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I got my first mouse!


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
ok - so this doesn't really have anything to do with pooning, but it does involve furry little creatures though so I guess it almost counts.

I discovered I had a new roomie living under my kitchen sink - little droppings and bits of chewed paper were a dead giveaway. "This simply won't do", I says to myself. So off I trudge to Canadian Tire in search of Bait and Switch - errr, I mean bait and trap (been reading too much CL). Got myself a couple of bad-ass traps.

"I'm gonna catch me a mouse yuh-huh", I repeat to myself as I calmly set the trap (and let the trap snap shut on my fingers holy $#%* that hurts). The trap has a plastic flipper shaped like Swiss cheese that's supposed to fool the little buggers. The only one it fooled was me to think that a mouse was gonna fall for that ol' trick. So, I set the trap in position and went to bed thinking I'm gonna have a mouse mcmuffin next morning.

Needless to say, I was more than a little disappointed to see the trap was rejected and unsprung. No man, you gotta have real food to catch these devious f**ks. Ok, ok - so now I got a plan. I go dig in the fridge to find a suitable piece of cheese to set on the bait trigger thingie. I know mice like cheese. Again, I set the trap in place and stumble off to bed.

I open the sink door only to find that the cheese is gone and the trap is unsprung. "Cheap friggin' trap!", I says. Doesn't work worth a S**t!. Ahhrrgg, waitasec, I know what the problem is - not enough cheese. He's not banging on the trigger long enough to spring the latch. Ha! Ok, ok - so now I got a real plan. I sprinkle bits of cheese all on top and underneath the trigger. The longer he has to frig with the trap, the better the chances are he's going to get a spring sandwich. Once again, I slink off to bed hopeful this time I've got his number.

Next morning, I open the sink door. What fresh hell is this? Once again, I experience severe trauma - no mouse. I'm beginning to sense that I'm not dealing with an ordinary country mouse. I get a picture in my mind's eye the little creep was probably jumping up an down on the trigger just to piss me off. "Alright buster, you're ass is mine", I mutter.

I hump over to CT once again and buy some baited sticky pads. That night, I baited the spring trap with the cheese (luckily I got lots of that). I tucked the spring trap in the corner under the sink and made a little barracade with the sticky pads. Mouse has to cross over the pads to get the cheese. I cross my fingers and pray that mouse doesn't know how to use a pole vault. Off to bed I go.

I'm happy to report one less mouse lives in my house.
Please send condolences c/o Jabba.
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Apr 3, 2006

Dude, you watch too many cartoons.

Mouse eat grains and nuts.

Peanut butter is the preferred bait.


Feb 25, 2004
you are not done

Two things

there is never one mouse.
and peanut butter works every time . Put a big dab at the back of the trap and that way the little bast@rd is toast.


New member
Jun 29, 2004
Had lots of success with the sticky traps and peanut butter. The mouse was still alive on a couple of occasions. Felt kind of bad peeling it off the trap and flushing it down the toilet but got over that pretty quick.


New member
Nov 3, 2003
The cat must have been chasing the mouse, I missed the mouse but got the pussy!! Now I keep it under my pillow for lonely nights!


New member
Oct 12, 2004
"Felt kind of bad peeling it off the trap and flushing it down the toilet"

Don't feel too bad. The last three I caught I had slathered the trap with peanut butter but each time the bait was completely gone so I guess his buddies weren't too broken up. They managed to eat around him.


Mar 25, 2007
Don't feel too bad. The last three I caught I had slathered the trap with peanut butter but each time the bait was completely gone so I guess his buddies weren't too broken up. They managed to eat around him.[/QUOTE]

"They managed to eat around him" Mmmm, sounds like these little f**kers have about as much moral character as an opposition MP!


Active member
Jul 16, 2003
They have these humane traps where you can put peanut butter at the back and when the mouse goes into the trap to get it, the door closes, trapping him inside. He can eat peanut butter all night and you can take him outside (and preferably a few blocks away), release and he becomes someone else's problem. Either that or you can flush him.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
Bobman said:
Had lots of success with the sticky traps and peanut butter. The mouse was still alive on a couple of occasions. Felt kind of bad peeling it off the trap and flushing it down the toilet but got over that pretty quick.
You can release the mouse from the glue traps with vegetable oil (and a pair of gloves), if you care to let the little guys go.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
Live traps are available for a few bucks at Lee Valley Tools. Just bait it with Peanut Butter, place it with the opening along a wall near where the mice are, and dispose of the caught critter in the manner of your choosing. (My preference, an open field in the Greenbelt, well away from peoples' homes.)


Mar 7, 2008
Dog food tied down with fishing line onto a plain wooden mouse trap works great. They cant pull it away because of the line so as the fight with it it goes off. Also if the trap seems to not go off when they play with it you can squeeze the little trigger latch flatter so it doesnt have to be moved as much to set it off. My camp gets full of mice some years.


Retired Perv
Apr 3, 2007
Caught 5 mice with the tar paper like within 1 hr of putting it down. Since, nothing. Guess I got them all or they somehow learned and stay away now.
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