I am retiring at an early age


Aug 6, 2002
At the apex of erotica
Re: niplust

punter said:

Your post has just proven my point about psuedo gentlemen like yourself. You misuse your education to try to ridicule and belittle people whom u think r less educated than u. This is mere intellectual snobbery and is conduct unbecoming of a true gentleman. A real gentleman appreciates his education and upbringing, and realizes that these are priveleges. There r a few gentlemen on this board, however, u r not one of them.

I don't want to get too involved in this "I am smarter than thou bullshit", but since u started it:

There r several meanings to the word 'punter'. The one u chose to point out is not the most common. A punter is most commonly known as a gambler or, as my intended meaning, is slang for a john. I guess this meaning went over your head, since u took the more simplistic meaning of punt, which is to push or kick something.

Also,u may remember from elemetary school English grammar lessons that when u append 'er' to a verb, the word becomes the subject of the verb not the object, hence a punter kicks the ball and is not kicked. Is that clear?

And if it's ok with u, I'd rather keep our flames to relvant or near relevant topics, rather than straying off to talk of my jumping off a bridge or being kicked in the head.

Dear Punter:

Sincere aplolgies for any insult you may have felt. I was just having some fun venting. Perhaps I went a little too far.

By the way, thanks for the grammar lesson and clearing up who does the kicking and what gets kicked in football. I was just using a little poetic license.

No harm intended. Keep up the active posting.



New member
Oct 13, 2002
That's a shame. There r few venues or occasions where u can get gentlemen and low-class, low-lifes all in the same room - no offence intended to either parties!

TJ in the 'Peg

New member
Mar 30, 2002
A Gentlemanly Pervert ......

Dr. Gonzo said:
I consider myself a gentleman in how I choose to conduct myself, or I at least aspire to it.

At the same time I know I'm a filthy lech who loves all manner of perversion in the name of fun. There is no shame in it for me and I don't feel I need to act like a neanderthal creep and treat people like trash because of it.

I am at peace with my lechery. And I choose the company of other people at a similar peace. There is no need to mistreat or degrade (unless you're kinky and consenting!).

Believe it or not, treating people with respect works and there is no shame in being a gentleman pervert. But I see plenty of shame from other sources around here.
A Gentlemanly Pervert? I like it!!!! I may have to change my handle.



Master of Sinanju
Nov 22, 2001
Oil Please said:
Jenn Angel here is my problem >To be quite honest by your photos i've scene you are by what mainstream society would say "Fat".But in this sick society there are men who will pay to be with you.A man however with the same weight problem as yours well he would definetly not have women paying him for sex.That shows me that if you have a vagina in this world no matter how you look not only will you have sex when you want it ,but also get paid for it.I am so sick that in a rage of horniness I would probably have a sesion with you.But in all honesty would not be seen in public with you or half the sp's on this board.Behind closed doors I would probably do any and all sp's>Thats cause im sick!

Even if this is how you feel, there is no need to say such things in public. This does little to prove any point and can only serve to hurt feelings. Some things are better kept to ones self.


Jan 27, 2002
In Rome with the Pope
Remo said:

Even if this is how you feel, there is no need to say such things in public. This does little to prove any point and can only serve to hurt feelings. Some things are better kept to ones self.
Remo... What is entertaining me is what only people who have seen me in person know.



Sr. Member
Jun 19, 2002
When invaded by trolls, forget about them.

When insulted by idiots, do not respond.

Arguing with a fool just brings you down to their level.

When irritated by assholes like Punter and Oil Please, ignore them.

Eventually, their tired little minds stop working, and they wander off to other, less argumentarive, causes.

Jenn, love, don't even bother with these idiots. You're classsier than that!



New member
Jul 12, 2003
Is there that much difference between the following?

1) Paying $250 for an hour of an SP's time?

2) Paying $100 on dinner, $40 on drinks, $20 on parking, and $90 on theatre tickets for a date with a woman you won't call again?

3) Going on a date with a woman known to give car BJs if you let her order lobster on the menu?

4) Jacqueline Kennedy's marriage to Aristotle Onassis?

If I see an attractive woman walking down the street, the first thing on my mind isn't "Gee, I wonder what her favorite poem is?". Men fantasize a lot, (well, maybe not Doug Christie). We're fortunate that there are attractive women, whom we might chose to pursue in the 'real world', who are willing to yield to pursuit, at a reasonable price. Bless you for sharing that which is so precious and valuable - physical intimacy. There would likely be a sharp increase in coerced or forced sex were it not for sex for hire.

When Trudeau said that the state had no place in the bedrooms of the nation, he wasn't just referring to homosexual or abberant sexual behavior. As long as both parties are consenting adults, the context in which they do the deed is really no one's business but their own.

The Real Deal

May 26, 2003
I wish I could say I felt sorry for the Xyphu on the original post but screwing around on your partner is wrong doesn’t matter how you cut or try to justify it.

I’ve been screwed around on and done the screwing around, then I grew up! I realized that if that’s the lifestyle I wanted I’d rather be single than nobody gets hurt.

Just my 2 cents worth.


New member
Oct 29, 2002
Real Deal...I agree with you.

I've never had a problem with the "hobby" as long as nobody's getting hurt. I'm lucky to be in an open relationship where we enjoy each other's sexuality together and with other people. My boyfriend and I agree that if you're doing something that you wouldn't want to (or be able to) tell your SO - it's not worth doing.

JMO ;)

The Real Deal

May 26, 2003
I recently had a woman ask me to have a strictly sexual relationship with her. Sounded great until she announced her husband should be servicing her more often and she wouldn’t be looking elsewhere.

I backed out because I wouldn’t want to be that guy. Being single is the way to go for me as I have no one to answer to or justify my actions.


El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok
Cheating is cheating...you can rationalize all you want, but if you're doing something behind your SO's back, whatever the reason, just imagine how they'd feel if they found out. It's not the sex, it's the lying.

After reading some of the posts in this thread I thank God my wife and I are open about our sexuality. We've had a lot of fun, both together with others and separately with others, and it's always been open and honest. Some people criticize or doubt the open relationship thing, but we grew up together, have been together for 5 years, and we've never ever had any issues arise from extra-curricular activities. If I want to bang a chick, I tell her, and vice versa. Some may find this hard to believe, but it beats the shit out of rubbing gasoline all over myself to maintain the lie. The way we figure it, we're young (I'm 27 she's 23) and we should have fun while we can.

I know it's easy to say, but I just find it very hurtful to do something that you know would break your wife's heart. I don't criticize those of you who do it, and I know there are reasons, but I feel bad that you have to be in that situation.

Aug 18, 2001
I agree with Denwa, although I wouldn't want that kind of relationship. And BigBlack mocks Fred Zed's rules (Moron, Jerkoff, of course this adds to intelligent conversation how could I be so stupid.) every time he posts. Just look at the personal attacks here, by Bblack, and on the RACISM thread. I responded to an *unfounded* vicious insult (which remains, all should read that thread closely to see the hypocrisy. I thank them for making it a sticky) and Fred censors me. What do you all think Fred Zed will do about it? He even had the audacity to claim it was me that ended intelligent debate. It seems that being accused of advocating the subjugation of an entire race is just fine with Fred.


New member
Jun 26, 2002
Wired For Sound said:
I agree with Denwa, although I wouldn't want that kind of relationship. And BigBlack mocks Fred Zed's rules (Moron, Jerkoff, of course this adds to intelligent conversation how could I be so stupid.) every time he posts. Just look at the personal attacks here, by Bblack, and on the RACISM thread. I responded to an *unfounded* vicious insult (which remains, all should read that thread closely to see the hypocrisy. I thank them for making it a sticky) and Fred censors me. What do you all think Fred Zed will do about it? He even had the audacity to claim it was me that ended intelligent debate. It seems that being accused of advocating the subjugation of an entire race is just fine with Fred.
What are you talking about? Did you forget to take your medication?? Get out of my PM. I have no idea why you even brought my name up. Fred is right, you did ruin what was a civilized conversation. So be it. Accept it. How many times do you need to be warned before you begin to understand?

Wired For Sound" Listen world (wipes away tears), Fred did this to me. BigBlack did that to me....(place name here) did this to me....waaawaaawaaa....waaaawaaaa

Last edited:


B(.)(.)B Lover
Dec 5, 2001
DenWa -

You are a LUCKY MAN.....open relationship with a 23 year old. God bless you! - not that I am envious (you bastard) LOL

Thanks for the sympathy for those of us who are in the situation. I tried to get the wife to reconsider the open relationship thing but SHE WILL NOT BUDGE. And the mistress on the side DOES NOT want the open relationship either. So I have to pay for the variety and at least imagine my DAMN relationship is OPEN.
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