, 2005
My deepest condolences to you and your family. I cannot imagine what you must be going through right now.

Just a few days ago I had a dream that my father died. In my dream I went hysterical, shouting and yelliing to let it just be a dream. I'm very grateful that it was.


The above link is to a clip to a late night talk show host's tribute to his father who passed away. I couldn't help admire him for his sincereness. It was very touching and made me cry.


New member
Apr 21, 2003
I'm sorry for your loss, impressed with your care, and hope that you keep the family together as best you can. Good fortune to you and yours.


New member
Apr 21, 2003
I'm sorry for your loss, impressed with your care, and hope that you keep the family together as best you can. Good fortune to you and yours.


Active member
Sep 5, 2001
you have my deepest respect and sympathy baci. reading your story with your time with your dad is both inspiring and heart wrenching. i'm sure your dad is very proud of you as you were proud of him.

peace be with you.

you friend, mav
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