I Can't Get Rid Of My Wife.


Aug 2, 2012
relationships between one human and another.
from three y.o @ playground to 80 y.o hobo on street,
differs none, basic elements are the same
just harder to communicate any better when emotion is involved

if you've married her, stick to YOUR words @ the wedding
wife is not something you get rid of
more like the only person you stand by
your mom expected you to leave her one day
your children will expect you to leave them one day
partner in crime is the one you expect to stay with until the end
patience is a virtue my friend


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
^^^^^^^^ EXACTLY 100 % ^^^^^^^^

Women can be so fucking moody at times. The slightest and smallest thing can set them off against you. You may not have done anything wrong against her that day, but whatever is upsetting her, she will take it out on you. Apparently for no reason.

She doesn't express herself very well.

There's always underlying tension from a previous grievance(s).

She doesn't FORGIVE.

Does she blame you for everything wrong in her life ?? Some women can get very emotionally upset over childhood issues and memories, rather than putting their past behind them.
Some women will carry grudges against all men due to grievances from previous relationships. The trust factor creates underlying tensions in new relationships.

You're her punching bag for verbal and emotional abuse. She CAN'T keep her emotions in check. She can't stay level-headed and rational.

Does she withhold sex vindictively ??? Instead of having great, HOT make~up sex !!!

If she does NOT go for HOT make~up sex than it's time to move on to greener pastures.

It's no wonder men will look elsewhere for better comfort and hopefully a more rational and intelligent woman.

One thing I've noticed about this board is that instead of probing the depths of an issue, it becomes a hall of mirrors. People who post comments do it through the filter of their own experience when that may not be the reality. When that happens it can become entertaining at best, or skewed advice and a problem at worst.

About a week ago I posted a poll based on a simple question: What is your level of education? The options followed. One of the earliest posters saw fit to deliberately choose a wrong option, brag about it, and then suggest I ask who gives a shit about this stuff. His answer did not tell me his level of education or intelligence, but it told me a lot about his level of maturity. When I called him on his inappropriate behavior he told me that "education level has no bearing on how intelligent people are," which was never part of the poll until he brought it up. Obviously the topic of education was a hot issue for him.

What's my point here? A lot of submissions will be coloured by the way the author sees the world. You must always ask yourself if the advice you're being given can stand up on its own.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
One thing I've noticed about this board is that instead of probing the depths of an issue, it becomes a hall of mirrors. People who post comments do it through the filter of their own experience when that may not be the reality. When that happens it can become entertaining at best, or skewed advice and a problem at worst.

About a week ago I posted a poll based on a simple question: What is your level of education? The options followed. One of the earliest posters saw fit to deliberately choose a wrong option, brag about it, and then suggest I ask who gives a shit about this stuff. His answer did not tell me his level of education or intelligence, but it told me a lot about his level of maturity. When I called him on his inappropriate behavior he told me that "education level has no bearing on how intelligent people are," which was never part of the poll until he brought it up. Obviously the topic of education was a hot issue for him.

What's my point here? A lot of submissions will be coloured by the way the author sees the world. You must always ask yourself if the advice you're being given can stand up on its own.

TERB is not a substitute for a real shrink.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
What's my point here? A lot of submissions will be coloured by the way the author sees the world. You must always ask yourself if the advice you're being given can stand up on its own.
That's true here and out in the real world. We are all formed by our experiences.

I happen to appreciate getting different perspectives. I only know what I know. There's a lot about life that I don't know.

A therapist simply reflects issues back to you in a way to help you think through your own experience. That's helpful to a degree, but it doesn't necessarily give you new perspectives.


May 13, 2011
That's true here and out in the real world. We are all formed by our experiences. I happen to appreciate getting different perspectives. I only know what I know. There's a lot about life that I don't know. A therapist simply reflects issues back to you in a way to help you think through your own experience. That's helpful to a degree, but it doesn't necessarily give you new perspectives.
+1, the new perspectives is what keeps this place so interesting and helps expand your own perspective. Personally, I would not want to seek professional help if I had a problem, especially marital problem, as I believe that we can fix it, provided we are open-minded and understand on how things generally work. We have to be willing to change and try different things and adapt to the change around us, which includes people and environment but still maintain your self. If the other party is not willing it will never work no matter how much professional help you seek.


Active member
Jan 20, 2004
Hey big104u. Great post. Have u been married. And to all who posted after him today ....... I don't know where else u could get a more diverse set of opinions than here. Face to face people will not be as open cause they know u and are afraid of what you'll think of them. And there r some mighty fucked up psychiatrists out there. So the pros r no guarantee. I love terb.
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