Blondie Massage Spa
Toronto Escorts

I fire professional professions from servicing me if they are unprofessional

Claudia Love

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
I went to the dentist it was a new dentist
she said to me you have some plaque on your teeth
I said to her oh shit I ate a granola bar about a half hour go with a coffee
because I came to early to appointment

I said to her I can brush my teeth really fast
she says no I dont have time so fine I dont
then she starts saying that she hates working in this location

then she proceeds to joke about how another patient was freaking out scared
then the dental assistant starts shooting the shit with the dentist about
why shes unhappy about her schedule

as al this is happening I have nitrous going
shes drilling my tooth
and I said I need suction
they kept talking
I waved my hands in front of them to stop
I jumped up and said
I dont want to hear this shit while im getting my teeth done
and you are hurting me more than ive endured before

she looks at me and says sit down and let me finish your tooth
doesnt say sorry gives me zero comfort

then I went to dental hygienist and I said im ready to get my teeth cleaned
I explained to her what happened
and she said just book me and not her

so I fired my dentist but honestly how can someone be that unprofessional ?

John Wick

Baba Yaga
Oct 25, 2019
Karen said: "I'd like to speak with your Manager!"
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Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts